Raina Huang finished the Kookamonga burger challenge at Kooky Canuck in Memphis in 20:09. This appears to be the new women's record, beating 24:07 by Michelle Lesco. (The challenge finishers list has been removed from Kooky Canuck's website, but can be found on archive.org). As far as I know, Molly Schuyler and Miki Sudo have not attempted the challenge.


  1. Anonymous said

    December 4, 2020 @ 2:35 am


  2. Anonymous said

    December 4, 2020 @ 8:03 am

    Raina throws up 4 meals a day to achieve her attractive set of snags.

  3. Anonymous said

    December 4, 2020 @ 3:03 pm

    08:03 beyond discussing you misogynistic idiot

  4. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2020 @ 8:59 am

    Unfortunately 3:03 that’s not sexist or derived towards any set of social or sexual groups.
    It’s a dental group. Last time I checked every human has them. Minus, unfortunately accidental removal and being born without. I can’t help that the chick is disgusting and making it obvious on a scale where she couldn’t deny throwing up multiple times a day. No thanks. She looks like she’d cut your face kissing her.

  5. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2020 @ 1:52 pm

    Ok. Then it’s a perfectly acceptable comment, as was your last one.

  6. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2020 @ 9:43 pm

    Why is Joel still sleeping with her

  7. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2020 @ 10:08 pm

    She’s loose. Not a lie. She’s got more play than Amazon.

  8. Anonymous said

    December 5, 2020 @ 11:05 pm

    I like her teeth.

  9. Anonymous said

    December 6, 2020 @ 8:54 am

    These comments are the posterchilds for rude, demeaning, and just plain cruel. I hope Raina reads this comments because I, for one, am disgusted with insults hurled at her. Just ignore them Raina and keep on your path.

  10. Anonymous said

    December 6, 2020 @ 12:26 pm

    But at least they aren’t misogynistic.

  11. Raina Fan said

    December 6, 2020 @ 1:02 pm

    You go girl!

  12. Anonymous said

    December 6, 2020 @ 2:27 pm

    Yes Raina. Sleep your way to success.

  13. Anonymous said

    December 6, 2020 @ 9:25 pm

    @12:26 don’t use words she can’t pronounce or understand. Being a dumb fake blonde is hard enough.

  14. Anonymous said

    December 7, 2020 @ 6:26 am

    @12:26 live to troll?

  15. Anonymous said

    December 7, 2020 @ 6:27 am

    @12:26 did she turn you down?

  16. Anonymous said

    December 7, 2020 @ 6:28 am

    @12:26 fake blond = had hair coloured/bleached.. hardly really a useful comment or a much of an insult

  17. Anonymous said

    December 7, 2020 @ 6:28 am

    @12:26 – are you just a big bundle of bitterness?

  18. Anonymous said

    December 10, 2020 @ 8:35 am

    I’m pretty sure Schuyler and Sudo wouldn’t be caught dead with association of her.

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    March 28, 2025 @ 3:08 pm

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