Brian Seiken accuses Dale Boone of inappropriate myspace behavior

Brian Seiken makes allegations against Dale Boone in a recent page on his website:

Comments (19)


  1. Superpaul said

    November 28, 2006 @ 1:49 pm

    As long as he leaves my wife and Jenny McCarthy alone, I’m ok with it!

  2. Anonymous Coward said

    November 28, 2006 @ 2:02 pm

    Judging by the posting style (all caps) DALE BOONE AND BRIAN SEIKEN MIGHT BE THE SAME GUY.

  3. beautifulbrian said

    November 28, 2006 @ 2:34 pm

    The young lady that he attempted to kidnap off myspace page called me the other day to inform me that this idiot was badmouthing me and found her very attractive. We both got such a laugh out of watching this pathetic excuse for a human being try to seronade her on the net. She added him as a friend just for a goof then deleted him. I have the entire text of the myspace email he sent her after she fwd’d it to me.If he continues his bullshit the entire email he sent to her including misspelled words will be posted on my site or eatfeats if OJ permits. In his sick mind his idea of picking up a woman is to feed them his rap about what a great baked bean eater he is. OMG how pathetic can you get. In some aspects i do feel sorry for him because anyone that is desperate enough to surf myspace ads (Especially ifoce eaters) for women makes it quite obvious this dude was never married or had a relationship with anyone period! By the way, why does he change his age all the time . FIrst he is 39 then 32 . I say 50 and call it a truce. ANOMY coward i hate to burst your bubble but i think if the posting style was Boone you wouldnt understand a word he typed along with his horrible grammar to boot . Hence we are not the same person

  4. Anonymous Coward said

    November 28, 2006 @ 4:05 pm

    I stand corrected. Your legible response proves you are not one and the same.

  5. DALE BOONE said

    November 28, 2006 @ 5:03 pm

    O.J rifkin A.K.A BRIAN

    You have til the end of the day to take this down .

    This has not a thing to with eating .

    You have cross the LINE .

    Do I make it Clear ?

    This kind of JUNK the I.F.O.C.E. or M.L.E.

    Does not need

    As far as Brian [ Get a life ]

    As he tells women that s he is the next KOBY
    What a JOKE of a eater

    Go look at your so call one win . what 50 years ago ?

    I am known more for being a TOP FILM MAKER
    over seas Than stuffing my face

    Some life you have What a JOKE


  6. Mega Munch said

    November 28, 2006 @ 5:19 pm

    Wait…people are using MySpace to pick up women? What a sick, sick world we live in!

  7. You said

    November 28, 2006 @ 5:43 pm

    Hmm does news about an ifoce eater have anything to do with eating? I wonder, I wonder. Dale shut up.

  8. Great Swamie!!! said

    November 28, 2006 @ 9:15 pm

    What are you going to do Dale!! Huh keep up the threats! If your lucky Seiken won’t knock you out the next time he see’s you.

  9. Kevin Carr said (Registered April 21, 2006)

    November 28, 2006 @ 10:28 pm

    I declare Dale Boone to be the Emily Dickenson of the IFOCE. Notice his artful technique of replying to every post in blank verse? I think he’s going to start responding to posts in haiku, like this…

    Dale Boone full of gas
    From eating lots of baked beans
    ‘Tis such a blow-hard.

  10. DALE BOONE said

    November 28, 2006 @ 11:33 pm

    CARR ???????????????

    Who are you ??

    Oh yea !

    Arent you the guy who was on U.S. OPEN for like

    3 sec s sitting at a table ???

    Or the GUY who was never allow to be in the U.S.OPEN ???

    Wait that was BRIAN !!!!!!!

    How DOES it feel to be BITCH SLAP !!!!!!!!!

