Miki Sudo has posted a video of a one minute hot dog training session she did with "Cardboard Shell".
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Incredible said
June 25, 2013 @ 10:16 am
Seiken posted this within literally two seconds ago . You must have ran right to his site to get this . Unbelievable Get a life
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 10:20 am
When she turns to the side you cannot tell if she is smelling her under arms or wiping the debris from her face. Very unique
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 10:59 am
Real nice eating for one minute.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:15 am
The fact that youre monitoring eatfeats for minor senseless stuff like this Seiken shows you need to get a life. It’s a public video you youtube nazi.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:16 am
If Seiken posted it only a few seconds ago, that’s proof that O.J. did not get the link from his site. It takes longer than that just to name a topic and list the link.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:20 am
I like viewing videos and getting updates from this site regardless of who posted it first simply because the administrator of this site is not a jerk.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:41 am
Not a jerk? You blame sureken for top eaters not posting here when they made up their mind a long time ago not to post here even before sureken put his two cents into the picture .
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:55 am
spell your name right seiken. Everyone knows it is you with all these sereken posts.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:59 am
sureken is the right way to spell it i think
Tell no lies said
June 25, 2013 @ 12:07 pm
I saw it Eatfeats first than like a minute later on a site that is filled with negativity, hate and lies… so sad that other site should be censored by the FCC and the owner charged with bad taste and breath
Vid detective makes ruling said
June 25, 2013 @ 12:15 pm
In super-turbo-slo-mo 2.0 you can see her spitting the food . Notice she always turns her head away from the camera to spit? Hmm??? . as if no one would eventually catch on… rookie mistake ,. It shoots out like a rocket so unless you have super turbo slo-mo 2.0 you cannot see it
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 1:53 pm
Untrue. She would never do that.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 2:08 pm
Fuck you Seiko reported it first
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 2:17 pm
11:20 speaks volumes.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 2:21 pm
Seiken’s epitaph: “He never posted it first”.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 3:20 pm
I do visit Seiken’s site just to keep things realistic whenever I think assholes like him don’t exist. He helps keep things in perspective. We owe him.
Vid Detective's Seeing Eye Dog said
June 25, 2013 @ 3:22 pm
@vid detective – there’s definitely not anything flying out of her mouth, nothing landing on the ground, etc. She’s obviously just wiping her mouth. It might even be slowing her down, so if anything it’s a bad strategy (though anyone would love to have a “bad” strategy that still lets them hit 40 in a qualifier) , not a cheating one.
Commentary said
June 25, 2013 @ 4:06 pm
Not a criticism just an observation — It’s funny how the new eaters feel the need to post videos of themelves. Really kind of sends a desperate look-at-me message. When it comes to the top eaters, the veterans if you will, rarely post anything. They let their eating at competitions do the talking, and the videos posted are from fans in the audience, local tv stations, networks and others. Pat Bertoletti used to post videos, but even that was kind of weird especially seeing how he lived and odd choices of foods to eat. I have a feeling when a Miki Sudo and Matt Stonie start to get more coverage from real news sources they’ll grow out this juvenile need for attention to post videos of themselves eating in their kitchen. Especially after being on professional tv and seeing how amateur their videos came across. I guess Pete Czerwinski kind of started the trend, but now everyone who has a mouth is eating on you tube and it’s really kind of old. For top eaters a bit bush league.
Roland said
June 25, 2013 @ 4:12 pm
now now children of the corn
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 4:20 pm
Real eaters with real names and not fake ones that hide behind a pseudonym have never said one nice word to me about this site.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 4:37 pm
Established stars don’t need to post videos about themselves. I think its sort of Seikenish to do so.
Guilty said
June 25, 2013 @ 4:43 pm
Vid Detectivie: I’ve watched the video, and I’m seeing stuff being expelled from Miki Sudo’s mouth. She was probably taught that trick from a washed up vet eater. Besides, Sudo could use the scrutiny now she has sent Brian Seiken and her friends out to trash other eaters to cover Sudo’s own cheating. Sudo’s plan is to set things up so when she lost at Nathan’s so she could claim other eaters were cheating. Very distasteful but we all know from Seiken’s own website that is her intent based on his actual conversations with Sudo. Sudo holding the bun for more than five seconds in the liquid and her spitting out food are all relevant. The area around Sudo will definately be watched during the finals. I’m also sure the judges will be made aware of Sudo’s tendency to hold the bun in the liquid well over the allowable time. Cheating and unsportsmanlike behavior, particularly demonstrated by those whom she has chosen to associate with is the direction Sudo has chosen.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 5:17 pm
oj will their be a preview of the Hooters vegas qualifier . It would be nice to know who is participating tommorrow besides Sudo who will be there ?
