Brian Seiken announces Cookie Jarvis has retired
Brian Seiken reports that Cookie Jarvis has retired from competitive eating and will not attempt to qualify for Nathan’s in 2006. Cookie claims that his retirement is due to being unable to focus on his business ventures while pursuing an eating career. Best of luck to Cookie in his post-gurgitator phase of life.
Updated 3/8/06 9:02 Cookie Jarvis has a statement announcing his retirement on his website. Cookie is starting an advertising agency which will take all of his available time. He will continue to maintain his website which will track his progress in losing weight. (Thanks Pat Bertoletti)
Pat Bertoletti said
March 8, 2006 @ 8:43 am
Cookie posted a new article on his website under editorials. I hate to see him retire. But somehow I don’t think this year is his last.
beautifulbrian said
March 8, 2006 @ 12:31 pm
Problem is most people think im full of sh— when i print a story on my website. I got the jarvis story from the horse’s mouth and noone else. Not a third party and not a rumor. I am not about to jeopardize my site with a fake story. When i say someone is retired on my site they are retired PERIOD! I have learned to distinguish the BS artists that claim they are retiring from the real ones.
Rich LeFevre said
March 8, 2006 @ 12:33 pm
I agree with Pat. Cookie has a real promising business venture going on and it is taking a lot of his time and energy right now. Once he puts everything in place and has it all heading in the right direction, he may have a little more free time to focus on competitive eating again. However If he decides not to come back, he will really be missed as he has been one of the all time greats.
Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)
March 8, 2006 @ 1:04 pm
We have seen in the past that retirement is not always permanent, i.e. Michael Jordan, Mario Lemiuex, soon to be Lance Armstrong (but that’s just to shove it in the face of France), but clearly Cookie you will be missed in your time away. I appreciate the opportunity to have competed (and losing) against you in my first contest in San Francisco when you and Rich went at it. I realized right away that you and the other pro eaters were serious, genuine, and larger than life characters that deserve respect. Good luck in your endeavors Cookie.
Johnny B said
March 8, 2006 @ 1:27 pm
The last attempt at the record was two weeks before Jarvis’ win when fellow IFOCE champion ‘Gentleman’ Joe fell short by one patty before regurgitating on the sidewalk outside of Doodle Burger.
The Tubesock Destroyer said
March 8, 2006 @ 1:38 pm
Cookie Jarvis is a living legend. I wish him all the best with his new venture.
I would like to nominate him as the first entrant into the Competitive Eating Hall of Fame. Or is there a wait period for eligibility? If so, how long is it? Who could be inducted first? Mike ‘The Scholar’ Devito? Kid Carry?
I just think that these are questions that deserve answers in the name of the preservation of Competitive Eating History for future generations.
All respect due to the current rock stars of the circuit (Pat Bertoletti, Joey Chestnutt, Tim ‘Eater X’ Janus, Pat From Moonachie), but what about the legacies of the Gods? I’m talking not only about Cookie Jarvis, but Badlands, Rich & Carlene LeFevre, Don Moses Lerman, Beautiful Brian- we all know the usual suspects.
I just don’t think we can trust the various Walls of Fame in random eateries around the world, there needs to be a Hall of Fame.
Or Cookie can just open up his Trophy Room to the public.
March 8, 2006 @ 6:05 pm
this is Don Moses Lerman the tribute to ed jarvis is up on my site DON MOSESLERMAN .COM …..don lerman
TheGodfather said (Registered February 21, 2006)
March 8, 2006 @ 9:21 pm
Good luck Cookie !you will be missed out there but never never forgotten!
you and i have had some great times on the road and it wont be the same without you there!
Ray The Bison Meduna said
March 8, 2006 @ 10:30 pm
You are the Catalyst of the IFOCE and will be truly missed.You and I had some really great battles on the West Coast.
My favorite memory is doing the 5 One on One contests against you on Fox TV at Lincoln City at 6 A.M. and the Easter Feaster Ham and Mashed Patatoes World Title.
Keep in touch Ol Buddy
beautifulbrian said
March 9, 2006 @ 1:34 am
ESPN is doing an hour long tribute to Jarvis retirement featuring film clips of all his contests with an interview . Fooled ya just kidding. By the way where is the Jarvis retirement party being held at?
March 9, 2006 @ 5:46 am
March 9, 2006 @ 8:44 am
this is don moseslerman as far as a musuem for competitive eating gustoff zhychick mentions that on his colum on my site 3 years ago the aricle is still up….don lerman
Mr Negativity said
March 9, 2006 @ 12:09 pm
Hey Don a word of advice , to create fan interest on your site never post the phrase
“Coming Soon” . Nobody cares what is coming soon . Fans like to see it now now now
March 9, 2006 @ 1:21 pm
this is don moseslerman ,i wish i could say now now now ,but right now i can’t and iI ‘M only doing what every movie theater does”cooming soon” ….DON LERMAN
The Phenom said
March 9, 2006 @ 6:18 pm
Having only met Cookie on a few occasions I just wanted to say what an honor it was to compete against this legend of our sport. I agree for Cookie to be in a Hall of Fame somewhere somehow. He along with others should be recognized for their lifetime commitment to our sport as well as being genuinely great guys. To Cookie if we do not see you again I wish you the best in all of your future endeavors.
The Meat said
March 9, 2006 @ 7:18 pm
I think I speak for myself as well for the cheeses and the breads and the candies and the cookies and the sodas and the ice cream and the popcorn and the potato chips and the salads and the—oh, wait, not the salads—when I say that Cookie will not deprive us of his presence even as he retires from eating competitively. I, The Meat, will always fear the man they call Edward “Cookie” Jarvis.
Webmaster said
March 10, 2006 @ 1:03 pm
Since all of you are illiterate read the part in the article where it says,
“In the next few months I will be taking a time-out from competitive eating to set up a new business”
Time out is defined as a break…. no one is quitting… and the rumors are all false. No one and I repeat no one got from the horses mouth that he is quitting for good. The horse calls me 10 times a day. I know what the horse is saying. He needs a few months to do a lot of organizing and does not have time to run around the country to contests.
So stay in school and learn to read.
beautifulbrian said
March 10, 2006 @ 2:09 pm
Webmaster Jonathan Morris , the horse told me a few weeks back ” I’m calling in my resignation” I take that as resigning or quitting whichever comes first . You cant be referring to me as illiterate .I never say “WELL DUN NUTIN” as an example of the illiteracy i see on this site day after day. Maybe my spelling sucks at times but i have a college education.From now on anyone that claims they are quitting competitive eating tell someone else this story.Its obvious that the people that say they are quitting usually have just come off a shitty outing in a contest and speak at the heat of the moment. There is another person out there that claims he is quitting all the time and then takes back the story ” Oh i never said i was quitting” . Im starting to think noone keeps their word anymore. Anyone can do or say whatever they want but it makes me look like shit when i print something that they claim isnt true. So far Meduna , Hardy & Krachie have been true to their word. Next time guys , if you have a bad outing and you say you quit i dont want to hear it! Sounds like a damn child that wants attention or didnt get his BOTTLE!