Wing Kong: no “pros” in Wing Bowl 17
According to a comment made this morning, Micah “Wing Kong” Collins was told that “professionals” would not be allowed to compete in Wing Bowl 17 when he called 610 WIP to inquire about qualifying for that contest. In February, Angelo Cataldi said that he would like to limit entry to the 2009 Wing Bowl to amateurs. WIP appears to have followed through with that restriction.
Cataldi apparently defines “professional eater” as someone who has been associated with a professional eating organization regardless of the level of success obtained in eating contests. If that definition is used to limit entry into Wing Bowl 17, “Gentleman” Jerry Coughlan will probably be the favorite if there is any legitimacy to his top five finishes the previous two Wing Bowls.
In other Wing Bowl news, a press release announces that mail-order chicken wings endorsed by Bill “El Wingador” Simmons will be available at
Anonymous said
November 19, 2008 @ 3:37 pm
Isn’t “Gentleman” Jerry a pro? He’s eaten in two Wing Bowls.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
November 19, 2008 @ 3:47 pm
This really sucks. I was going to sit this year out and have some fun as one of the Enterauge of one of you maniacs. How will I get access to the strippers now without a floor pass??? I consider this a parting shot from the Bush Administration to screw with me one last time…..
anonymous said
November 19, 2008 @ 4:20 pm
Wear your kilt and a wig, shave your legs, maybe you can be a wingette
nic"TheIncredibleBulk"fry said
November 19, 2008 @ 4:21 pm
that is bs
Sweet Dreams Are Made of Diss said
November 19, 2008 @ 4:23 pm
IFOCE, how about organizing your own Wing Bowl?
H>P> said
November 19, 2008 @ 5:15 pm
One Concerned Father, you and Rhonda knew what H>P> stand for. Good job for acting!
One Concerned Dad said
November 19, 2008 @ 6:28 pm
Why is it that people here treat each other like dogs? If someone wears a kilt it is because of his heritage. Why make fun of that? Anyway, I’ve seen enough. This weblog is absolutely awful. I will help my daughter search for more dignified sites of competition eaters. I went to the IFOCE one, and they seem to be some sort of professional has been organization, but they don’t really have any other links of other eaters or weblogs. It seems that they were once but no more.
OCD said
November 19, 2008 @ 9:08 pm
Hewlett Packard? What are you talking about? That’s a rhetorical question, by the way. I’ve better things to do and have wasted too much time here already. Adios Amigo.
Whaaaa no wingbowl? said
November 20, 2008 @ 10:30 am
Poor U.S Male won’t be too happy about this latest turn of events. We all know he did not deserve to make it to round 2 last year but when you get in good with the judges anything can happen
Pat from Moonachie said
November 20, 2008 @ 11:15 am
I think it’s possible that until they consult their lawyers and post the actual rules for WB 17, they’re going by what they “want” the rules to be. They might not be able to exclude the pros, legally ..I was hoping for my first Wing Bowl! 🙁
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 20, 2008 @ 4:25 pm
Hey dork at 10:30am, I was one of the first to know about it but chose not to report it. You are just jealous since YOU did not make it very far. I did not have it in good with the judges and that is why I almost did not make the 2nd round. Get your facts straight. When you say “WE ALL KNOW he did not deserve to make it,” who exactly is we? Oh yeah, you will continue to hide behind a fake name but don;t worry, your comments don’t bother me.
Pat, you are absolutely right. These are WIP’s rules and they better be documented in legal form.
Gentleman Joe said
November 20, 2008 @ 9:50 pm
You mean like the rules that the FCC fined them $4,000. for. Re: Arnie.
Or the rules that were even looser for me? That I haven’t filed anything… yet.
beautifulbrian said (Registered November 22, 2005)
November 21, 2008 @ 2:23 am
I could tell you a few things about those two assholes but it would take an entire page or two so i will try to condense i(although no guarantees) as to not make it too difficult for the anonymous assholes who find my rants annoying. . Dumb and dumber cost me a day from work in Jan 2004 with a guranteed spot in wingbowl if i came in second or third in wingoff. I came in second behind Lerman and they still screwed me. I am not saying i would have made any kind of impact in wingbowl but it would have been nice to get in just once. The next year i asked for 3 min to eat 3lbs of corn niblets . Morganti claimed his grandmother could prob do it in the time alloted so they cut my time to 3lbs in 48 seconds and i nearly completed the job. 10 more seconds would have been enough. All i can say is , you try 3lbs of niblets in 48 seconds and see how easy it is. I just wanted to make them look like asses for playing me for a fool .If i got in i would have given my spot to someone else. Joe got fu– over big time in 2004. He ate the 10 big macs in 20 min and they threw him out . What they did to him was far worse than what i went through. During the 2004 wingoff they were even joking about the fact that Joe’s spot was available . As far as the other prick and his tangerine stunt, good for his ass. I have no pity for him whatsoever. Regardless of who’s decision it was, i was elated when he got thrown out. Couldnt happen to a nicer girl. Wingbowl is a farce and a setup.Even though i despise the event , knowing that Joey Chestnut wont make another easy 20 grand makes the entire scam worthwhile
WingKong said (Registered December 19, 2006)
November 22, 2008 @ 9:42 am
I’m shocked and stunned by all these comments…Wing Bowl is the most honest and straight shooting contest I’ve ever been involved in…That was sarcastic by the way.
