Expected Labor Day weekend contest entrants

A Krystal press release says that Joey Chestnut, Crazy Legs Conti, Hall Hunt and Joe LaRue will appear at the Jacksonville Krystal qualifier. Hall Hunt will enter the 2 minute preliminary round. Fox30 has an article about the qualifier. “The Hangman” Bruce Pobanz is also expected.

A Buffalo Wing Festival press release says that Sonya Thomas will appear at the festival (but does not explicitly state she will compete in the contest) Bob Shoudt and Brian Seiken say they will attend on their websites.

An IFOCE press release says that the top three finishers in last years Waffle House contest: Joey Chestnut, Sonya Thomas and Pat Bertoletti are expected back in this year’s contest. “The Hangman” Bruce Pobanz will also compete.

Hall Hunt has withdrawn from the Lewisville tamale contest and a comment says he will be replaced by Rich LeFevre


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