Micah “Wing Kong” Collins category

Latest results in database (All results)
The Dover Post has an interview with Micah "Wing Kong" Collins about competing in Sunday's Nathan's qualifier in Delaware. update Juliet Lee, Bill Myers and Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston are also expected to compete.
Dave "US Male" Goldstein has a facebook post about finishing the Philly Broad Street 10 mile run with Sean "Flash" Gordon and Micah "Wing Kong" Collins. (via email)

2012 Nathan’s Pittsburgh qualifier

update June 14 Pittsburgh.CBSLocal.com has an article.

update 10:49 WPXI has a video. Triblive and WTAE have articles

update 4:37 The Pittsburgh Post Gazette has a video

update The MLE facebook has full results

The top 3:
1) Micah “Wing Kong” Collins 27
2) Brian Subich 26.25
3) Mike Landrich 16.5
4) “Wild” Bill Myers 15.5
5) Tom Keeton 11.5
6T) Jakub Kelly 8
6T) Steve Myers 8
8) Dan McCloud 5.5

1W) Theresa Subich 9

update 12:35 Micah “Wing Kong” Collins was the winner with 27 hot dogs.

update 12:32 The female winner ate 9.

update 12:29 The contest is over.

update 12:21 The contest is underway. Pat Doyle is live-tweeting the contest. He says there is only one woman competing.

update 11:40 MSNBC reports the Subiches are attempting to break a record. If they are attempting to exceed the most hot dogs eaten by a husband & wife, the LeFevres ate 50.5 hot dogs in the 2005 Nathan’s finals. (They ate 45 hot dogs in a qualifier on two occasions, results are after the jump.)

There might be a dark horse in today’s Nathan’s qualifier in Pittsburgh. Jakub Seamus Kelly, born in the Czech Republic, thinks he can eat 30 hot dogs. update Rich Shea says that Brian Seiken and Hunter Hinson are also expected to compete in addition to previously named competitors.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Wing Kong wins Atlanta Hooters qualifier

update June 6 Kicks105FM has a video

http://twitter.com/eatingcontest/status/209363209247928323“>Micah “Wing Kong” Collins has been announced as the winner of today’s Hooters wing eating qualifier in Atlanta with 122 wings. Yasir Salem was the runner up with 117. update Rest of the results

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Micah "Wing Kong" Collins announced that he intends to compete in Saturday's Nathan's qualifier at Concord Mills in Charlotte, NC. Grace Lee did a radio appearance this morning about that contest.
Daily Local has a report on Sean Gordon and his trip to Guantanomo Bay in Cuba with Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston and Micah "Wing Kong" Collins. updated 10:39 am
Micah "Wing Kong" Collins reports he is leaving Guantanamo Bay in Cuba with other unnamed MLE eaters. update Eric "Steakbellie" Livingston also traveled to Cuba. update Sept 9 JTFGTMO has a video showing Hall Hunt and Sean Gordon also traveled to Cuba. update Sept 9 #2 Philly.com mentions the trip.
Micah "Wing Kong" Collins did an interview on WBT earlier this morning to promote Saturday's qualifier at Concord Mills near Charlotte. Collins is described as the favorite.
Micah "Wing Kong" Collins directed a video of Eric "Badlands" Booker performing I Eat Em Up at the TooJay's corned beef sandwich contest in West Palm Beach, FL.

Wing Kong wins Upper Crust pizza

The eating contest twitter has the top 5 in today’s pizza eating contest in Boston:
1) Micah “Wing Kong” Collins 20 slices
2) Pat Philbin 19.5
3) Crazy Legs Conti 19
4T) Pete Davekos 17
4T) Russ Keeler 17

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Philly.com has a paragraph on Micah "Wing Kong" Collins qualifying for the Nathan's finals.

HungrySisters: Wing Kong conquers Concord Mills

update #6 Giffenbone and TheAVGeeks have videos

update #5 BeautifulBrian.com has a report and Miss Charo has a gallery

update #4 The Hungry Sisters have a gallery

update #3 News 14 has an article and gallery from the contest.

update #2 Brian Subich’s official result is 20 HDB. Nicholas Giffen was 4th (and the top local)

1:32 The top 3 from hungrysisters
1 Micah “Wing Kong” Collins, 23 HDB
2. “Nasty” Nate Biller 22.5 HDB
3. “Big” Brian Subich 22 HDB
4 Nicholas Giffen

3rd: 22 hdb brian subich, 2nd 22.5 nast nate, 1st: 23hdb wing kong

1:21 pm update The contest has started and http://twitter.com/hungrysisters are providing live updates

Hungry Sisters reports “SuperPaul Barlow, Brian Subich, Nasty Nate, Nicholas Giffen, 95.1 guy” will compete in the Concord Mills Nathan’s qualifier. Micah “Wing Kong” Collins will also compete.

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Wing Kong: no “pros” in Wing Bowl 17

According to a comment made this morning, Micah “Wing Kong” Collins was told that “professionals” would not be allowed to compete in Wing Bowl 17 when he called 610 WIP to inquire about qualifying for that contest. In February, Angelo Cataldi said that he would like to limit entry to the 2009 Wing Bowl to amateurs. WIP appears to have followed through with that restriction.

Cataldi apparently defines “professional eater” as someone who has been associated with a professional eating organization regardless of the level of success obtained in eating contests. If that definition is used to limit entry into Wing Bowl 17, “Gentleman” Jerry Coughlan will probably be the favorite if there is any legitimacy to his top five finishes the previous two Wing Bowls.

In other Wing Bowl news, a press release announces that mail-order chicken wings endorsed by Bill “El Wingador” Simmons will be available at RastelliAtHome.com

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Steakbellie & Wing Kong radio records results

IFOCE.com has posted a report on Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston’s and Micah “Wing Kong” Collins records attempts on WMMR this morning. The results:

Steakbellie – 3 pounds of haggis in 8 minutes, no official previous record
Wing Kong – 84 ounces of baked beans in 58 seconds, breaks Dale Boone’s record

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Steakbellie & Wing Kong qualify for Wing Bowl 16

Steakbellie reports that he and Wing Kong succeeded in their Wing Bowl stunts. Steakbellie just had 5 seconds left when he finished all the items on his dollar menu stunt. Videos are available on philly.com, pictures at 610wip.com

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Steakbellie & Wing Kong in philly.com

A section about Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston and Micah “Wing Kong” Collins mentioning their video makes up a sizeable portion of this week’s philly.com Wing Bowl column. Wing Kong claims to have developed a new wing eating technique he will unveil at the contest. The column also says the Rib Ranch will provide wings for Wing Bowl 15.

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Steakbellie & Wing Kong “Rocky” Promo available

Steakbellie & Wing Kong qualify for Wing Bowl

Videos of this morning’s successful Wing Bowl stunts by Eric “Steakbellie” Livingston and Micah “Wing Kong” Collins are now available on philly.com’s Wing Bowl page. (Micah is misspelled as “Micha”) Both Steakbellie and Wing Kong have written blog entries about their attempts.

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Wing Kong heads to Memphis

Micah “Wing Kong” Collins is travelling to Memphis for the Krystal qualifier with steakbellie. He has several entries about his preparation in his blog at http://conundrum54.blogspot.com/ Wing Kong is considering changing his nickname to Carnage and adopting a bad guy persona.

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Another competitive eater / triathlete blog

Micah “Wing Kong” Collins has started a blog at http://conundrum54.blogspot.com/ Like Levi Oliver, Collins is a triathlete in addition to being a competitive eater.
