Patrick Dogan won the Ultimate Shaniac BBQ Eating Contest at Atlanta Motor Speedway yesterday and received a Big Green Egg grill as first prize. Dale Boone was listed as a competitor.


  1. ./... said

    September 2, 2012 @ 6:47 pm


  2. Dale Boone fan said

    September 3, 2012 @ 12:48 am

    The guy cheated Boone. My video shows Boone winning 13. to 9 . Shanes. Ribs. Sucks. We starting a boycott for what they did . My video does not lie. Explain. Shane!

  3. Anonymous said

    September 3, 2012 @ 8:26 am

    Boone, you write like you speak. “We starting…..” so you give yourself away. Take it up with the sponsors. They decide who wins, not anyone on eatfeats. If you have not learned that by now, you continue to waste your time. Of course, you can comment and say that you thought you won or you thought Dale Boone won etc., or say that the weighing process was lousy. Many in MLE do that and often it is. But honestly, in the very end a win is a win and a loss is a loss. Just like in all sports, the umpire has the final say whether or not that umpire is George Shea or anyone with MLE or anyone who decides in any organization including WLOCE. Take your lumps and give it your all at the next contest.

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