It is what it is…there isn’t much we can do without burning brides. We should all buy a ticket and have a good time, Rumor has it the first guy to get in was Robert someting.
Oh yes i know said
November 22, 2008 @ 1:25 pm
If Wingador beat Chestnut they would have continued with the pros. They got tired of contributing to Joey Chestnut automobile collection. Why dont some of you admit it. the only reason you head down to philly is because some whore wingette tease you into emptying your wallet on her while the wife is kept in the dark about your sinful act. An outrage . DO you hear me , an outrage!
Rabbi Goldvasser said
November 22, 2008 @ 1:53 pm
Look vee need a nice jewish matzah ball eating contest hosted by Don Lerman. Vingbowl is not kosher and the vings are not kosherdicka meat. Ooy vay ven vill vee ever have a jewish president Ooy vay
Anonymous said
November 22, 2008 @ 3:55 pm
DONMOSESLERMAN is the greatest eater in the history of hunger and it is an outrage that people shy away from stating that truth. I believe that whenever he decides to come out of retirement he will destroy the field on July 4 and bring the belt back to New York where it belongs. All we need to do is cheer him on and its a done deal.
Bartholomew Pratt said
November 22, 2008 @ 8:21 pm
Lerman was the best eater ever to walk the earth, lets hope he returns someday to the CE table.
anonymous said
November 22, 2008 @ 9:13 pm
If cataldi enforces that rule then all of the aice eaters should be permitted entry to wingbowl 2009
Anonymous said
November 23, 2008 @ 3:24 am
Bring on the whores!
Don Juan said
November 23, 2008 @ 12:31 pm
I think USSRMail, or whatever he’s calling himself today, should be considered an amateur, and not just because he is a subpar eater. I want to see him get beat by a local, like gentle Jerry. But that’s just one man’s opinion.
Wing Bowl whore said
November 23, 2008 @ 12:43 pm
anonymous @ 9:13, the rule is all pros weather IFOCE or AICE. They will somehow know the names by researching prior to setting the rules. I wish this were incorrect and that all you pros could complete. Hopefully somebody questions Cataldi’s rule with the FCC and breaks these losers. The Wing Bowl may suck this year. Seriously, can Don Moses Lerman compete in the Bowl since he has been retired? Can Gentlemen Jerry now be considered a pro because he won a car 2 yrs ago along with other prizes?
Male friend said
November 24, 2008 @ 10:19 am
US Male is a great competitor . He cleans his wings like a real pro which is a title that you will never hold You have never even watched him eat chicken wings before you idiot . Unless you were the one that barely made it into wingbowl with that sandwich stunt my little kid could probably do.
Male Order Bride said
November 24, 2008 @ 10:43 am
Nothing can stop the US Male!!!!!
nic"TheIncredibleBulk"fry said
November 24, 2008 @ 11:29 am
Anon 913… that is hillarious
Male Fraud said
November 24, 2008 @ 3:03 pm
SnailMale, come clean and post as yourself, “Male Friend” my a$$. I can tell you one thing with utmost certainty, you couldn’t eat that sandwich with an hour time limit. Not to mention you did two, count them, 2 ridiculously easy stunts.
A cake, made out of letters, seriously? Not even worth a comment by me or any eater on this site worth there their weight on this site. Followed by a few ounces of Manwhich spread all over a few plates to make it look like it had some volume? I tend to think that you tried to make it look like an impressive stunt to impress your buddy Al Cataldi and the camera.
Do us all a favor, if you get a change to do that “contest” again do something to impress your peers not some flunky radio announcer who obviously turned his back on you, by not letting you compete this year.
U.S. MALE said (Registered December 28, 2007)
November 24, 2008 @ 4:23 pm
Wow, all the posts about me. How did I get to be so lucky today. Just got home from work and I am sure OJ Rifkin can help me out and confirm that no posts today were by me, especially Male Friend (although I am sure it was really a friend that defended me-thanks).
Get my scam stunt correct “male fraud’ (don juan, etc) as it was pancakes, not cake. It was a genius idea and I still pat myself on the back for coming up with it but you would not understand since you did not hear the phone call that led up to it. I guess my 4 lbs of sloppy joe in 4 minutes being on video and still available for view on is all I have to say (along with your video). Put your money where your mouth is as I can certainly eat that sandwich, let alone 2 of them, in the same time you did. See you at Nathans.