Wing Bowl 15 (February 2, 2007) category

"Swallow Your Pride", a documentary about the 2005 Wing Bowl, can be viewed in full on youtube. The film traces the preparations of several competitors in that event including Bill "El Wingador" Simmons and Bob Shoudt.

Wing Bowl 15 halftime results flashback

The following results were announced after the first fourteen minutes of this year’s Wing Bowl:

1. Gentleman Jerry, 112 wings
2. Beast from the Northeast, 91
3. Dave “US Male” Goldstein, 89
4. Sonya Thomas, 84
5. Pat Bertoletti, 83
6. Damaging Doug, 81
7. Bulldog, 78
8. Curly von Burly, 77
9. Joey Chestnut, 75
10. Dr. WingLove, 73
? Micah “Wing Kong” Collins
? Rich LeFevre
? Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston
? Bob Shoudt
? Chip Simpson

Seven local eaters were reported as having defeated 3 top 8 IFOCE members (Bob Shoudt, Rich LeFevre, Chip Simpson), but Dave “US Male” Goldstein is the only local finishing in the top 10 who entered an IFOCE or AICE contest following the Wing Bowl.

If “Gentleman” Jerry can repeat the 49% advantage he had over Joey Chestnut in other contests lasting less than 14 minutes, that would correspond to him eating 98.5 hot dogs or 154 Krystals.

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Steakbellie at Wing Bowl 15 Part 4

Joey Chestnut’s Wing Bowl 15 entrance

Videos of Joey Chestnut entering the Wachovia Center before Wing Bowl 15 can be viewed at and


Steakbellie enters the arena

Steakbellie has posted the third of a planned six reports on his Wing Bowl 15 experience. This segment is about his procession into the Wachovia Center.


Wing Bowl 15 DVD trailer available

A promotional clip for the Wing Bowl 15 DVD can be viewed at The DVD can be purchased at

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Jewish Exponent on Dave “US Male” Goldstein

The Jewish Exponent has an article about Dave “US Male” Goldstein who finished in the top five of Wing Bowl 15. Goldstein’s qualifying stunt was eating letters, which he accomplished by eating pancakes shaped like letters of the alphabet instead of paper items.

Most readers of this website will probably disagree with the following paragraph (and one will definitely beg to differ):

Goldstein now becomes arguably the best Jewish Wing Bowl competitor, surpassing 2002’s “Lord of the Wings” Alix Friedman and last year’s “Hungry, Hungry Hebrew” Adam Taxin, who both failed to make it to the second round when they competed.

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Phillyist wingette interview

The Phillyist blog has an interview with Leslie McKenna, who was a wingette for Dave the Dumpster at Wing Bowl 15.

What do you say to people who think it’s a joke – nothing more than a drunken Bacchanal?
It’s a serious contest. A title and a car. Go to a football game and there are half-naked girls there. It’s a serious competition and we’re there to support them. These guys take a lot of time preparing and promoting.


Dr. Slob article in the Suburban Advertiser

The Suburban Advertiser has an article about Wing Bowl 15 that focuses on Timothy “Dr. Slob” Cusick. The article says that “Peter” Bertoletti was the runner-up;


Wing Bowl videos on

There are several Wing Bowl videos viewable at (Go to channels, then Wing Bowl)


News of Delaware County Wing Bowl article

News of Delaware County has an article about the three Wing Bowl locals, Gentleman Jerry, Steakbellie and Wing Kong. The article is mainly about Gentleman Jerry, but you can get more information about the other Wing Bowl experiences at the Wing Kong & Steakbellie blogs. Steakbellie has posted part 1 of a planned 6 which covers the Thursday night weigh in.


More Wing Bowl 15 galleries


Not all pictures are safe for work / families

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Angelo Cataldi’s Wing Bowl 15 report

Angelo Cataldi has his thoughts about Wing Bowl 15 on his blog:

The dramatic announcement at the end of Wing Bowl 15 that El Wingador is coming out of retirement to face Chestnut next year will make it the most anticipated Wing Bowl ever. Between them, El Wingador and Joey Chestnut have won seven out of the last nine Wing Bowls, but they have never faced each other. In fact, Chestnut said he would not have returned unless he got a shot at the all-time Philadelphia champion in 2008.


Steakbellie’s Wing Bowl 15 experience

Steakbellie has uploaded the first post in a planned series about his Wing Bowl 15 experience. A picture of his float (above) is included.

