nj.com profiles Liberty Belh

nj.com has a profile of Michael “Liberty” Belh, who will compete in Wing Bowl 15. Belh played on the Rutgers football team. According to the roster on his myspace blog, Belh is the second lightest non-IFOCE entrant at 240 pounds.

The article also says that Bill “El Wingador” Simmons is being pressured to enter Wing Bowl 15.

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  1. Rhonda Evans said

    January 26, 2007 @ 10:45 am

    I like Bill’s competitive spirit and he was a force in making Wing Bowl the extravaganza that it is today. But he won’t show, because he would not even finish in the top 5 if the contest is even half-way legitimate. Joey, Bob, Chip, Rich, Pat, and Sonya would all finish ahead of him, and the legend of the great “El Wingador” would be severely compromised.

    As such, Bill would have too much to lose by succumbing to the pressure to enter, unless he’s guaranteed victory beforehand. And if that’s the case, he’ll be there. But I don’t think even Wing Bowl promotors are THAT underhanded.

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