The Las Vegas Review Journal reports that Joey Chestnut will compete against Shaquille O'Neal in an upcoming episode of Shaq vs.. The recording on Saturday at a currently undetermined location in Las Vegas.


  1. Rob said

    July 5, 2010 @ 10:00 am

    So after all this contract dispute, Chestnut is appearing on a TV show? Isnt that basically rubbing salt into the wound for Kobayashi…

    MLE is a sickening joke.

  2. "Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)

    July 5, 2010 @ 11:58 am

    Well put.

  3. Mega Munch said

    July 5, 2010 @ 12:46 pm

    Nah, the show must go on. It’s not Joey’s fault Koby got arrested.

    “Shaq vs.” is a funny show if you haven’t seen it. If they’re doing a 10 minute HDB contest, I think Shaq might put down 15 dogs or so. Not bad for a first timer.

  4. Mega Munch said

    July 5, 2010 @ 12:47 pm

    Speaking of basketball and competitive eating, what ever happened with that Jimmy Kimmel request for eaters willing to eat a basketball? Did they do that?

  5. NReda said

    July 5, 2010 @ 3:01 pm

    That basketball stunt actually crossed my mind two days ago! I wondered if it really happened, or what the “basketball” was made from.

  6. Anonymous said

    July 5, 2010 @ 6:31 pm

    Shaq’s show is still on the air? wow

  7. Matt Cohen said (Registered April 12, 2010)

    July 5, 2010 @ 8:20 pm

    I talked to the producer of the Jimmy Kimmel show several times on the day they requested eaters, attemping to talk them into a cake basketball or Ice cream basketball or any kind of edible basketball shaped product that wouldn’t result in a hospital stay. They ended up not even doing a show between the six and seventh game . She said they had to many Ideas and no time. so they just skipped it. ( they wanted someone to eat an actual basketball throughout the course of the show) idiots!!!

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