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Laredo Jalapeno Contest Results

from Erik “the Red” (not Gumby) Denmark:

Jalapeno Festival Jalapeno Eating Contest, Laredo, TX updated 2/20 7:30
1st – Getleman Joe Menchetti – 105 jalapenos (Wallingford, Connecticut), $1000
2nd – Erik “The Red” Denmark – 98 jalapenos (Seattle, WA), $500
3rd – Benjamin Navarro – 74 jalapenos (Laredo, TX), $250
4th – Jose A. Mar – 71 jalapenos (Laredo, TX)

Erik has the following comments about the contest :

Just wanted to give you the results of the Laredo Jalapeno eating contest. I finished second, I had a big lead in the beginning but slowed in the second half to allow Menchetti to catch up and pass me- though I didn’t know that the guy who strategically sat next to me was Gentleman Joe until after the contest.

Anyway, it was brutally cold in Laredo, around 35 degrees with a wind chill factor, which I think made the winning totals lower because it took a while to get the jaw warmed up.

Link to article… (article has expired as of Monday morning) (picture) (article)

The article mistakenly claims that Mar holds the record for 141 jalapenos – the most he ever ate was 113 last year. Also, they don’t recognize Donahue as holding the record although they do say that the 141 jalapeno record was set in 1992.

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