Andrew Puhl posted a video of him cooking and attempting to eat a 30 pound breakfast sandwich with Dan Kennedy and Josh "the Goat" Kready.


  1. Anonymous said

    January 30, 2023 @ 4:14 am

    The goat sucks

  2. The Challenge Food Goats said

    February 4, 2023 @ 9:00 am

    @ 41:4 AM–why don’t you just explicitly let everyone know what your beef with The Goat is?? Instead of just bashing him on here and writing stupid poems about how you think he sucks at challenges or reverses afterwards, maybe just let everyone know why you have a problem with him? What are his faults/weaknesses? Is he dishonest somehow? I don’t think he ever claims anything about his capacity or how “good” of an eater he is–so what’s your issue with his content? If you don’t like it, don’t watch it, right?

    And what makes you believe he is a “reverser”?? And even if he is or has in the past, why single him out when plenty of other eaters do so, myself included sometimes. (I am not the GOAT, btw). What would you suggest he do or say differently, to help alleviate your clearly life-centric issues with him?

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