2017 Cincinnati Reds Nathan’s qualifier
update Jun 3 MLE has a video
From the Facebook Live video
1) Derek Jacobs 23
1w) Meredith Boxberger 15
Nate Biller, Crazy Legs Conti and Meredith Boxberger are expected to compete.
The previous intersection of the Cincinatti Reds and competitive eating is pitcher Frank Pastore. His time of 9:30 for the Big Texan 72 ounce steak challenge in 1987 has only been surpassed by Molly Schuyler and Joey Chestnut.
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 7:22 pm
How many qualifiers has Conti competed in so far?
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 7:28 pm
Conti final chance to get in . Figures the would set him up with an easy one vs Nate . Why does Conti care so much about making it to the finals when he finishes dead last or next to last every time out?
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 9:55 pm
Because he can’t host the after-party at Professor Thom’s without being a contestant himself in Nathan’s. Everyone who goes to the after-party is either a contestant or involved in the industry, with the exception of some wannabe fans and their families who manage to get it and schmooze with the “celebrities.”
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 9:58 pm
Here is a video of a Nathan’s afterparty hosted by CLC:
Anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 10:08 pm
Who cares? The guy has personality.
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 10:16 pm
Who is that guy at 2:11 in the video?
Who is the guy on the left at 2:46?
Who is the woman in the back at 2:58?
Who is the couple at 3:57?
Who is the guy at 4:27?
Is that Eric the Red at 4:56?
Are those guys in 1:48 behind Adrian and in 1:53 on the left members of the Rabbit’s posse?
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 10:36 pm
955 i never knew that Thanks. His entire life is that dumb party . I think he tried to get Sudo Lesco Sulkin Stephanie & Grace Lee drunk so he could have sex with them
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 10:43 pm
When it was Lerman Jarvis Krazy Kev Beautifulbrian Hardy Sonya and the rest of those guys , it was fun. If i attended the party now it would be like attending a wedding and instead of seeing your family members you look at a bunch of strangers
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 11:00 pm
Live on facebook:
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 11:02 pm
Conti is sloppy as a pig eating.
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 11:07 pm
Meredith Boxberger and some tall guy won. CLC and Nasty Nate did not win. The audio on the video was crap.
anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 11:13 pm
There’s a limit of 3 qualifiers, right?? That means Conti is done for this year, Maybe Nate too.
ErikTheElectric said (Registered January 11, 2015)
May 20, 2017 @ 2:22 am
Lol @ 10:58
With how hot dogs are produced, I think “metal fragments” are the least of our worries.
Anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 7:13 am
Remove my copyrighted work from your forum immediately. You cannot copy my work and report it here. REMOVE IMMEDIATELY OR I WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTION.
BREAKING: Nathan’s Hot Dogs Recalled Due to Metal Fragments
Nathan’s Beef Franks Recalled Due To Metal Fragments
Jam.Josh said (Registered April 11, 2013)
May 20, 2017 @ 7:28 am
@11:13 – No, there is no limit on the amount of qualifiers you can participate in. Anyone stating otherwise is spewing nonsense.
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 7:48 am
Since when Josh? The last time you can participate in more than 3 qualifiers was in 2003. Did they change the rules recently? Not to my knowledge
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 7:55 am
that truly makes me happy that Conti did not get in. Here is a man that would go out of his way to call Brian Subich and question his wild card finish in a Phila qualifier back in like 2006 or 7 claiming he had photos that proved Subich was credited with an extra plate which would screw up Conti plans for a wild card spot. A few yrs later Conti cried foul when Subich beat him by a half a hot dog which Conti claimed Subich tossed under the table. Conti wrote an article where he says he shut himself off from the world and hid under the covers in tears sobbing about how he got screwed over
North Country Gazette said
May 20, 2017 @ 8:22 am
People who steal other people’s work are called thieves and copyright infringers. Remove my work from this forum immediately. Go steal someone else’s work, anonymouse who is anonymous no more because I have your IP number, ISP and will be filing a complaint with them. anonymous said
May 19, 2017 @ 10:58 pm
BREAKING: Nathan’s Hot Dogs Recalled Due to Metal Fragments
Nathan’s Beef Franks Recalled Due To Metal Fragments
Anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 9:14 am
shaping up to be a really competitive field this year for the 8th and 9th place spots
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 9:28 am
822 file the complaint against OJ Rifkin(fake name) and eatfeats.com who has been starting trouble for nearly 12 yrs posting stories articles& videos from other sources without permission .
