2015 Elk Grove pumpkin pie eating contest

update Oct 7 The Elk Grove Citizen has a contest report

Results part 1 | part 2 | part 3

Elk Grove Citizen has a video

1st 18.25 Joey “Jaws” Chestnut
2nd 13.75 Miki Sudo
3rd 8 Michelle “Cardboard Shell” Lesco
4th 7.75 Steve Hendry
5th 7.5 Erik “The Red” Denmark
6th 7 Pablo Martinez
7th 3.25 Mark Allen
7th 3.25 Lesley Ryder
7th 3.25 Joel Steinberg
10th 3 Jon Davis
11th 2.75 “Officer” Farinha
11th 2.75 Jesse O’Con
13th 2.5 “Chief” Apple
14th 1.75 Barbara LaBarge

Comments (46)


  1. Anonymous said

    October 4, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

    How did Lesley go from 6 pounds of ribs to just 3 pounds of pie? I don’t think she could eat 6 pounds of anything if her life depended on it.

  2. anon said

    October 4, 2015 @ 8:02 pm

    Steve Hendry isn’t even black!

  3. anonymous said

    October 4, 2015 @ 8:03 pm

    7:00: There’s more to how much you can eat than just weight. You have to consider the volume, surface area, type of food, etc.

  4. FBTSPod said (Registered August 20, 2014)

    October 4, 2015 @ 8:12 pm

    Great question Anonymous! She was talking about it on Periscope post contest.
    She felt she misjudged the effort/time it would take to get pie down compared to ribs. By the time she realized, she was stuck with a ton of pie in her mouth to get through. Bottom line – she was never able to get into that all important rhythm and had an off day.

    Based on the fact that she did get 6+ lbs of ribs down, I think she could eat 6 lbs of something if her life depended on it. However, maybe I am misunderstanding your sentiment.

  5. Anonymous said

    October 4, 2015 @ 8:42 pm

    FBTSPod, thank you for clearing this up. Most novices think that it takes little time to realize that their strategy is not working. I’ll say that most likely, she spent 2 minutes chewing a mouth full of food (most novices take ~3-4 minutes, so a feat on it’s own!), and then after that spent 6 minutes eating 3 more lbs which makes sense considering she ate 6 in 12 minutes.

  6. anonymous said

    October 4, 2015 @ 9:20 pm

    big question is Who the fuck cares?

  7. Rich said

    October 4, 2015 @ 9:31 pm

    FTBSPod, that must be it. Makes perfect sense (to an idiot).

  8. Rich said

    October 4, 2015 @ 9:53 pm

    Can’t wait to hear what her excuse will be next time. She can’t even beat Carlene.

  9. Inaccurate Totals said

    October 4, 2015 @ 9:59 pm

    FBTS the girl never ate 6lbs of rib meat off the bone. Next year if she has the audacity to show up she won’t even break 3 pounds. Lesley knows it and anyone who knows anything about competitive eating knows it. Take that to the bank. Mark my words!

  10. Pablo said

    October 5, 2015 @ 12:39 am

    Hey Steve what’s up? How was your day?

  11. Anonymous me said

    October 5, 2015 @ 1:03 am

    Anon 8:02p, he may be.

  12. Lesley said

    October 5, 2015 @ 2:22 am

    Hey Rich. I don’t know what to say, other than I asked Sam multiple times, both before and after I was handed the envelope, if he was absolutely certain it was my tray (yes) and if the weight was true (yes, weighed three times.) in all sincerity, as novice speaking to seasoned veteran, I don’t know what else I can say or do in that situation. To pose a solution, I would suggest a scorecard for each event, like the one we had in gyoza, so the eater can see where everything, and make the process more transparent.

    As for me, it’s my first lap around the circuit. I’m going to fall flat on my face way more than I’m going to succeed. I don’t expect any of this to change your mind about things, but as we’re both on the west coast, with many more contests ahead, we’ll be running into each other a lot. You and Carlene have both been kind to me on the road so far, and I’d really like to put this behind us.

  13. Yup I called it! said

    October 5, 2015 @ 5:40 am

    Admirable Punk said

    September 4, 2015 @ 6:21 am

    Didn’t Steve & Rich annihilate Lesley in Gyoza, hell I think even Mary Bowers beat her. Seems fishy that someone with a ten or less hot dog capacity could come along and eat 6 pounds of anything, much less a debris food against two great eaters. Sick how this injustice will go unpunished but you will all see how badly Lesley gets destroyed at her next event where we all hope the totals are calculated correctly.

  14. Anonymous said

    October 5, 2015 @ 8:56 am

    Rich get off your Fkn high horse!

  15. anonymous said

    October 5, 2015 @ 10:51 am

    Is Leslie related to the legendary Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels ?

  16. anonymous said

    October 5, 2015 @ 10:52 am

    Leslie ignore him Hes 80 yrs old and his dentures stuck in the 2004 watermelon contest

  17. Steve said (Registered June 27, 2012)

    October 5, 2015 @ 11:50 am

    Oh hi Pablo. Pretty good day. Just had some pie, but then I found out I’m not black 🙁 How was your day?

  18. anonymous said

    October 5, 2015 @ 12:37 pm

    Hey Steve,
    My day was great. You are awesome, whether you’re black or not.

