Five additional end of 2013 polls have been added to the sidebar to join the previous female competitive eater of 2013 poll.


  1. TheTruth said

    January 15, 2014 @ 8:14 pm

    We need to add a category of who is the most dominate as an eater in the world. Who brings the most entertainment, the most light to the world of eating. Who is the ultimate winner.

  2. @TheTruth said

    January 15, 2014 @ 9:00 pm

    Hands down Chestnut! Now that he has 7 Nathan’s belts he is the most recognized eater in the world! Constant media coverage and s household name.

  3. Anonymous said

    January 15, 2014 @ 10:09 pm

    Wayne Algenio should be considered for rookie of the year. Butler and Pablo are better but Wayne is in the conversation

  4. Anonymous said

    January 20, 2014 @ 8:08 am

    How can Molly be rookie female 2013 if she’s been eating since like aug of 2012?

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