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 10:56 am
UPDATE: Lisa Davis did 9 HDB:
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 11:39 am
9:14 aka Brian Seiken: What you write is nonsense. OJ just reports news in his own words and gives links to the sources or videos. That is 100% allowed.
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 1:14 pm
Does any one know the pathetic totals for the rest of the field? CLC is washed up, finished, like Randy the Ram in the Wrestler.
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 1:27 pm
George Shea has an interview with Joey Chestnut prior to the contest last night:
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 1:44 pm
Before deductions, judging from the scorecard behind the eaters, it showed CLC with 19 and Nate with 17. CLC was very sloppy though with debris everywhere. It was 18 to 17, but CLC managed to put an entire hot dog in his moth as time expired
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 1:52 pm
Did you see the tweet Fink Beats the Stomach made yesterday?
“The most educated eater resurfaces in Cincinnati tonight! Shocked she didn’t hold out for a Blue Jays hosted qualifier”
They either do not know that Ramsey Hilton has a Ph.D. and other eaters have graduate degrees; or they lied, trying to be dramatic, a la George Shea.
BTW, they had better watch it if they want to remain in MLE’s good graces. This is what they just re-tweeted:
Congrats to @MollySchuyler !! She set a new World Record!! #hwy55 #hamburgereatingcontest”
I thought they were supposed to be partial to MLE??? Not very smart of them.
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 4:58 pm
The Sheas dont care if you send good wishes to eaters outside of MLE. Booker Pat & Conti were attending wingbowl on a regular basis even when Pat was still with MLE and Sheas did not take disciplinary action against them
Anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 5:49 pm
Cheaters don’t win. Biggest cheats ever: Conti, Subich, Boone, Denmark, Lee
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 6:51 pm
And Lefrevre and Thomas.
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 7:29 pm
I would sort of hold off on the allegations of cheating with Lee and Subich. Lee just eats sloppy If it comes off as cheating i don’t think it; is deliberate on her end. Subich had some rolls and dogs in his cups which happens to everyone so its technically not cheating if the judges credit him for food he didnt consume like extra plate in Phlly. Boone is an out and out cheater because he was actually caught with the goods in his hand . In a russian dumpling contest in Bryant park many years ago Boone had a bunch of dumplings squished in his clenched fist. I think it was Cookie Jarvis who brought it to George attention and George lashed out ” Boone open your fist im not fuckin playing around” LOL
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 11:23 pm
Fink beats the stomach stole most of Seiken material. They want to be the new kid on the block yet forget to pay kudos to the source that paved the way for them to report ce news. I doubt anyone listens to that dumb podcast except for some of the eaters that were on the show Juan more bite (because hes a frequent guest) Sudo and maybe 2 others. The Sheas never listen to anything because their attention span is about as focused as my ass
anonymous said
May 20, 2017 @ 11:40 pm
i am sure Bob Shoudt is cumming in his pants knowing that Conti did not make it to the finals. I could not help laughing when Conti pushed Shoudt after the corn contest after Shoudt caught him cheating . Conti sort of shoved him with lets take this outside and Shoudt threatened legal action . Shoudt was asked “Ill bet you wanted to punch him in the mouth” ? Shoudt replied ” You prove nothing nor do you get your point across by assaulting another human being ” LMFAOO
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 1:49 am
“Subich had some rolls and dogs in his cups which happens to everyone so its technically not cheating”
1. Yeah, it’s pretty easy to get dogs in your cup. Not! He cheated.
2. Your Honor, everyone else speeds, so it is ok if I sped too and broke the law. Not!
But I agree with Boone and Conti. Conti used to wear gloves and hid his food there. Look at this pic from the infamous Escondido qualifier:
He deliberately eats that sloppy. How do you end up with tons of hot dog and buns in your debris pile?? He stops eating after a half a dog and just lets it fall on the plate, hoping the amount deducted will be less than the actual amount he failed to eat. I am no way near that sloppy; neither are Stonie or many of the other eaters. I dunk and eat the bun in such a way as to leave almost none behind.
