Angelo Cataldi Wing Bowl 15 FAQ

Angelo Cataldi answers some commonly asked questions about Wing Bowl 15 in his blog.

Q. Why do you allow professional eaters into Wing Bowl?

A. There’s really no choice. This is an open eating competition, with the best prizes in the history of competitive eating. I guess we could discourage the pros if we didn’t offer a free car to the winner, but that might not even work anymore. Winning Wing Bowl is a big deal in itself these days. It gets national coverage. It draws 20,000-plus spectators every year. Since WIP is a radio station, we are governed by the FCC, which requires very specific rules for all contests. Excluding the pros is pretty close to impossible. We thought we got around it last year with the Virgin Wing Bowl, but two pros who had never gotten in before jumped at the chance.

Comments (2)


  1. Gentleman Joe said

    January 5, 2007 @ 11:30 pm

    This is NOT an OPEN competition. In its rules, It SPECIFICALLY excludes people. & has underhandedly excluded others in the past.

  2. Krookster said

    January 6, 2007 @ 10:20 pm

    Cataldi is an idiot!

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