  19. Rich said

    October 5, 2015 @ 12:38 pm

    Lesley, I want to make it very clear that I don’t blame you for what happened at Nugget ribs. That was the most incompetently handled MLE contest I have ever been a part of and I put full blame on the Nugget officials who were responsible for the weighing process.

  20. Pablo said

    October 5, 2015 @ 12:46 pm

    Meh, it was alright. Just got home and rested. I might go to the gym tomorrow. But I’m not sure yet. My back has been hurting so bad. No idea why. Maybe its all the sitting I do. Anyways, what you got planned this week?

  21. Rich said

    October 5, 2015 @ 1:19 pm

    If handled properly, they would have written down all pertinent numbers for each eater (with another official verifying each step along the way checking for errors). I agree with you; let’s leave this in the past.

  22. Molly said

    October 5, 2015 @ 2:02 pm

    Hey Pablo and Steve,
    Thanks for sharing your pie with me! It was really good!

  23. Steve said (Registered June 27, 2012)

    October 5, 2015 @ 2:05 pm

    Well this week i don’t have any big plans. Probably just working. I hope your back feels better.

  24. Pablo said

    October 5, 2015 @ 6:20 pm

    You’re welcome Molly 🙂

    Steve: me too. Yeah not much going on here with me either. Have you ever been to Costco? They have good food there and good sale prices on meat. You should check it out. Oh, I almost forgot something important to tell you, what’s your favorite pizza topping?

  25. Hehehe said

    October 5, 2015 @ 6:24 pm

    Love it, Pablo, Steve and Molly

  26. juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)

    October 5, 2015 @ 6:38 pm

    Pablo & Steve,
    You both did great yesterday, That’s my boys! Pabs you alternate heating&icing your back. Lesley, dont sweat yesterday’s performance you’ll bounce back at the next one. Steve, woah you’re not black?!

  27. Anonymous said

    October 5, 2015 @ 7:44 pm

    Hey Steve and Pablo – you guys are a kick! Nice way to create a diversion.

  28. Steve said (Registered June 27, 2012)

    October 5, 2015 @ 8:00 pm

    Great advise Juan! And Molly, what’s mine is yours 😘
    Pablo: I would have to say Pepperoni, artichoke hearts and sausage. Why do u ask?

  29. Anonymous said

    October 5, 2015 @ 8:08 pm

    To Rich: You must be crazy to think that a MLE run contest could be anything but perfect. They are more accurate than a Swiss watch.

  30. Pablo_Martinez said (Registered October 6, 2015)

    October 5, 2015 @ 8:20 pm

    Thanks Juan, will do on the ice and heating. Thank you for your support!

  31. Molly said

    October 5, 2015 @ 9:51 pm

    Pablo you should get chicken, bacon and mushrooms on pizza. Epic. Hey Steve, can I use your Costco membership?

  32. Anonymous said

    October 6, 2015 @ 2:56 am

    Steve “Black Russian” Hendry shares his card with all! Costco is a beautiful place. Legend has it, their brand of liquors are all top-shelf quality.

  33. anonymous said

    October 6, 2015 @ 3:19 am

    I should have wore my black shirt to hide the fat
    Notice i wore the extra large black shirt to hide my fat
    Were both obese you know
    I want to thank you for coming over im lonely and i have no friends
    If you go on facebook ill be your one friend
    Everyone needs someone

  34. anonymous said

    October 6, 2015 @ 10:56 am


  35. Pablo_Martinez said (Registered October 6, 2015)

    October 6, 2015 @ 11:58 am

    Diversion? I’m just having a friendly conversation with Steve. I figured this was a good place to have it.

    Anyways….Yeah I’m asking Steve because have you tried bbq chicken pizza? It’s bomb.com

  36. juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)

    October 6, 2015 @ 5:54 pm

    Really, BBQ chicken pizza? What bout Margarita?

  37. Steve said (Registered June 27, 2012)

    October 6, 2015 @ 9:54 pm

    Yea pretty good, pretty good. However I do prefer red sauce on pizza.

  38. juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)

    October 7, 2015 @ 8:15 am

    Who doesn’t? You’d have to be crazy not to…….or Canadian

  39. Anonymous said

    October 7, 2015 @ 9:39 am

    Or you could have a one sided conversation with Juan. He loves himself.

  40. juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)

    October 7, 2015 @ 11:20 am


  41. anonymous said

    October 7, 2015 @ 11:23 am

    I hear that FBTS plans on devoting the next 5 episodes to Juan . I tell you we just can’t get enough

  42. Anonymous said

    October 7, 2015 @ 11:26 am

    That’s why he probably broke up with Miki. Because she couldn’t measure up to himself.

  43. Anonymous said

    October 7, 2015 @ 11:33 am

    Almost definitely why.

  44. anonymous said

    October 7, 2015 @ 11:37 am

    i say a 5 hr FBTS marathon of Wild Bill and Goya should shoot the ratings up on Itunes sky high

  45. anonymous said

    October 7, 2015 @ 11:38 am

    i say just hand over the reigns to him and rename it JBTS

  46. juanmorebite82 said (Registered July 12, 2011)

    October 7, 2015 @ 12:54 pm


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