Sonya Thomas wins 2013 Acme Oyster contest

update June 4 Nola Defender (claiming Miki Sudo was supposed to compete) Rake & Herald and have contest reports. Jason Smith of the Hornets/Pelicans and Thomas Morestead of the Saints served as judges.

WWL has an article and video


1) Sonya Thomas 24 dozen in 8 minutes
2) Aaron Osthoff 21
3) Adrian Morgan 18
4) Corey Fanguy 11
5) Crazy Legs Conti 10
6) Ryan Shams 5 (via email)
7T) Mia Davekos 3
7T) local 3

After not finishing behind another woman in the first 118 months of her competitive eating career, Sonya Thomas now has a 2 contest streak where she was not the top female.

Comments (25)


  1. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2013 @ 2:41 pm

    This would have been another opportunity for another female to beat Sonya, has Juliet, Miki, or Michelle showed. Was Sonya sick? Maybe it’s time for her to retire.

  2. Ummm... said

    June 2, 2013 @ 8:27 pm

    Sonya won? What 2 contest streak?

  3. anonymous said

    June 2, 2013 @ 9:55 pm

    Sonya won cause sudo wasn’t there

  4. Anonymous said

    June 2, 2013 @ 10:25 pm

    those totals are pretty low compared to previous years, where the oysters bigger or something?

  5. Troll said

    June 3, 2013 @ 1:10 am

    Yeah Queen Suda gave her this one.

  6. Anonymous said

    June 3, 2013 @ 2:17 am

    Easy money passed up by Sudo or Michelle. Why?

  7. Anonymous said

    June 3, 2013 @ 3:48 am

    I bet Sonya is sweating big time over the strong potential of losing the mustard belt this year. No female has ever put up Sudo numbers in hot dogs right from the get go. In the next few years Miki doing 50 plus will be a breeze and she most likely won’t ever be touched at Nathans.

  8. ryan shams said

    June 3, 2013 @ 7:07 am

    The oysters were way bigger than usual…thays why thetotlas were low.

  9. Anonymous said

    June 3, 2013 @ 7:23 am

    Sonya was great, let’s give her her due. The oysters must have been huge. Just shows you that records depend upon many factors. Even though this is about oysters, it applies to other foods so comments about Suda etc. are in the conversation. Honestly, how can you say that so and so will do so and so. Sonya is amazing, will continue to be for as long as she wants to be. In hotdogs, any of those women are going to have to train like Joey has done and focus on hotdogs, hotdogs, hotdogs. You cannot predict anything, some eaters stay at the same level after rising like the new women have. Let’s not be hasty with our predictions, cheer everyone on and see how things develop. Yes, it is exciting to see new women, especially ones of talent like the newbies. Cheering for them of course, CE has some new blood and life.

  10. ryan shams said

    June 3, 2013 @ 8:47 am

    Fyi, per mle twitter: Major League Eating (@eatingcontest) tweeted at 1:12 PM on Sun, Jun 02, 2013:
    This year’s @AcmeOyster mollusks described separately as “huge,” “big” and “hugely big.” Early growing season, y’all. Thems were big oysters

  11. ryan shams said

    June 3, 2013 @ 8:49 am

    So i agree w 723 sonya kicked butt. I ate 64 compared to 140 last time and felt i performed as good or better..

  12. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    June 3, 2013 @ 8:57 am

    I read tweets about this year’s oysters being HUGE!

    I agree with everything stated by 7:23. Even the very best eaters have limits. I don’t think Sonya is concerned about what others eat. As she alluded to on her site, she can only control how much she eats. Eventually, a woman will come along and eat > 50 HDBs, maybe even 60. Who knows?

    But, for 10 years, Sonya has been the best of the best. She has nothing to prove. Her accomplishments precede her.

    Also, as 7:23 mentioned, it’s tough to predict the level of improvement from a qualifier to the finals. If I remember correctly, Dr. Chip Simpson qualified with 40 in his first outing, and I don’t remember him eating more than that again.

    How many Miki will eat at the finals is a question that won’t be answered until July 4th. I’m looking for 42-45. It could be more, probably not less. Either way, I hope she, Sonya, Molly, Juliet, Cardboard Shell, Larell Marie, and Maria all put in their best efforts. I can’t wait to see the “Fireworks!”

  13. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    June 3, 2013 @ 12:17 pm

    Thanks for putting things into perspective Ryan! 🙂

  14. Mouthpiece said

    June 3, 2013 @ 12:30 pm

    Miki will never do oysters, so to bring her up in this thread is pointless.

  15. anonymous said

    June 3, 2013 @ 1:39 pm

    The more you mention her name the more attention she gets. Cut it out who cares?

  16. Troll said

    June 3, 2013 @ 2:18 pm

    Yeah cut it out, who cares about BeautifulBrians new song anyway.

  17. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    June 4, 2013 @ 5:58 am

    Here’s our report:

    It covers all three of Sunday’s MLE events and includes exclusive quotes from Aaron ‘A-Train’ Osthoff; Adrian ‘the Rabbit’ Morgan; Corey ‘Da Bayou Boy’ Fanguy; Marcos ‘the Monster’ Owens; Molly Schuyler; and Pablo Martinez.

  18. Anonymous said

    June 4, 2013 @ 7:06 am

    To follow R and H, here is a report from another real journalist. Excellent!