He also cheated big time in the corn contest, which caused Bob to retire from MLE, only to unveil himself as the “anonymous eater” in Wing Bowl.
Boone uses his overalls to hide food, or hides burgers in cups of water (see Furious Pete and Z-Burger incident).
Thomas deliberately hides lots of dogs in cups of water on July 4, which necessitated a change in the Nathan’s cup temporarily.
Rich Lefrevre continues eating after the contest by hiding a full hot dog in his cupped hands while covering his mouth chewing, pretending he is doing that to prevent spillage. Then when he is done, the other hot dog in his hands goes into his mouth. He cost Michelle the title in Las Vegas this year and Michelle knows it. She was just being nice on eatfeats when she praised Rich.
Of course, there are eaters outside of MLE who cheat too, bu I won’t get into that for now.
What ever happened to the concept of eating cleanly and “leaving no doubt”????
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 7:25 am
i agree with the part about Lefevre continuation eating after the contest. After the pasta contest in Little Italy back in Sept 2003 Lefevre thought he got screwed out of 2nd place and was so mad that he continued eating a bowl of pasta long after the contest ended . When Seiken asked him how he did Lefevre was bitching like a little girl ” while eating a bowl of pasta after the fact . “Well i got 2nd place but they said i got 4th ” Mind you there was no prize money for anyone that competed.
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 7:26 am
Sonya had a shit load of corn niblets on the floor in all the corn contests she competed in.
Anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 10:21 am
Top cheating eaters ranking:
1. Lee – hands down, biggest cheater ever
2. Boone
3. Subich
4. Conti
5. Denmark
6. Biller due to extreme messiness
Momma, May I Please be Excused from thr said
May 21, 2017 @ 10:30 am
Neat eating events are for children, from whom many comments are.
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 1:51 pm
“Neat eating events are for children, from whom many comments are.”
Your sentence sounds very stilted. Plus you are a slob at CE. If people want CE to grow as a sport, we are going to have to cease being so messy at the table.
I admire All Pro, which has picnic style rules. And look at the likes of Stonie, who is a very neat, and champion, eater.
Expelling Razor Blades said
May 21, 2017 @ 3:31 pm
CE is about as much a sport as competitive defacating, You must be drinking some silly shit. May you get a life some day.
Anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 5:57 pm
I don’t really think we need “picnic style” rules at pro events, eaters should be allowed to use their own unique styles and strategies in competition. I do agree that the judges should be a little more strict about the debris rules though for some events. Obviously you cannot be clean in every contest, but some eaters definitely take advantage of the lenient judging.
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 6:25 pm
to anonymous 7:25 am. You are so on about Lafevre. A year ago he slipped a hot do to Carlene, giveing him a win by a half a dog.. This year watch the video , it clearly shows him eating a minute and a half after contest ended.He needs to win for he has nothing else in his life..It was clearly seen and nothing was done…..