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 5:30 pm
For those of you who might not know, these guys are getting paid AD MONEY for posting on youtube. Furious Pete, LA Beast, and Matt Stonie are getting cash checks for what they do online. It’s not just about attention.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 5:49 pm
Anonymous you dont know shit about youtube AD money. You need to accumulate 100 thous hits to pull in your first $100 Its referred to as monetizing. They have made some $$$ but it doesn’t come easy
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:12 pm
The five second rule sounds made up but not once dose she dunk for that long……. lots of eaters can eat at that pace, so it’s not too hard to believe. Give it a rest
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:21 pm
The price of forced fame.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:28 pm
Charles hardy created five seconds.
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:46 pm
@443- seiken made up those “quotes from miki” the same way he put words in Sonya’s mouth. BS even admitted to making up BS quotes as a “joke”. Accusing Sonya and miki of confiding in him or spreading rumors is just despicable on seiken’s part. Sick dirty instigator trying to drive traffic to his pathetic site.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:47 pm
anonymous 549, you need to get accurate information about youtube.
Cardboard Shell said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:53 pm
I was there for the practice run, so I feel the need to clear the record here. Miki was NOT spitting out any food or cheating in any way (and I probably hate cheating and rule-bending more than most people, so my perception should mean something here). The yard was hot-dog free after the practice. No chunks, no pieces, no crumbs, nothing. Her plates and cups were even cleaner than 95% of post contest plates/cups you’ll find at the Nathan’s Table. She’s legit, and you catty folk should be ashamed of yourselves for trying to start rumors to the contrary.
Now for an open letter of disappointment to the EatFeats community:
I understand that you may all be very nice in person, but your comments here are often atrocious. To me, that’s the true judge of character — what someone says or does when they know they won’t be caught. I hope that some of you will start reflecting on the type of person you want to be before posting hateful or incendiary things.
Kudos to the rare few of you who post with integrity.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 6:56 pm
Really 647 ? You find out where you can prove otherwise then get back to me please
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 7:38 pm
So shell how do we know you are posting with integrity Hmm Hmm?
Cardboard Shell said
June 25, 2013 @ 8:45 pm
I guess you’d just have to know me to understand the kind of person I am.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 8:57 pm
645 as much as you hate the man for personal reasons you fail to take into effect that competitive eating is a business. Its not about making friends but more about creating interest good or bad. Wake up and smell the coffee
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 9:21 pm
Michelle the comments posted on this site are atrocious because certain eaters that had the backs of other’s in the past got the short end of the stick . The word “reciprocation never crossed their mind. ” One in particular Mr. Seiken.who gets kicked around more times than Dick Nixon for all the free publicity he gives new eaters especially the women
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 9:37 pm
How does one obtain free publicity on something nobody watches such as the other cruddy website.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 10:17 pm
That kind of language is uncalled for on this site and not lol. Why don’t you be a man and tell that individual using another media outlet.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 10:58 pm
Uncalled for ? Thats a laugh. The personal comments about people without use of foul language are more damaging than the bad language.
anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:14 pm
Anonymous anonymous anonymous = coward coward coward . Why wont some of you post real name so we can fight fair instead of sucker punching one individual?
Anonymous said
June 25, 2013 @ 11:39 pm
@’11:14 says the guy who post anonymous
anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 12:26 am
well said anonymous
Anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 12:29 am
Fight fair you say? This place is not a place for fighting but apparently that is lost on you 11:14. Miki Sudo is being trashed along with anyone who posts a youtube video. Opinions are fine but the sarcasm and accusations of cheating go beyond anything that is worth writing about. Make a list of those eaters who supposedly cheat, just crazy stuff being written here. Too bad. And in addition one person is central to causing trouble. He did tell us something though. Funny, he was censored by the FCC. Now that is a claim to fame. Not surprising. Like the one kid in the classroom who is out of control but affects the whole class, he is the star troublemaker with nothing to contribute except outrageous statements and lies.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 26, 2013 @ 7:26 am
I like everything about eatfeats.com, EXCEPT for about 80% of the comments. I cannot fault OJ for not monitoring them, as that is just way too time-consuming.
It’s both ironic and unfortunate that the plentiful, wide-ranging thread topics attract the dregs of society and the weirdos, which reflects CE’s allure to all types of people. That’s because there are no barriers to entry. As Crazy Legs Conti pointed out over a decade ago, “if you can afford lunch, you can be a competitive eater.” (That is, as long as you’re not incarcerated or in an asylum, you can be a CE, whether you should be there or not.)
Anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 8:05 am
Enough of this nonsense, there are more important videos like that no life Seiken making ice cream with his new toy blender.
