AICE news: Tomoko Miyake repels “The Invader”
AICE News reports that Tomoko Miyake defeated Ian Hickman by being the first to finish over 9 pounds of curry.
The blogs of Tomoko Miyake, Takuya Yamamoto and Saori Nakayama report that they recorded a television appearance today, but have no results or pictures of Americans.
Anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 4:26 am
You see how great these Japnaese girls are? If they beat one of the AICE eaters best men just think what they would do the any US girl who claims to be an eater. I think the IFOCE knows this and protected the two girls by not sending them over to get shown up. US best female eater my butt!
Anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 5:06 am
I just realized it took 30 minutes for both of these eaters to eat the rice. Now I think this whole thing was staged because there is no way it would take Ian Hickman to eat 10 lbs of anything. See thats what I mean about women needing to eat by themselves because their ploy is just to distract men. Tomoko had her make up on and looked pretty which totally took Ians mind off eating and he just tried to stretch out the time so that he could look at her longer and this took his focus off the contest. His mind was on Tomoko. Thats why this contest was a Christmas gift for her.
Stoney Rockhead said
December 17, 2007 @ 6:54 am
Me hate New Amsterdam Mets, me favorite Bedrock Dodgers (they extinct now) – but Mets also had Willie Mays – me love him, even if he no could catch, hit, or walk by time series start. Him no take no drugs, maybe should have like godson Boulder Bonds.
Do you comparison make Jill Stoler like Morganna, the kiss bandit?
Anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 11:36 am
I think this just confirms what we already knew about AICE eaters.
Anonymous said
December 18, 2007 @ 5:10 am
Favoritism aside will this be covered by CNN International BBC or some other news agency? This is a big event and I would think it will be on a major network.
Anonymous said
December 18, 2007 @ 9:54 pm
Results are in for four of the five contests and Japan is ahead three to one and this proves at least on record that Japan still does have the best eaters in the world even if some are girls and I have to give them a little credit at least. Rubber belly who is a female got the only victory for the stateside team and this goes a long way to show that she is the best girl eater in the US and there neeeds to be a female league so she can prove it otherwise she will probably have some doubters.
Gentleman Joe said
December 18, 2007 @ 10:35 pm
Strangely, I believe there are scheduled to be 6 contests.
I’m stunned that Ian lost to Miyake.
I knew Elizabeth would win, thought Goose would win & probably would have bet the house that Ian would beat Miyake.
Chowhound said
December 22, 2007 @ 7:49 pm
Nobody seems to be making the point that all of the AICE Eaters (With the exception of Elizabeth Canady) were competing in distance contests they are unfamiliar with (with the exception of an occasional eating challenge) and they still managed to come real close.
Anonymous said
December 23, 2007 @ 7:27 am
Your right Chowhound. You guys did everyone a favor and still almost kicked butt by eating outside your comfort zone. Those Japanese are the best eaters in the world at long contests like that and IFOCE Fed guys would have would have been totally embarrassed and the IFOCE girls would have cowered in a corner to keep from going like the cowards they are.
Not Impressed said
December 23, 2007 @ 11:52 am
You lost a lot more than you won….talk to the Buffalo Bills, Tennessee Titans, Carolina Panthers in their Super Bowls and tell me how much close means…NOTHING…you had a fun time, I’m sure, a great trip, but, we are not impressed with your 1-5 record
Anonymous said
December 23, 2007 @ 12:42 pm
No one is making that point because it is a stupid point. I don’t care if you guys ate for distance a hundred times. You guys still would lose in the distance contests. On the other hand, the speed of the Japanese eaters would improve very quickly if they were required to eat for speed.