“Anthony Bertatelli” in “Standy By Me” trivia

A listener to yesterday’s Steve Dahl show called in about AMC’s showing of “Stand By Me” with on screen trivia:

6:25 Caller Ken thinks he has something to cheer Patrick up with. He was flipping through channels and came across Stand by Me. It was an enhanced version that featured trivia flashing on the screen, because the regular movie isn’t good enough?
6:26 During the pie eating scene they put up an explanation of how Anthony “Deep Dish” Bertatelli widens his esophagus for competition. Did they really call him Anthony Bertatelli or does Ken just have the name wrong?

Steve Dahl mentions the possibility of unionizing competitive eating after Pat says he has yet to receive the $500 fee from the Major League Eating video game.

Comments (8)


  1. Philly Guy said

    June 14, 2008 @ 9:09 am

    Unionizing would kill eating. The union fees would be more than what most eaters make.

  2. anonymous said

    June 14, 2008 @ 1:57 pm

    Good and bad for unionizing. Somewhere down the line the arnie chapman crew would be allowed to enter mle events which would really kill eating. On the positive side eaters would not have a problem collecting money owed to them from past contests or media .

  3. Mega Munch said

    June 14, 2008 @ 8:52 pm

    How would “the Arnie Chapman crew” being in MLE events “kill eating”? That doesn’t make any sense to me. We are talking about competitive eating, right? It’s not the U.S. Senate (although they might actually do some good there).

  4. "Sweet" Jill Stoler said

    June 14, 2008 @ 11:29 pm

    Agreed, Mega Munch. I was crestfallen today at the Shea Stadium Nathan’s Qualifier knowing that, even though they were accepting last-minute entrants from “anyone”, I would not be allowed to compete because I am part of “Arnie’s crew”. Anyone was just allowed to walk up and enter up to a half-hour before the event began — anyone, that is, who isn’t affiliated with AICE.

  5. Sho- nuff (shogun of Harlem) said

    June 16, 2008 @ 4:13 pm

    Union? How about Agents? wouldn’t that be better? Then the ifoce/mle/aice can run the contests and the agents could get the eaters paid sponsors, that they wear on a jersy or something. Like nascar, like MMA fighting, boxing. Sell tickets to the event instead of making it free, tv stuff takes care of itself financialy….. this way at least everyone gets expenses, flights , travel, food radio spots paid for with just the sponsors logo on a hat or shirt…..but everyone would have different sponsors.

  6. El Toro said

    June 16, 2008 @ 5:22 pm

    The IFOCE is every eaters agent. That way if some Mexican bean brand wants to use my image to sell their product the federation can give me whatever they want and keep the rest to themselves. If the offer was 100,000 I could see them offering me say $500 dollars. Now that’s some funny shit.. We live in America baby say whatever the fuck you want!

  7. Reality said

    June 16, 2008 @ 6:33 pm

    Toro is like IFOCE’s new coondog O’karma. I could envision him having an email spat with the shea’s in the near future and end up telling them to go to f — themselves

  8. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    June 16, 2008 @ 8:12 pm

    So many things to comment about here, I’ll be brief.
    Jill – It seems as if they would want someone from the AICE to enter, that way you are stuck with them for 18 months according to thier “waiver”. Better that you stay with AICE anyway.
    Sho-nuff – I don’t know how sponsors would help the eaters. I know from NASCAR that the big money goes to the big names, so that would turn into the top few having all the sponsors, so it would be about the same as it is now. ( did you see my apron for the Outrageous Split?????? )
    El Toro – You are correct Sir. ( I could do without the strong language, but I see what you’re saying. ) I wonder how much the IFOCE got for the as yet to be released eating game, and it sounds like some of the eaters are still waiting to get any money…

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