Guilty said
June 26, 2013 @ 9:57 am
Vid Detective: So Brian Seiken, Miki Sudo and her other buddies would have us believe that Sudo has suddenly developed Tourette’s Syndrome and has a spasm every time she takes a bite by wiping her mouth on the sleeve of her shirt. I ain’t buying it. And, yes Sudo does dunk for well over 10 seconds, just check ask any eater at pizza rolls. But, no matter, any eater that self confessed liar Seiken takes under his wing doesn’t last long. If she sticks with Seiken a year from now her only she’lll be eating pickles on the internet. Oh, and I just figured out why Sudo only does her own videos. Since she joined MLE the league is going to keep her away from main stream media. MLE can’t afford to let her speak with legitimate news organization in the likelyhood of a reporter bringing up her background. Questions regarding her felony would cause real heartburn to any sponsor. It’ll be interesting to see if MLE let’s news outlets profile her as they do with all top eaters.
Anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 9:59 am
Rhonda nails it again, she is one of the mysteries of eatfeats but she has a consistent identity. No wonder, with her comments, some think sometimes that she is CLC’s mom. She is as cool as OJ in very different ways though. She seems to be the generous one and forgiving which is a very desirable quality, always trying to get the best out of people, no matter how deeply buried that seems to be. And Sonya having to write on her site that she has never ever posted etc. That is rather unprecedented but very important. I do not think she comes here to read, just my opinion, but she has made so many friends and is so admired that surely someone has told her about the horrid accusations being thrown around. I think it is perfect that she responded. It is said that CL hasn’t read here for a long time, I believe that too. Just my general take. Clearly many like Stonie read but do not comment unless they have something to contribute which is coming directly from them. I liked reading what Stonie wrote. Again, agree with Rhonda in that 80% or more of the comments are not worth reading and far worse. That’s the CE community for you. Hopefully it doesn’t reflect society at large, that would be rather frightening frankly.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 26, 2013 @ 11:56 am
Thanks, 10:59. Actually, I think most everyone, to include all the top eaters, as well as sponsors and promoters, do visit eatfeats to read thread topics that OJ posts. Because OJ makes this site so informative, I think virtually all eaters and sponsors view eatfeats as THE SINGLE BEST central source of CE news and information, from contests to challenges, covering local, national, and global news and information, for both amateur and professional events and everything in between.
Being human, and given the temptation to read comments from the real pros of the sport, like R & H, Furious Pete, Matt Stonie, and a few other worthwhile souls who do constructively comment here, visitors end up reading the negative comments too, if only out of hope in NOT seeing their names in a negative light. It’s hard not to.
(Because of what I wrote in the aforementioned two paragraphs, at least one person will take offense, and perhaps that is an appropriate reaction for him, at least if it helps him open his long-closed eyes.)
It’s an out-and-out shame that a handful of people with a crap-in-the-punchbowl mentality post here over and over and over, seemingly with the only purpose being to tear down positive attitudes of others, in hopes that others can be as miserable as they are (though that’s not possible).
Most people are thin-skinned, as Sonya and many others probably are. I know I am. Hence, I applaud and envy people like Badlands and Legs who refuse to allow themselves to be negatively influenced or hurt by some of the trashy comments that a few people post here.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 26, 2013 @ 11:56 am
Sorry, I mean’t 9:59.
Anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 12:23 pm
So Miki’s “friends with Seiken,” just because BB comes to this sites and says so? …and it’s gotta be true, since Sudo doesn’t come running to bash him or set the record straight? Surely, that would be the mature thing to do.
In her silence (choice not to involve herself with trash talking), Sudo’s given Seiken, any anyone else, the right to speak for her. Sounds about right.
Class Act said
June 26, 2013 @ 1:04 pm
Those new to competitive would be wise to introduce themselves to Sonya Thomas. Particularly those who complain of being picked on, completely forgetting it was they themselves who first told her “friends” to publicly trash veterans such as Thomas. See, an eater like Thomas always publicly says positive things about others, negative things aren’t in her vocabulary. Sure, like us all she may vent to close trusted friends, but in the public she goes by the rule if you don’t have something nice to say better to say nothing at all. It’s because of this good people stand behind Thomas and always have her back when the not so nice trash her. This was most recently made evident when Miki Sudo and Brian Seiken conspired to trash Thomas, and all the while Thomas took the high road and would only say positive things. Maybe Sudo could hit the reset and start over and find a way to apologize and salvage her reputation. Her friend Seiken, well we’ve all given up that one.
Here’s what Thomas said recently: “For those that don’t know me, I value my privacy most highly. This Web site of mine is the only Internet source at which I personally make comments first-hand. Facebook account: don’t have one of my own. Twitter: never tweeted in my life. Weblog or “Blog”: that’s not me. Social media is okay for many, I suppose, and it sounds interesting for those into that sort of thing. I’m not. If I’ve anything to say, apart from interviews with the media or competitive eating journalists, I’ll say it here, on this site. In the decade that I’ve been involved in competitive eating, I can honestly say that never, ever, not even once, have I posted comments on any blog, or social media account, nor have I asked anyone else to do it for me. I hate gossip; nothing good ever comes from it. I don’t play the “he said, she said” game.”
Anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 1:44 pm
Wowzer, Sonya is a Giantess. Thank you class act for doing a great summary of the way things are and the way they should be. I wish that I could be other than anonymous but in fairness I have no idea who Class Act is either so it doesn’t really matter. I could pick different names for myself and register those, but we have to look to content. Those people who are content with life will not be writing comments to trash others. Sonya has always been a role model. For her to detail and state as she has means that someone and someones have contacted her and told her what horrid things are being said elsewhere. Or the person who does her site has told her. I hope she has someone in whom to confide, she must. Likely she has more than just one person. I would bet the ranch that someone like Sonya knows very well who to trust and who not to trust. She aligns with people who have integrity and do not tell tales about what goes on behind the scene. They protect each other, support each other, are mature, know how to behave.
anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 5:54 pm
Just because Sonya says she doesn’t post comments on blogs , that means her word is gold? You people are more naive than i thought you were
anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 5:56 pm
“Those people who are(not) content with life will not be writing comments to trash others”
Two way street . Think about it!
anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 7:09 pm
To class act and anony 144 are you putting us on or just playing dumb? What Sonya does is referred to as good PR. If some of you football fans remember when Jim Kelly QB of the Bills was drafted by Buffalo , he told the press how much he was looking forward to playing with the Bills. When the the press conference ended he told his people how he loathed playing in that city because of the climate and a last place team. Saying something about someone and meaning it are two different things Class act & 144 just might be TBW , Never know
anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 7:49 pm
Tourette syndrome is an inherited neuropsychiatric disorder that starts at childhood. Not nice to poke fun at a serious handicap of that nature. I do not believe that Miki suffers from Tourette syndrome unless it only becomes evident when she is competing. . I have never witnessed a display of nerve system disorder while in her presence but then again she could be on medication
anonymous said
June 26, 2013 @ 8:00 pm
How can Sudo and Sicken be friends? He was not even invited to the one minute practice in Vegas
Ummm... said
June 26, 2013 @ 8:39 pm
..and BS is an a-hole.
Anonymous said
June 27, 2013 @ 12:47 am
@Commentary Miki has posted 11 videos total in 10 months. Shes posted 2 videos since she signed with MLE. She doesn’t need to post videos to get anybody’s attention because she is arguably the best female competitive eater right now. Get your facts straight.
the great gavonne said
June 27, 2013 @ 11:01 am
All this petty nonsense is why I have become disinterested in CE. Seiko Seiken ruined it 4 me, as well as many others.
anonymous said
June 27, 2013 @ 11:27 am
Gavonne are you going to be at citifield insulting Seiken?
anonymous said
June 28, 2013 @ 8:53 am
The biggest question on everyone mind is why Ron Koch and Rich Lefevre were not invited to the 1 minute hot dog practice in El Toro backyard. They live a stone throw away. Got something against senior citizens?
Anonymous said
July 6, 2013 @ 9:59 am
I’m not sure what Miki Sudo did to rustle the jimmies of so many of you in this forum, other than continuing to over-deliver in all of her competition expectations thus far. That being said, I have been convinced that these faux-hatings are just internet trolling and should not be taken seriously. If you debate a troll, the troll wins. That being said, Miki’s presence was sorely missed at Nathan’s but that won’t get in the way of her continuing to deliver. Next stop for her is the Hooters wings competition which she already destroyed records at the qualifier. The sky is the limit for Miki and no internet trolling can ever stop that.
anonymous said
July 6, 2013 @ 10:41 am
I would agree with 959 . Miki is probably the nicest person you ever met and would give you the shirt off her back unless you are some shirt sniffing perv. Internet trolls have a one track mind programmed to hate and because of that they refuse to listen to reason or someone else point of view. Very sad that their lives are so worthless and meaningless that the need to attack someone is their only way of feeling joyfulness
Anonymous said
July 6, 2013 @ 11:23 am
Sonya gives Miki tons of credit, as she should, but doesn’t have to.
Anonymous said
July 6, 2013 @ 12:23 pm
Thats funny, I have not heard Sonya say Miki’s name once.
anonymous said
July 6, 2013 @ 12:39 pm
yeah right 1123 its called smile for the camera
Anonymous said
July 6, 2013 @ 1:49 pm
Better to do that than bring up her name to the media and be asked about ther past. Hmm. Hmm.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
July 6, 2013 @ 1:58 pm
http://sonyatheblackwidow.com/ does mention Miki Sudo on main page.