  19. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    June 4, 2013 @ 8:26 am

    That was an excellent article, 7:06!

    R&H articles are always entertaining.

  20. anonymous said

    June 4, 2013 @ 10:29 am

    Do you think anyone gives a crap about the nasty stuff that is said about Seiken or anyone else on this haters site? Nobody ever mentions this piece of shit free blog at contests or anywhere else. This is OJ Rifkin private little world with maybe a handful of anti seiken haters and fake name Rifkin supporters. Quality eaters never post here. Only anonymous wannabe’s with no friends no life and no nothing congregate here . Their mission? To take potshots at the great Beautifulbrian because he speaks the truth about the two faced phonies in competitive eating. Before this shit load of garbage ever existed, BB was one of the most respected journalists on the face of the earth. This site is a joke and the loner that runs it is even more of a joke Take that to the bank

  21. anonymous said

    June 4, 2013 @ 10:34 am

    R& H reports hearsay. reports the action live! Here is our report? Real journalists don’t need to link their reports to suspect sources such as

  22. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    June 4, 2013 @ 11:34 am

    10:29: It’s a free country and OJ and anyone else has as much right to report about CE or any other sport or endeavor as the next person. No one is above that.

    Lots of people, including me, love R&H’s “hearsay,” 10:34.

    Lots of people, including me, enjoy the “suspect” source that is eatfeats.

    It’s mean-spirited comments such as yours, 10:34, that I dislike.

    Talking to you / Seiken is fruitless. As I say when I get off the toilet … “I’m done!”

  23. Ignatius Rake said (Registered August 6, 2012)

    June 6, 2013 @ 9:31 am

    Hello 10:34

    Thank you very much for your comments. Apologies for the late reply but as a professional card-carrying and fully accredited print journalist with 17 years’ experience, I am currently away on assignment and haven’t as yet had time to read your words.

    Anyway, while I appreciate your comments, you make a few basic mistakes with regard to terminology, which suggests to me that you do not work in the media.

    Firstly, direct quotes from participants are not “hearsay”. Secondly, does not actually report the action “live” as that would require him to simultaneously broadcast his reporting as he eats. ‘Live’ means it is reported as it happens. Anything else is not ‘live’ but after the fact. What you mean is that provides first-hand and on-the-ground eyewitness reportage, which we believe he does admirably.

    We, on the other hand, offer secondary reporting, as is the case with the vast majority of media reports everywhere, the bulk of which are actually rewritten press releases or newswire reports. I suggest you read this:

    Hearsay would be us simply repeating unsubstantiated rumour. As full-time journalists this would go against our professional and industry ethics. We are not gutter hacks, rumour merchants or sensationalist scandal seekers. We seek merely to inform and to entertain as stated in our motto “Kedhla hag Didhana”. I will leave it up to you to work out what language is being employed there. Clue: it is not Latin.

    Thirdly, how does announcing that we have a relevant and pertinent report that may well be of interest to a lot of visitors to this site in any way lessen our journalistic credibility? Does the fact that magazines and newspapers regularly take out adverts to promote themselves and their contents somehow mean that their editorial staff are no longer “real journalists”? If so, I suggest you inform Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner immediately.

    Fourthly, if Eat Feats is a “suspect source”, why do you waste your time visiting it?

    Oh, and if you want to pay for our air fares and accommodation while also providing per diem expenses, we would be more than happy to offer first-hand reports. Mind you, you would have to clear it with our employers first as we would have to take considerable time off from our journalistic day jobs to do so. We would naturally expect you to reimburse us for lost earnings in full. We accept all major credit cards.

    And big thanks, Rhonda! I’m very glad you like our reporting. I mean hearsay.

  24. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    June 6, 2013 @ 10:04 am

    Hi Iggy (if you don’t mind me calling you that)!

    It’s comments like those of 10:34 that makes me feel embarrassed for many decent, good-natured people who visit this site for fun and to contribute. It’s refreshing, however, that virtually all of the true professionals like yourself and your staff (e.g. journalists, sponsors, and other eaters), as well as fans, are above such mean-spirited tactics, which are intended only to harm the reputations of those whom the people making such remarks resentful of or jealous of.

    Nevertheless, your post at 9:31professionally, and positively, puts such remarks into perspective (as if they even merit a moment of your time). The dregs who visit here would do well to follow your example; most won’t. That would require they change something about themselves and change requires work.

    All the best!

  25. Anonymous said

    June 6, 2013 @ 10:44 am

    Hello Ignatius Rake whose work I admire greatly and am entertained by. You are more than generous. 10:34 is Seiken himself. That may be speculation, I am not only not a journalist but also am anonymous. The reason I am anonymous is precisely because Mr. Seiken does not seem to understand not only what real journalism is but also what common courtesy and proper behavior, moral behavior, honest behavior, and all the rest of what makes us good human beings and friends entails. He is a loose canon pretending to be everything he is not. That is very unfortunate for those of us who love competitive eating because he continues to try to take down eatfeats, something he will never ever succeed in doing. What he does do is spoil a lot of things so that many who would be happy to give to you quotes and the like and do, do not come here and comment. Their numbers are great.

    Thank you very very much for writing everything you have in the above comment. It should both instruct people about what media is and put things into perspective, something often missing right here on eatfeats, one of many sources but an excellent one at that.

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