Boone on BB TV: Don’t trust anyone under 30

Brian Seiken has uploaded his television show featuring a phone interview with Dale Boone. Boone questions the legitimacy of the achievement’s of the IFOCE’s college age stars. Most of the second half of the interview consists of a rant about Crazy Legs Conti which is not suitable for children. Boone announces that he is going to be writing a diet book about his regimen in India which resulted in a massive weight loss.

Comments (3)


  1. Miss Manners said

    June 22, 2006 @ 12:18 pm

    The interview with Boone on your website, BB, is called slander. Miss Manners does not approve. My brother, who like myself was raised in a classically southern tradition surrounded by southern etiquette and charm, made the comment “people get shot for sayin’ stuff like that down here.” While I am not advocating that anyone be shot, heaven forbid, you would think that Boone would have full knowledge of the repercussions of shouting such treacherous slander; after all he is southern. Miss Manners hopes that Boone’s mother gives him the spanking that he deserves, or in the very least, that Hall Hunt whips his derriere at the Atlanta Nathan’s qualifier. Boone ought to return to India, where he resembles the Buddha, in physical sense only. It is obvious that the Buddha had no effect on his personality. “God bless his soul.”

  2. beautifulbrian said

    June 22, 2006 @ 12:48 pm

    Miss Manners i agree to some point about “slander” but when the party being “slandered” doesent care to press charges. then thats that. Not condoning Boone’s actions at all.I spoke to Conti and he thinks Boone is an ignorant moron. He will have a chance to rebutt if he choses on an upcoming BB fhow.

  3. Aunt Tillie said

    June 23, 2006 @ 7:47 am

    Boone you are a disgrace to society . Someone should have washed your mouth out with soap and water years ago

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