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 7:21 pm
I resent that comment accusing Subich of cheating. To steal a quote from Brad the Lunatic “His appetite is a natural one and not juiced up by horsepiss”
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 7:24 pm
I hear that after party is some wild shit . Orgies galore . A few yrs ago an infamous orgie including a three way with Edible Deep Dish and Furious Pete or was it Edilbe Furious Pete and LA Beast? Please make the correction
some need a life said
May 21, 2017 @ 7:33 pm
Since Lafevre was a top notch card counter in black jack back in the day , the summer is WSOP time in Vegas. Lafevre should be focusing on that instead of hot dogs. He doesnt realize how lucky he is that lives a hop skip away from the Rio , Wynn & the Bellagio while many poker pros and recreational players have to travel miles to get to Vegas and spend tons of cash on hotel airfare and not to mention the buy ins . Sudo should be playing poker also. See that guy Noons kitchen? They could have the same kitchen shipping $140k tournaments instead of cocking around with hot dogs Acccccch
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 7:35 pm
After reading the 7:24 comment i can understand why Conti is in a state of depression and hiding under the covers for the remainder of the summer. Look what he’s missing out on
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 8:30 pm
I doubt anyone can accuse Miki Sudo of cheating She is the cleanest female eater to date . She also sticks out like a sore thumb as the best looking female eater in compett eating history. She even looks good eating hot dogs doing that turning to the side wiping her mouth on ther t shirt thing which i find very innovative and sexy., Maybe without the makeup i would think twice about that remark but as long as she shows up made up she is good to go. I am sorry if i offended the other female eaters with that remark but you just dont have what she has. Not to say that y;all aint attractive but Sudo beats all of you hands down cause she got the look The only female competitive eater who ranks over Sudo in the looks department is Kate Owens
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 11:04 pm
The problem with Vegas is that smoking is allowed in casinos (except for restaurants, restrooms, and non-smoking gaming areas). I went to a casino on a regular basis. After about 6 months I developed a persistent cough. I stopped going, and in 2 months, the cough was gone!
Also, in some smaller casinos with poor ventilation systems, I had to go just one time and and my clothes reeked of smoke.
People in NY, NJ, and CT have it so much easier. Not sure about PA.
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 11:13 pm
8:30: Miki is pretty, no doubt, but I think most would vote Lisel Parillon to that tile:
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 11:57 pm
Expelling Razor Blades: you may not think CE is a sport, but this is what Mikey Sullis said in an interview with Tracy Goode of the Rake & Herald:
“Would you welcome competition (in competitive eating podcasting)?
MS: There have been some here and there.
Beautiful Brian had one… so did Don Sturdy a few years ago.
A lot of shows have done one off episodes about competitive eating… nothing long term.
We’d love competition!
Anything that helps grow the sport. “
anonymous said
May 21, 2017 @ 11:58 pm
Link for 11:57 above:
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 12:59 am
Sports Destination Management has an interview too with Richard Shea,, where they call it a sport:
[Disclosure: The interview questions and answers were written by Richard Shea, who also is an employee of Sports Destination Management]
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 7:42 am
Most of the casinos in NJ AC allow smoking in the BJ and slot machine rooms . Poker rooms ban smoking but with some of the casinos such as Borgata , you have to walk through the smoke filled slot machine area in order to get to the poker room. Parx casino in PA situated their poker rooms and slot rooms in entirely different buildings . There is no smoking in poker room building Have no idea if they allow it in their slot rooms because i don’t play slots. Never been to Foxwoods
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 7:44 am
Better off playing poker online even though there is nothing like the live atmosphere . You never have to leave your house save on carfare tolls and dealing with aggravating assholes at the table
Anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 7:58 am
Derek Jacobs ate clean and didn’t cheat like these top chEATERs!
1. Lee – world’s biggest cheater
2. Boone
3. Subich
4. Conti
5. Denmark
6. Biller
Cheaters dont win
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 9:40 am
Lee brings home the bacon while unemployed hubby is freelance writer. Not much bacon out of that
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 12:30 pm
lee brings no bacon home. she throws bacon behind her back, throws it under the table, or onto other people’s plates. And if she brings home any bacon, it’s stuffed in cups.
lee is a cheater, so is boone, subich, conti, denmark and biller.
cheaters are losers.
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 1:02 pm
Speaking of Lee, look at this photo of her during the Narthan’s weigh-in with Mayor DiBlasio:
She has her shirt tied up and is showing her abdomen, like she is going to a club. Don’t you think this is inappropriate when you are meeting the Mayor of New York City, the greatest city in the world? Show some respect for City Hall! In addition, others are wearing flip flops, another big no-no. See:
Anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 1:34 pm
Biggest cheater is Erik Lamkin. https://postimg.org/image/5f5tikb5d/ ridiculous amount of debris.
