Three deductions for Sonya in the past 6 months

With the penalty in the Saturday’s pretzel contest, Sonya Thomas has received three deductions in the past six months which have cost her finishing positions & prize money.

Sept. Buffalo Wing Festival. Debris drops Sonya from being in 2nd place alone to a 2nd place tie with Bob Shoudt
Dec. Atlantic City meatball contest – Dropped from first place to 2nd place
Jan. Miami Pretzels – Dropped from second place tie w Tim Janus to 3rd place

Comments (18)


  1. Anonymous said

    January 24, 2007 @ 12:20 am

    It is important to remember that the infraction was different this time around.

  2. Anonymous said

    January 24, 2007 @ 7:04 am

    Sonya should not be given any special rights just because she’s a chick, nor should anyone for that matter. It’s good to see the circuit cracking down on these so called cheaters of the sport. Simple and plain EAT CLEAN, FINISH ALL YOUR FOOD ON THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR OR STAY HOME! NO TURNING YOURSELF INTO A HUMAN CHIPMUNK AT THE END OF A CONTEST!! You know who you are.

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    January 24, 2007 @ 7:17 am

    I’ve noticed that too. I’m not saying that one or more of these deductions was unfounded, because they likely were. But surely Sonya is not the only top eater who merits deductions. That’s one of the hazards of being a female in the center of the table. And the IFOCE honeymoon period has been over for a while now.

    For the last 6 months or so, however, it’s as if Sonya is an orange hot rod traveling amongst black sedans many of which are exceeding the posted speed limit by the same amount as the sports car, but the brightly colored vehicle stands out and is the one to get ticketed.

    I think Sonya will eventually change the paint color.

  4. Mega Munch said

    January 24, 2007 @ 8:09 am

    Tough breaks for sure. Hopefully all the eaters at the table are held to the same standard. I know the judges watch the top 3 or 4 finishers (or who they assume will finish in the top 3) the closest, but imagine how closely they’ll have to monitor and judge ALL EATERS at the table now that they’ll be giving points to the Top 10 finishers. Things like debris, detritus, violating dunking limits and outside-the-mouth food suddenly apply to EVERYONE! Good luck with that.

  5. Rhonda Evans said

    January 24, 2007 @ 10:00 am

    Anonymous judging from your tone you’re a disegruntled eater. I wonder how much of a penalty Sonya or any decent eater would have to endure before you (and the like) would be a threat to them.

    You’re definitely not a quality gurgitator, or else you wouldn’t be lamenting in that manner. Shut up and put something in your mouth other than your foot.

  6. Liz said

    January 24, 2007 @ 10:45 am

    It does seem odd that (for whatever reason) these deductions are all coming in a row for her. Though, let’s not forget instances where she scraped by and other eaters were penalized. At the grilled cheese finals last year, for instance, her and Tim both poured water over their plates of sandwiches, but only Tim’s was taken away (Sonya finished 1st, Tim 6th). I’m sure all eaters have stories about deductions that should or should not have been.

  7. anonymous said

    January 24, 2007 @ 11:06 am

    Also notice she fails to mention the pretzel contest on her website. That spells one thing . SONYA IS PISSED OFF AGAIN!

  8. Seiken lover said

    January 24, 2007 @ 11:11 am

    Rhonda notice how “anonymous” attempts to set up beautifulbrian by using the word “chick” so everyone will think he left the negative post about Sonya. Check the IP address and im sure OJ will confirm that someone is trying to inadvertantly start some shit

  9. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    January 24, 2007 @ 11:23 am

    I can confirm that the “chick” comment did not come from Brian Seiken.

  10. anonymous said

    January 24, 2007 @ 11:29 am

    Text usually gives someone away. The word “chipmunking” was used quite often on his website by this ex IFOCE member

  11. Gentleman Joe said

    January 24, 2007 @ 11:38 am

    I only recall Coonie, Arnie? & especially Eddie the Geek having a problem w/chipmunking. If its allowed, its fine. I disagree w/the setup theory. The rest of the post besides the “chick” part didn’t seem anything like BB at all. He also seldom uses anonymous, he usually will go with a stupid moniker.

  12. Rhonda Evans said

    January 24, 2007 @ 12:14 pm

    Seiken lover: I don’t believe BB would ever do that to another respectful eater, and I never thought that. He and Sonya seem to be respectful of one another.

  13. Rhonda Evans said

    January 24, 2007 @ 12:20 pm

    Also, Sonya has pride and is not a quitter. These “close calls” will make her even more ravenous for victories, and I believe ultimately will go a long way in making all eaters better, collectively. As I read on a Web site recently, maybe hers, unless I dreamt it, “there’s an ample supply of potent venom left in the Black Widow’s glands.”

  14. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    January 24, 2007 @ 2:08 pm

    Sonya Thomas is awesome! Anybody that has anything negative to say about her is just foolish.

  15. anonymous said

    January 24, 2007 @ 2:18 pm

    Todd do you ever have anything negative to say about anyone? All we ever hear from you is This one is awesome , that one is awesome. I’m beginning to think you are one brown nosing bs artist

  16. Rhonda Evans said

    January 24, 2007 @ 2:59 pm

    Todd thank you so much for saying that. Your postings are among the most constructive, thoughtful ones on this site. I really mean that.

  17. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    January 25, 2007 @ 4:16 am

    Rhonda, you are awesome as well! I am looking forward to the Queen Mary contest and hope Sonya participates. Competitive eating is a celebration of fun. Participants who perform well are symbols of that spirit. Lately, there has been a lot of bashing to Sonya, Don, BB, and now Ron Koch. The bashing just takes away from the spirit of fun. Nobody likes a party pooper. So, if you don’t have something nice to say, go eat a hot dog or two or 53 and 3/4.

  18. Rhonda Evans said

    January 25, 2007 @ 7:29 am

    “Competitive eating is a celebration of fun!” … Todd, that is absolutely correct. And the bashing that occurs should not be, and that’s unfortunate. Fortunately, that occurs for the most part, among fans and followers, and not quality eaters.

    I am sorry to say, in earnest, that on occasion I have also been drawn into retaliatory bashing of a few eaters or other fans. But when I do a little introspection I realize that’s not the proper thing to do, and I ALWAYS feel a bit of shame and regret afterwards. But your proclamation is the ideal we should all strive for. (Ironically, I expect to get lambasted for stating that. After all, who am I to state that?)

    The problem is worsened when some of the eaters make outlandish, boastful claims that they’re going to do this and do that. Central to this behavior is an eater who feels he has something to prove. If I were face-to-face with the eater when he said that I would ask him, “Are you trying to prove something to others or to yourself.” It’s sad when one’s feeling of worth hinges on whether or not he can outeat someone As you stated Todd, this should be fun!.

    Those rantings invite bashing, and that’s what draws me in to the foray, I’m sorry to say, as I should have more self-control. When we start making excuses for our negative behavior, we cease taking responsibility for our actions.

    Hats off to you Todd, for stating the ideal. By the way, Todd, since Sonya’s the defending Chili Cheese Fry Champ, I suspect she will be there (aboard the Queen Mary). And I expect to her to perform admirably. For as “Badlands” Booker once stated on his site after one of the Oyster contests, “Sonya’s a hero with a fork and a spoon,” and I believe forks or similar utensils are mandatory when eating chili cheese fries.

    Best of luck to you Todd … keep up the thoughtful, constructive, fun, positive posts! I certainly notice them!

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