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Crazy Legs Conti entourage member Wing Bowl livejournal

A member of Crazy Legs Conti’s Wing Bowl entourage wrote a livejournal entry about her night and morning.

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Mitch Williams’ car ignited in Wing Bowl parking lot reports that former Phillies reliever Mitch William’s car suffered the same fate as the Phillies 9th inning lead in game 6 of the 1993 World Series:

Waiting on a friend, he pulled his ’06 Chrysler 300 into a parking spot. Soon, “I smelled something kind of burning in my car,” Williams says. “I got out, finally, and saw smoke. I was trying to get the hood open, and I couldn’t get it open, and I looked underneath.”

Someone had left a barbecue grill smoldering in the lot, and it ignited the car’s engine.


Wing Bowl 15 articles part 2

Wing Bowl 15 top 5 round by round

Total Round 1 Round 2 Final Round 2 / Round 1
Joey Chestnut 182 75 91 16 1.21
Pat Bertoletti 170 83 74 13 .89
Sonya Thomas 169 84 72 13 .86
“Gentleman” Jerry Coughlan 167 112 46 9 .42
Dave “US Male” Goldstein 138 89 41 8 .46


Wing Bowl 15 DVD on sale

Wing Bowl 15 DVDs are available for sale at for $12. Proceeds from DVD sales will go to the Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience and the Christopher Reeve Foundation. DVDs will be shipped around March 1.


Wing Bowl 15 articles

Joey Chestnut repeats in Wing Bowl, will face El Wingador in WB 16 reports that Joey Chestnut won the Wing Bowl with a record 182 wings. El Wingador announced that he intends to be back for Wing Bowl 16. The reported results:

1. Joey Chestnut 182 wings
2. Patrick Bertoletti 170 wings
3. Sonya Thomas 169 wings
4. Gentleman Jerry, 167 wings
5. U.S. Male, 138

Other top 10 finishers (amount at end of first round listed)
Dr. Winglove, 73
Curley von Burley, 77
Bulldog, 78
Damaging Doug, 81
Beast from the Northeast, 91

update had a much better live blog than Steakbellie’s float was a giant can of “Whoopass” beer and Humble Bob’s float was of Joey chestnut roasting over a fake fire.

update #2 also did a live blog from the Wachovia Center

Comments (14) Wing Bowl 15 live blog

A live blog has been set up at which claims that Damaging Doug has the early lead.

The AttyTood blog by a writer for the Philadelphia Daily News wrote an anti-Wing Bowl entry which has recevied 49 comments:

The comedian Martin Mull once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. True, but dancing about architecture would be more entertaining than PEOPLE EATING ON THE RADIO!

updatecbs3 has an article and video segment previewing Wing Bowl 15

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Steakbellie’s last meal (before Wing Bowl 15)

Steakbellie has written a post about the conclusion of his preparations for Wing Bowl 15. He is more confident about winning the prize for best float than winning the eating contest.

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Team Chestnut taking applications

The weekly Wing Bowl column says that Joey Chestnut has available tickets and is taking applications for his entourage.

Chestnut, 23, who set a record last year with 173 wings, is coming in from San Jose, Calif., for the sold-out circus at Wachovia Center and needs a few people “to be part of Team Chestnut.” E-mail your name, contact info and why you deserve a slot on his entourage to

The online Wing Bowl video game has been updated at

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Wing Bowl 15 odds released on

Wing Bowl 15 odds have been posted at The top 10 favorites are:

Patrick Bertoletti, Chicago, IL, 190 lbs., 2-1 odds
Joey Chestnut, San Jose, CA, 230, 3-1
Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas, Alexandria, VA, 105, 3-1
Dave “Dr. Winglove” Inderbitzin, Conshohocken, 175, 4-1
“Humble” Bob Shoudt, Royersford, 265, 5-1
Rich “The Locust” LeFevre, Henderson, NV, 132, 5-1
Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston, Drexel Hill, 230, 7-1
ChipBurger Simpson, Gainesville, FL, 200, 7-1
“Damaging” Doug Canavin, Philadelphia, 345, 9-1
Micah “Wing Kong” Collins, Drexel Hill, 265, 10-1

It is hard to believe that Dr. Winglove is a bigger favorite than Rich LeFevre (who beat Dr. Winglove handily in Wing Bowl 14) and Bob Shoudt.

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