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 2:38 pm
Erik is not a cheater, you jealous bozo.
Everyone knows who the biggest cheaters ever are: Lee, Subich, Conti, Boone, Denmark, Biller.
Cheaters don’t win.
Cheaters lose.
Cheaters are losers.
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 3:17 pm
Yes 2:38, Erik is a cheater. I watched the video:
He takes credit for 6 boxes, but at least boxes 2 and 5 still have a lot of food in them. Watch 7:38-7:48 when they were counted. He is a also a very sloppy eater, with debris falling out of his mouth. There were never any deductions, nor was there weighing. He won the contest with 6 boxes. The nearest competitor had 4. He still would have won had he not cheated, but he did cheat.
anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 6:13 pm
Did anyone listen to the FBTS podcast today?
Erik “the Red” Denmark takes responsibility for cheating in his interview, starting at 2:50, and is sorry for what happened. He claims at 6:15 there was just a small piece of bun in his hand when time ended and he was scared to put it on the plate, so in the spur of the moment he put it in his pocket instead. Kind of a lame excuse, but at least he took responsibility…unlike the other Erik, who instead just makes excuses, which only makes it worse.
He also claims he does not read eatfeats anymore and that he has avoided contests the past year since he knew the controversy would come up.
Anonymous said
May 22, 2017 @ 6:21 pm
This is why Erik only competes with “debris” foods. He eats way too slowly to do well in a short contest otherwise. If Erik enters a fair contest, he will fall flat on his face.
ErikTheElectric said (Registered January 11, 2015)
May 23, 2017 @ 1:40 am
It’s no use, @ 2:38. But thank you!
I’m starting to think that after all of this time of regurgitating the same posts, the anonymous poster above (for his/her/it’s own cowardly reasons) simply states the same thing over and over again, yet when I respond and state (as I always do) that I would be more than happy to compete against he/her/it in any food(s) of his/her/it’s choosing, I hear crickets.. *yawn*
So, I’m thinking that this individual has some reading comprehension difficulties. 🙁
anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 1:51 am
Erik’s response shows he does not get the point. What a loser. And cheater.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 1:24 pm
That’s just stupid Erik. How is challenging people on this forum to a contest even remotely relevant to the issue at hand, that you cheated based on old contest footage. If I see someone shoplifting on tape, I can call them a thief in a court of law without first competing against them (in a shoplifting contest?). Whatever you do now cannot change what happened in the past, so stop deflecting.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 1:57 pm
If Erik committed some egregious fraud in the past, what exactly would all of you like him to do about it now?
ErikTheElectric said (Registered January 11, 2015)
May 23, 2017 @ 2:00 pm
Again, “anonymous”. Refer back to the numerous times that I’ve openly made the challenge to the individual(s) calling out my integrity as an eater and as someone who competes in contests. (Yes, some of us actually DO come out from behind our computer screens once and a while and show our faces and actually compete in contests.) I’ve openly stated that it can be any food that he or she desires, judged by whomever he or she wants, and with any time limit.
You’re missing the point here, you seem to keep going back to past times of inexperience and use those times to assume that I now “cheat” in every contest. Did I eat clean? Certainly not. Did I intentionally eat dirty/sloppy so that I would win the contest, certainly not. Even if I was eating as “clean as possible”, I still would have won the contest. At the end of the day, it was poutine.. Since you seem to be unfamiliar with what happens during ANY 5-10 minute eating contest, I’ll let you know a little secret… Debris is inevitable. Especially with gravy, cheese curds, and french fries.
Also, here’s some recommended reading for you:
Toodles! <3
anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 2:32 pm
Erik still won’t admit he is a cheater. Debris left in a container is not “inevitable”. He cheated, whether intentional or not. Though I fail to see how leaving food in a container is unintentional.
Erik keep weaving your tale like the arrogant cheater you are. We know better.