  11. beautifulbrian said

    November 29, 2006 @ 2:31 am

    Handing Boone a good ass whipping might sexually excite him. Total waste of time. These comments you people leave on here , get to him more than anything so keep up the great work. Old mouth of the south tried to pull a fast one thinking he could badmouth me to a female i am rather close with. Bad move Boone . You are a terrible chess player. You got royally f—ked up the rear once again like the loser you are and always will be. Boone dont even got there with the U.S open. They had to weigh both your’s and Busta’s cheese fries several times because the margin of your so called victory was so damn close it would take a microbiologist to figure it out. Bottom line you got over by the skin of your freaking teeth. Then Eater X cakewalked over you in pasta while you got sick to your stomach and nearly puked the shit all over the stage. Go back to India the only country on this planet that can stand having you around.

  12. Deep Throat said (Registered November 17, 2006)

    November 29, 2006 @ 6:32 am

    Boone and Brian are not the same people. They do share a lot in common. They are the only two people that talk about Boone.

    As I have stated before, Boone is a draw to noone. Nobody cares about him. The media treats him like every other mid level eater. Has anyone ever really heard someone say “I have to go see that guy that trash talks everyone and then ends up getting crushed by most of the table.” He does have a higher energy level then other eaters do and that is something that the Sheas appreciate. That is not anything special to competive eating though. All entertainment likes that as well. Why do people jump up and down on the Price is Right and every other show? They are told to. Boone’s antics have grown old though. Screaming at other eaters, learning tricks from overseas, seeing what Joey does, losing weight, winning overseas contests…all of these things get old when they do not translate to top numbers in the US.

    Brian on the other hand seems to treat him like he beats Kobe on a routine basis. It seems like every day he posts something about Boone. Half of Brian’s site is dedicated to Boone. His comments are spot on though. Boone is and will continue to be a mid level eater, nothing more. If Brian stopped posting about him, people would forget that he even existed. By continuing to make comments on Boone, he is actually keeping Boone in people’s minds. That is the only way he will be there. He will not get in their minds from them reading the list of top finishers at a contest.

  13. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    November 29, 2006 @ 9:21 am


  14. You said

    November 29, 2006 @ 9:38 am

    Maybe BB has some fascination for the lovely Mr. Boone. A while back BB posted that he would never mention Boone again here and on his site, and nobody else should because DB would then disappear and fall off everybody’s radar. Well, BB mentioned him here and on his site. BB will claim Boone started it or whatever by the myspce stuff, but yeah whatever. What gives, BB? Are you full of sh_t?

  15. You said

    November 29, 2006 @ 9:39 am

    But on the bright side thats a great haiku Kevin.

  16. Ashly From Chatty said

    November 29, 2006 @ 11:07 am

    Dale Boone Is the Man !!

    I dont see any of you Running your Mouths. In Chatty ? Do I ?
    Not Only is Dale Boone a great eater , But DAM SEXY.Thats why al the women run after him.


  17. beautifulbrian said

    November 29, 2006 @ 11:19 am

    A good point from throat although i dont think i have ever devoted half my site to Dale Boone at any time. At one point during ’04 and ’05 i used him to keep interest in my website during breaks in the eating circuit.I think its safe to say Boone is ,if i may use the phrase ” not right” in the head. The IFOCE at times enjoys capitilizing on brain damaged individuals such as himself Dont quote me verbatim on this. I am by no means saying the IFOCE would ever mock anyone with a physical handicap or a severe mental condition like bipolar or schizo or even addictions such as alcohol but i think most of you will agree that if someone is a little “off” they will play it up to gain attention.Remember anyone and i mean anyone can gain access in becoming a member of the IFOCE as long as they can eat, . There is no background or proof of age check from what i gather so you dont know know what kind of baggage some of these people carry or have carried around .They assume or take your word for it, that anything you document on the waiver sheet is the truth. As long as Boone doesnt kill rob or rape anyone the Boone fans will continue to think that anything he does that is considered mean and rotten to others (myspace stuff for example) is hilarious and entertaining to them. I believe his suspension was 30 percent real and 70 percent publicity stunt similar to the latest rankings update.

  18. Kevin Carr said (Registered April 21, 2006)

    November 30, 2006 @ 10:33 pm

    Bitch slap feel bad but
    Borat is more coherent
    Your grammer makes suck

  19. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    November 30, 2006 @ 10:50 pm

    more haikus!
    bless you…..

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