Wing Bowl 15 announcements in early Dec

WIP host Angelo Cataldi answers a question about Wing Bowl 15 in his blog. He says that tickets will probably go on sale the first week of December and a new contest theme and commisioner to replace the late Eric Gregg will be named at that time. The new theme will “address growing concerns that Wing Bowl has become too much of a national event, at the expense of Philadelphia.” We will have to wait until next month to see if those concerns will be addressed by banning or discouraging out of market eaters from competing.

Comments (7)


  1. donmoseslerman said

    November 11, 2006 @ 10:40 pm

    I went all over to many out of town contests and not one sponser or the veiwing public had any thoughts or concerns that I was an out of towner from new york competing. , why should the wing bowl be concerned about becoming a nationl event at the expence of Philadelphia?

  2. Rhonda Evans said

    November 13, 2006 @ 10:31 am

    I can understand the concern perfectly. Outsiders are like invaders. Questions: define outsider? Is an IFOCE member automatically considered an outsider? What about AICE members? I would love to see the IFOCE get out of the whole cherade, because that’s what it is. Eaters have little control of the outcome of the event. Wing Bowl totals should be stricken from IFOCE / MLE record books, because they mean nothing.

  3. Mr. Wright said

    November 13, 2006 @ 11:33 am

    More than likely when Cataldi found out that Sonya might not compete and Hardy , Booker & Jarvis retired he lost interest in hyping this boring event. He must have realized that Chestnut & Lefevre dont sell tickets or bring in the crowd like the other guys did, not to mention his prize pet El Wingador. What is Chestnut going to do with all these new automobiles he will have collected in the next few years?

  4. Philly Guy said

    November 13, 2006 @ 12:57 pm

    Wing Bowl will sell out no matter who is eating. The current crop of eaters will easily jack the numbers above 200 this year. There are so many good eaters that it’ll make for a real good event.

  5. Rhonda Evans said

    November 13, 2006 @ 3:02 pm

    If they weighed the wings it would be closer to 300. I’m certain that in a 30-minute weighted contest Rich, Joey and Sonya would likely rule the roost (not necessarily in that order). But the number goes WAY down when opinions and politics are entered into the equation.

    Wing Bowl promoters will never weigh the wings, because the local officials would lose all control in deciding the winner. Wing Bowl is a wonderful extravaganza for promotors and fans. It is the best of its kind I have ever heard of. Nothing can compare. HOWEVER, It is not competitive eating.

  6. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    November 13, 2006 @ 4:54 pm

    Honestly I think alot of it has to do with showmanship and spectacle. Locals who get into wingbowl listen & call every day from Nov-Jan. They verbally attack the other eaters and posture on the radio. Local eaters have shirts and posters made. Their family, freinds and co-workers tune in to get the latest news. Local eaters build floats and wear costumes like it was the Mummers Day Parade. Local eaters are featured on the news, in the local papers like they were headed off to the Olympics. Bars hold send off parties…

    Pros fly in for WingBowl and cant bring the huge Enterauges and floats with them. Sure the pros eat alot more, but WIP would still sell 20,000 without them. They want the show…the girls…the outfits….and they want the puking…pros dont puke.

    I think they like the idea of putting the chicken crown on the head of a plumber or truck driver anyway.

  7. SuperPaul said

    November 13, 2006 @ 6:07 pm

    Based on SteakBellie’s comments, this sounds like an event I am perfectly suited for, and makes me wish I still lived in Pennsylvania…except for the dissing other eaters, and puking part

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