Orts on the Table said
May 23, 2017 @ 3:06 pm
A sizable difference exists between leaving debris and cheating. Cheating is deliberately hiding food, with the intention of fooling the judges, in order to place higher in an event. Leaving debris, even to the extent of eating “sloppily,” (to a point) is not cheating, as it is without ill intent (the vast majority of the time). Some people just eat more neatly than others–contest or not.
The more neatly one eats, the less deduction and vice-versa, hence, the importance of judging. As in any sport, judges in CE are imperfect, human, and judging is subjective. It’s the same with MLB umpires, NFL refs, NBA refs, and NHL officials.
If an eater pulls a Grace Lee-sized faux pas, with more handled food going outside the mouth than in it, then that eater needs to be disqualified, plain and simple. But, short of that, leaving more debris is offset by a loftier deduction. That’s it. That’s part of the sport.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 3:49 pm
There’s a difference between “cheating” and allowing the adrenaline of a contest atmosphere to overtake your conduct. Erik’s leaving debris behind more likely feels like the second.
Anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 3:58 pm
The poutine contest was just a few months ago, so that’s hardly a time of “inexperience” for someone who’s been competing for a couple of years. You’ve been incredibly sloppy (to the point of being questionable) at a number of contest Erik, so you should stop pretending that the situation at poutine is a one time thing. Whether you admit it or not, this does hurt how others perceive your integrity.
anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 4:15 pm
anonymous 2:32, it’s clear you have some personal thing against Erik L.
Did he beat you in a contest? Then you’re a loser for wallowing in own failure.
Are you jealous of his Youtube success? Then you’re mad at him for something you can do yourself, but choose to lash out at him.
Quit being a little bitch and fix your shit.
anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 6:03 pm
Except Orts, there were no deductions made in this contest.
“Leave no doubt”. Eat all of your food and there will be no problems.
anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 6:05 pm
3:49: How does “adrenaline” make you leave a third of two boxes filled with food?? LMAO.
anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 6:14 pm
MLE already knows who they want.. They know who cheats,but if its someone they want they overlook it.Just look at the judges.Do they really ever do a search or do they rush to announce the winner..Think about that.If you not one of the top ten Learn
Anonymous said
May 23, 2017 @ 6:17 pm
@3:06 do you not think that someone with this much debris https://postimg.org/image/5f5tikb5d/ should be disqualified? It’s arguable that Erik is leaving behind more food than he is eating. Even most contest organizers don’t take CE seriously, so you will rarely be deducted accordingly for debris. Take Erik’s poutine video, there was ZERO deductions whatsoever. The only time I know Erik was deducted was at pies with MLE, and that was about a 20% deduction which would make a significant difference in most contests where the organizers don’t care.
Life's a Picnic said
May 23, 2017 @ 7:36 pm
Get rid of dunking and you’ll not only get rid of most debris, it will be far easier to judge such contests.
anonymous said
May 24, 2017 @ 2:21 am
Get rid of dunking and watch Chestnut fall from 69 to 35
Anonymous said
May 24, 2017 @ 11:28 pm
my List
1. Conti – please dis be da GOLD STANDARD
2. Boone
3. Brunelli
4. Seiken
5. Denmark
6. Juliet Lee
7. Sonya
8. Pedram
9. Jarvis
10. us mail
10. yasir (tie)
10. Zisser (tie)
Anonymous said
May 24, 2017 @ 11:38 pm
ERIC eat sumpin without throwing up – you are a cheaterl. you might beat me in a contest face 2 face, but it dont mean you dont cheat. If i mispel a word, it still dont mean dat you dont cheat. embrace your cheatery and your throwapery. U CHEAT
anonymous said
May 25, 2017 @ 12:34 am
Erik Lamkin does throw up after every contest, challenge, or practice.
cheating said
May 25, 2017 @ 2:07 am
At around the 4:32 mark of this video Erik the Red Denmark is asked what does he think of people that cheat? “people cheat i guess to make up for things they cant do”
Nice try 11:28 said
May 25, 2017 @ 9:59 am
Subich the little cheating bitch