reports on meatball contest controversy

The Inqlings column in has several paragraphs about the controversy following Saturday’s meatball contest. Sonya Thomas is threatening to sit out Wing Bowl 15 in protest of the decision awarding Bob Shoudt the victory in that event.

Comments (17)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    December 5, 2006 @ 10:23 am

    I knew this was coming. That’s really a win-win situation for Bob and Sonya. First off, Sonya wouldn’t be allowed to win anyway, regardless of how many wings she eats, so she won’t have to suffer any more needless emotional distress. Second, Humble Bob can make room for his new Suzuki car. Third, there’s too much risk for Sonya to show up.

    It will be even worse for her this time than 2004. She could actually be killed if she attends this time. I’m not joking. Enough of the Philly fans who attend Wing Bowl are / become too drunk and irresponsible to care otherwise.

  2. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    December 5, 2006 @ 10:28 am

    After the Thanksgiving Invitational George Shea spoke to each eater and sid they need to clean up their areas to be sure we get an acurate weight. Big Brian and I then set out to pile everything on our plates.

    George then came by a second time and picked up the tiniest speck of Turkey that I had missed and said in a warning tone that EVERYTHING must be put on the plate.

    I do not know what happened in AC because I was not there…but I have to tell you I agree with the IFOCE’s latest effort to get the most ACCURATE and COMPLETE results for everyone at the table, even for a table-ender like me. I really appreciate that.

    I’m impressed how close Meatballs was, and I’m so very proud of Humble Bob earning a victory over the best in the world.

    You can bet your Ass that next time people are going to be much more attentive when cleaning their areas.

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    December 5, 2006 @ 10:42 am

    I agree Steak. The important thing is that eaters know what to expect. Since that precedent has been set, it’s up to the IFOCE to take that same strict tone EVERY time and not just sometimes. Selective or inconsistent enforcement of the rules can do as much harm, no, more harm, as not enforcing them at all. Otherwise eaters will say to themselves, “Joe-bag-of-doughnuts got away with it last time, so I don’t need to be so careful this time.

  4. Mad Stork said

    December 5, 2006 @ 10:48 am

    Yes, Steakbellie. I totally agree with you. The IFOCE is cracking down, and that’s good. Maybe he gave Sonya and Joey the deduction he did because he wants to show everyone that he means business. It remains to be seen how long this crack down will last but people realize if you cheat like that you will get what you having coming. Sonya, get over it. Joey (he was penalized too) did not put on a tantrum.

  5. Mad Stork said

    December 5, 2006 @ 10:49 am

    I just voted in the poll about the video. 62% say No Penalty. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense! Pat f*cked the Sheas, he’s out.

  6. Philly Guy said

    December 5, 2006 @ 11:19 am

    Being in the front, I got a peep under the table. Sonya had a good bit under that table. I’d say more than an ounce.

  7. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2006 @ 11:29 am

    If I were Sonya, I would sit out.

  8. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2006 @ 12:18 pm

    Sonya’s already lost NINE times this year, Wing bowl would be her tenth loss. In the past this was un heard of, but now any top ten eater could have her number just like Chip, Rich, Bob, Pat, Tim, and Joey all eaters who have beat her FAIR and SQUARE this year! This must be very very hard for her to accept, because in the past she used to be so dominating. As time goes on it’s only going to get worse for her,. It could happen to anyone except TAKERU! lol

  9. Mikey said

    December 5, 2006 @ 12:45 pm

    Its falling apart for the Shea’s . First Pat rebellion , now Sonya has had enough and is going to sit out wingbowl. Treat people like shit and this is what you get

  10. Jake from SF said

    December 5, 2006 @ 12:47 pm

    OMG… you guys are attacking the IFOCE and excusing Sonya for her bad behavior. Even if the IFOCE was wrong it happens. Sonya has won contests many times, she should show the type of champion she is a take a loss graciously. Humble Bob was not the reason she lost, yet she figuratively slapped him in the face when she didn’t shake his hand. Humble Bob is a class act and should not have been treated that way by anyone (especially someone who is supposed to represent the IFOCE like Sonya. Now Sonya is going to sit out a competition… big deal… who cares… she’s only hurting herself if she doesn’t compete not anyone else. Humble Bob again congrats on your well deserved win. Sonya, you lost get over it, Joey has and he probably will be back in the winners column sometime soon. I don’t know if I can say the same for you unless you just GET OVER IT and move on!

