Eric “Steakbellie” Livingson category

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Gizmodo has Thanksgiving Day eating advice from "Notorious B.O.B." Bob Shoudt, Crazy Legs Conti and Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston.
The facebook for the US Naval Base in Guam has pictures of a slider eating contest. Crazy Legs Conti, Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston and Sean Gordon were participants.
Daily Local has a report on Sean Gordon and his trip to Guantanomo Bay in Cuba with Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston and Micah "Wing Kong" Collins. updated 10:39 am
Micah "Wing Kong" Collins reports he is leaving Guantanamo Bay in Cuba with other unnamed MLE eaters. update Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston also traveled to Cuba. update Sept 9 JTFGTMO has a video showing Hall Hunt and Sean Gordon also traveled to Cuba. update Sept 9 #2 mentions the trip.

Steakbellie to do “Tough Mudder” for charity

Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston will be participating in the “Tough Mudder” 7 mile obstacle course race on May 2 (the day after he competes in the Dorney Park cheesesteak contest) to raise money for the Wounded Warrior project. He has set up a donation link for the charity on

update Comments not pertaining to the “Tough Mudder” have been moved to the 2010 abuse room thread

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Steakbellie will be in the WIP studio this morning around 8 am to provide commentary for Rick the Managers Wing Bowl qualification stunt.
Steakbellie's twitter reports that T-shirts bearing the Manitoba Meatsweat logo from his 2007 fantasy competitive eating team is available for sale on
Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston did an interview for the How Stuff Works blog, who did a competitive eating podcast earlier this month.

Steakbellie to appear on BBC radio

Steakbellie announces that he will appear on BBC Radio 2 on Friday at 1:45 pm eastern to talk about setting the haggis record last week. The station can be listened to online at


Steakbellie & Wing Kong radio records results has posted a report on Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston’s and Micah “Wing Kong” Collins records attempts on WMMR this morning. The results:

Steakbellie – 3 pounds of haggis in 8 minutes, no official previous record
Wing Kong – 84 ounces of baked beans in 58 seconds, breaks Dale Boone’s record

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Steakbellie & Wing Kong qualify for Wing Bowl 16

Steakbellie reports that he and Wing Kong succeeded in their Wing Bowl stunts. Steakbellie just had 5 seconds left when he finished all the items on his dollar menu stunt. Videos are available on, pictures at

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Steakbellie’s WB 16 stunt approved

Steakbellie reports that his stunt for Wing Bowl 16 has been approved. He will attempt to eat the 13 items on his local McDonald’s Dollar Value Menu in 5 and a half minutes. He will attempt the stunt on Thursday morning.

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Steakbellie reports from Chicago & Vegas

“Wedges & Wings” non-spoilers

Steakbellie has a post-contest report without results. He will appear on the next two programs today and tomorrow. I am assuming they will be recorded at Fremont Street in the evening and be open to the public, but I have not been able to find any official information.

Megamunch has a blog entry about his thoughts on the selection process. (No results in entry, but winner is mentioned in the comments)

The event is somewhat like English soccer. There are two divisions and the top finishers in the lower division move up, while the bottom dwellers in the higher division move down.

The air times for the program recorded yesterday are
No Episode Title Competitive eaters go against the clock to see who can eat the most Buffalo Wings and potato wedges.
SPIKETV Thu 10/18 11:00 PM
SPIKETV Sat 10/20 7:00 PM

The times for the next two shows have not been announced.

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Steakbellie in Las Vegas

Steakbellie will compete in the “Wedges & Wings” contest in Las Vegas tonight. He verifies that Kobayashi is present. Steakbellie reports that three separate TV specials will be recorded at the same session, which will fulfill the Spike TV contract.

I think this leaves 6 unknown slots in the contest.

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Steakbellie reports from Chicago

Steakbellie has a blog entry about his trip to Chicago to compete in the La Costena jalapeno contest.


IFOCE buys bike for Steakbellie’s son

(From Kelly Livingston) Steakbellie reports that the IFOCE purchased a bike for his son, Charlie Livingston, to replace a bike stolen on the last day of school:

What had happened, was that one of the two brothers that run the IFOCE, heard about the bike being stolen, and felt that he was in a position to help. More than just having empathy, he was called to action, and put together a fund in which several of the IFOCE organization staff, and some of the Eaters themselves donated cash, which the organization matched. The whole process and check was completed in a day.

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Steakbellie on Broadway (at the Beach)

Steakbellie has a writeup of last month’s Ultimate Eating Tournament in Myrtle Beach, SC. He also has a gallery of over 100 pictures from Myrtle Beach and South of the Border.


Steakbellie at Wing Bowl 15 Part 4

Manitoba Meatsweats team page

(From Liz) The page for Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston’s fantasy competitive eating team, the Manitoba Meatsweats, can be viewed at There are humourous descriptions of the eleven team members and some parody articles.

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Steakbellie enters the arena

Steakbellie has posted the third of a planned six reports on his Wing Bowl 15 experience. This segment is about his procession into the Wachovia Center.


Steakbellie’s Wing Bowl 15 experience

Steakbellie has uploaded the first post in a planned series about his Wing Bowl 15 experience. A picture of his float (above) is included.

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Steakbellie’s last meal (before Wing Bowl 15)

Steakbellie has written a post about the conclusion of his preparations for Wing Bowl 15. He is more confident about winning the prize for best float than winning the eating contest.

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Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston has started, which will be devoted solely to competitive eating. He will continue to post non-CE material to

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Steakbellie focuses on Wing Bowl 15

Steakbellie’s blogging will be limited the next 9 days as he focuses on more pressing matters.


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