R Suzuki’s AICE vs. Japan report

R Suzuki has a blog entry about yesterday’s series of contests between AICE and Japan. Her account of the contest between Elizabeth Canady and Sugawara confirms the report that the time limit was extended beyond 30 minutes. (automatically translated):

Sugawara VS Elizabeth Candy


FURENCHIFURAIPOTETO 4km is the heaping basket. Sugawara single mother of 8-year-old and his parents in the rubber the stomach Elizabeth, the girl’s fierce battle. Potatoes to hold hands full devour Elizabeth. One by one small potatoes to eat Sugawara, who folded, and style in contrast to the fierce fight sparks fly. It has unlimited time, but the 2.7 kilometers in 40 minutes per Elizabeth is eaten “I also want to see what kind of potatoes.” And retire here.

He continues to eat, ate 3.2 kilometers in 62 minutes Sugawara’s victory.

The blog entry refers to Ian Hickman as “America’s Prince hawt guy”.

Comments (5)


  1. Anonymous said

    January 2, 2008 @ 3:16 pm

    How do you eat a kilometer.

  2. I said

    January 2, 2008 @ 3:59 pm

    i know what u r saying but grow up………………….”automatically translated”…………………..

  3. Anonymous said

    January 2, 2008 @ 4:13 pm

    You grow up……… Im tellin.

  4. Elizabeth " Rubber Gut" Canady said

    January 2, 2008 @ 5:58 pm

    Japan may be undefeated in the overall world eating competition, but Elizabeth “Rubber Gut” Canady beat out Sugarwara in the round they were in…

    After the agreed 30 minute eating challenge during the December world challenge in Japan, “Rubber Gut” clearly out ate the top competitor from Japan named Sugarwara. The cameras kept rolling while sugarwara ate one french fry at a time and Rubber Gut was ordering and eating an extra large cheese burger with onion rings….
    The contest was supposed to end at 30 minutes. Instead, so that Sugarwara could catch up, it went on for almost 74 minutes. Sugarwara was declared the winner because after the extended time, she ate more french fries than Rubber Gut. But not more food…. This was considered unfair. No other contest was allowed to be extended to without any warn….

    Also, Rubber Gut beat out her Japanese’s competitor in Oct. 07 during the Pumpkin eating contest. Again, the results were not high lighted…. But Rubber Gut Clearly won out her competitor, Tomoko Miyake flown in from Japan….

    As of now, Rubber Gut is the only competitive eater to out beat two of Japan’s female finest…

  5. R-suzuki said

    January 6, 2008 @ 8:20 am

    I found the video site of this program.
    My blog also added details and read, please.
    This program replaces before and behind the scene, and covers with a selfish narration. It can be said that the result will be cleverly concealed.


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