  11. Rufus said

    December 5, 2006 @ 2:30 pm

    Sonya is still a truly great eater and the greatest woman eater of all time. I absolutely applaud her for what some of you call childish behavior.

    It takes courage and resolve to state your feelings in front of a hostile, bullying crowd and it takes guts to stand up for what is right. She is the fiercest competitor of them all and that’s what sports and sports entertainment is all about, competition and striving to win. Well you want spirit, Sonya has it. If you don’t want it, go take a nap or watch Sesame Street or something.

    It’s real easy to pick on her and it seems to me that whenever the IFOCE decides to enforce rules they often do it at Sonya’s expense. Sure, pick on the weakest person. Pick on the smallest person. People that do that are cowards. Sonya is not. She’s a fighter if I ever saw one. It’s a good thing she’s not a 300 lbs man. She’d be whipping some major ass!

    People need to lay off her. Pound for pound she is the best eater who ever picked up a fork and spoon. Just be glad these contests are short ones, or lots of people would be bitching about her winning each and every one.

    By the way, I would have loved to have seen the Meatball contest go into a 1 or two-minute overtime period. Everyone knows why it didn’t. Total bullshit. TOTAL BULLSHIT!

  12. Wing Kong said

    December 5, 2006 @ 2:44 pm

    Rhonda I think your being a bit extreme when you talk about her life being in danger. I was in the 2004 WingBowl and we were on a replica of the Liberty Place Building flying a huge Eagles flag, and the crowd still threw things at us. But after the 2004 incidents they have really taken control the fans actions and put a zero tolerance policy in place for those types of actions. It was very rowdy and raunchy last year but there were no incidents of throwing things at/on Eaters or their entourages. Please understand I am by no means saying she didn’t get screwed at the final table because I believe she did, and so did Badlands Booker if memory serves me correct. But does she really need to use Meatballs as an excuse if she doesn’t want to go back? I think if she doesn’t want to go then don’t go. In the end don’t we all choose the competitions we want to compete in???

  13. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2006 @ 3:01 pm

    In another meatball thread, another anon said:

    Anonymous said,
    December 5, 2006 @ 11:56 am

    There is another video taken by a fan at the meatball contest that has a clear shot of an eater putting meatballs under the table as time ran out…developing story.

    Things that make me go Hmmm…which one of the 17 eaters?

  14. Rhonda Evans said

    December 5, 2006 @ 3:36 pm

    Hi Wing Kong. Maybe I am being a bit too melodramatic about Sonya’s safety during Wing Bowl. About the position that she might refuse to attend because of meatballs, I don’t know that I believe that.

    I’m not saying anybody is fabricating a story, but I will say that sometimes things are stretched for drama purposes to support a theme. This may be the case here to make locals “hate” Sonya more than they already do and to cheer more loudly for the locals.

    All this revolves around money and publicity and both Angelo and George Shea are absolute masters at it.

  15. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2006 @ 4:43 pm

    I agree with Rhonda about selective rules enforcement. Rhonda it is painfully obvious that Don Lerman got shafted at the ice cream contest. Crazy Legs and Eater X did NOT use the utensil provided as in the rules or at least the spirit of the rules. Since they are obviously the Sheas pets, they were allowed to get away with it. If the situation was reversed, then Don would have been DQd. If he was not DQd, he certainly would not have been rewarded for breaking the rules by getting even more TV and radio interviews like those two did.

  16. Rhonda Evans said

    December 6, 2006 @ 7:19 am

    You know Anony, I think it’s only human for the Sheas or anyone else to like some people more than others from a “personal” standpoint, as we’re all human. But rules do have to be consistent, and when they’re not, judges are immediately accused of favoritism.

    Additionally, I believe that more people need to be used as judges.There needs to be at least two for each event, and they each need to be on the same “sheet of music,” rule-wise.”

    It’s nearly impossible for one person to accurately observe all eaters enough to be fair and impartial. I have heard of instances in some contests when a judge has actually cheered for one eater and not the others. This sort of thing must be avoided, because it causes the whole organization, whetever organization that is, to lose credibility.

  17. Mr Wright said

    December 6, 2006 @ 8:21 am

    Anony why dont you tell us who the eater was that threw his or her meatballs under the table so we can clear up the mess as to who is cheating in this organization

  18. ?ekilli nick said (Comment pending approval)

    March 9, 2022 @ 2:24 pm

    ?ekilli nick yazi sitesi

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