Buffalo Buffet Bowl results thread

Buffalo Buffet Bowl results from a Mike Landrich comment:

1. Sonya Thomas
2. Juliet Lee
3. Badlands Booker
4. Jim Reeves

Comments (21)


  1. Furious Pete said

    August 31, 2008 @ 2:41 pm

    This was an IFOCE event correct? Was close to my house, but didn’;t think I was allowed to enter…

  2. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    August 31, 2008 @ 6:53 pm

    1. Sonya
    2. Juliet
    3. Badlands

    Jim Reeves had 4 wings left when Badlands took third (time called after 3rd place). It was a tough plate. Wild Bill has full unofficial results. Only the top 3 are IFOCE places, the rest were us weighing what was left afterward.

  3. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    August 31, 2008 @ 6:54 pm

    You have the Sahlen’s hot dogs tomorrow as an AICE event, which I can’t enter. It’s all good.

  4. anonymous said

    August 31, 2008 @ 10:08 pm

    Why do you insist on commenting on ALL contests? Just stick to being top 3 in the B League.

  5. Furious Pete said

    September 1, 2008 @ 12:14 am

    Annom why must you insist on being a jackass…I am NEW to the sport of competitive eating and interested in all circuits and competitions…get a your head out of your ass and go drink some Soya Milk.

  6. anonymous said

    September 1, 2008 @ 9:13 am

    That makes no sense. How’s your career going?

  7. Furious Pete said

    September 1, 2008 @ 10:19 am

    How does that make no sense? I have NOTHING against anyone on here and just want to learn more about this sport…

    I’m 22, going into my final year at University for Mechanical Engineering…eating is just a fun gig on the side.

  8. Anonymous said

    September 1, 2008 @ 10:28 am

    It;s fine to have an interest and to follow each circuit, but you can[t eat in both. You are AICE. That’s all there is to it.

  9. BIG Brian Subich said

    September 1, 2008 @ 10:33 am

    I’d like to apologize to the millions and millions of BIG Brian fans for my sub-par performance at the Buffet Bowl. The food included in the Buffet Bowl was so delicious, that I did not want to eat it fast. Totally delicious!!

  10. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    September 1, 2008 @ 12:47 pm

    Full results for the Buffet Bowl competition:

    Sonya, Juliet, and Badlands all ate over 5.4 pounds of food; this was a race to the finish contest, not a timed event. Ryan called the finishers as each of them completed their trays.

    7 pound tray of food, consisting of 1 pound of Blues BBQ wings, 1 pound of Buffalo style chicken fingers, 1 pound of chicken pasta salad, and 3 Home Wrecker Chili Dogs (1 pound hot dogs {each} plus roll and chili)

    1st ? $1000 Sonya “The Black Widow” Thomas – Finished entire tray in approximately 16 minutes.
    2nd ? $500 Juliet Lee – Second to finish entire tray.
    3rd ? $250 Eric “Badlands” Booker – Finished entire tray in approximately 18 minutes.
    4th 4.88 Brad “The Lunatic” Sciullo
    5th 4.66 Russ “The Black Hole” Keeler
    6th 4.54 “Buffalo” Jim Reeves
    7th 3.98 William “Wild Bill” Myers
    8th 3.59 Dave “U. S. Male” Goldstein
    9th 3.31 Mike Landrich
    10th 3.01 “Beautiful” Brian Seiken
    11th 2.21 “Big” Brian Subich
    12th DQ (reversal) Nick Skillington – Won the Amatuer Wing Eating Contest on Saturday.

  11. Wild Bill said (Registered September 19, 2006)

    September 1, 2008 @ 1:31 pm

    More video:


  12. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 1, 2008 @ 4:00 pm

    My only complaint was the inconsistency in our trays. I had basically no chicken fingers (6 small McNugget sized pieces) and probably 1/2 again as many wings as the guys on either side of me. Since the wings were so dry, it was tough to make up any weight with them. But it’s no excuse, I should’ve done better.

    As for Jim Reeves, he cleaned his wings and only had 4 left. 4 wings is not the 1/4 lb between him and Brad Sciullo. How could his tray have been heavier (meaning less eaten) than Russ’ or Brad’s? Since it’s not a money issue, it really doesn’t matter, but it just doesn’t add up.

  13. anonymous said

    September 1, 2008 @ 4:18 pm

    You fail to mention that Reeves doused his dogs with water . It was specifically stated before the contest no dunking. Dunking is the same as drenching . The judges might have given Reeves a rough time if he finished 3rd anyhow

  14. The Critic said

    September 1, 2008 @ 4:28 pm

    Probably was a great contest. The film Wild Bill linked us to, however, was lousy! Best moment, the gay fat guy telling us to come to his restaurant in Western NY. There was meat on the table, but mere by-product crumbs in this cinematic clunker. Blink, and you miss the eating contest. Blink twice, and you miss the whole film. My advice, keep blinking, you didn’t miss much.

  15. Mysterio Mystified said

    September 1, 2008 @ 4:34 pm

    So is Brad Sciullo unretired?

  16. anonymous said

    September 1, 2008 @ 4:47 pm

    BB has the entire wing eating contest video on his site

  17. Jim Reeves said

    September 1, 2008 @ 5:05 pm

    Anonymous 4:18,

    That fact that I doused my dogs probably accounts for why it weighed in heavier and resulted in a lower (unofficial) total. I said before the contest it was pointless to weigh the trays after the fact, because the judge wasn’t going to change the results after he concluded who were the first three done. Since you are fond of pointing out the rules, this wasn’t a weighed contest, which is why I did it, and the judges wouldn’t have given me a hard time because I didn’t dunk anything. If they had a problem with it they would have DQ’d me at the start. Everything I was given was in my tray or in my mouth as it always is. Unlike some of the anonymous sissies next to me, who sprayed everyone around them with kool-aid, while they were busy trying to put on a show, instead of eating. I’ve lost more than one contest in the last couple of years to people who suffered no penalty for having 4 or 5 buns in their cups and on their plates. If you want to complain about something, complain about that. At least I eat everything I’m given. How about you?

  18. mike landrich said (Registered July 4, 2007)

    September 1, 2008 @ 5:45 pm

    Whoever made the anonymous comment about Jim at 4:18, you suck. If you were a competitor, I am sorry I was civil to you. You are what is wrong with the sport.

  19. RussK said (Registered February 3, 2007)

    September 1, 2008 @ 6:12 pm

    The weights are unoffical, and I don’t know why Jim’s tray weighed more than mine, because he only had a couple of wings left. He deifinetely finished more than I did. The third postion in this contest was going to come down to Badlands and Jim.

    Everyone one who particicapted in this contest should be pround of whatever they did, because that was the most extreme tray of food I have ever seen. And eating for 18 minutes was probably unchartered waters, for most, if not all of us.


  20. Matthew Ventre said

    September 2, 2008 @ 10:11 am

    Congratulations to the winners again Sonya, Badlands and Juliet, and I’m glad the food was excellent! Sorry I couldn’t stick around and eat with you all at this one. It’s most certainly on my calendar for next year. Great work and great competing! See you back at the table very soon.

  21. nick skillington said

    November 5, 2008 @ 11:46 pm

    i was wondering why it did not have my weight that i had ate before i dq because i no i ate 4.71

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