Laredo Jalapeno Contest Results
from Erik “the Red” (not Gumby) Denmark:
Jalapeno Festival Jalapeno Eating Contest, Laredo, TX updated 2/20 7:30
1st – Getleman Joe Menchetti – 105 jalapenos (Wallingford, Connecticut), $1000
2nd – Erik “The Red” Denmark – 98 jalapenos (Seattle, WA), $500
3rd – Benjamin Navarro – 74 jalapenos (Laredo, TX), $250
4th – Jose A. Mar – 71 jalapenos (Laredo, TX)
Erik has the following comments about the contest :
Just wanted to give you the results of the Laredo Jalapeno eating contest. I finished second, I had a big lead in the beginning but slowed in the second half to allow Menchetti to catch up and pass me- though I didn’t know that the guy who strategically sat next to me was Gentleman Joe until after the contest.
Anyway, it was brutally cold in Laredo, around 35 degrees with a wind chill factor, which I think made the winning totals lower because it took a while to get the jaw warmed up.
Link to article… (article has expired as of Monday morning) (picture) (article)
The article mistakenly claims that Mar holds the record for 141 jalapenos – the most he ever ate was 113 last year. Also, they don’t recognize Donahue as holding the record although they do say that the 141 jalapeno record was set in 1992.
February 20, 2006 @ 5:05 am
This is DON MOSESLERMAN congradulations Joe on tour 1st place victory 105 aint to shabby and erick”the red’ on 2nd with 98
allI CAN SAY IS great work and i’ll be there next year ..don lerman
Mr. Negativity said
February 20, 2006 @ 9:42 am
Thanks for this and thanks for that. Congradulations. Call the man up or email him if you want to praise him. This site is for comments about eating and your comments including the CAPS are not enlightening. It spells one word BORING!
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
February 20, 2006 @ 10:59 am
Thanks Don.
If I get lucky enough to find cheap flights down to Laredo, i’ll probably be crazy & stupid enough to defend my crown.
I won’t be spending $700. or more on flights like someone else though.
Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)
February 20, 2006 @ 12:02 pm
I do want to add a congratulations to Gentleman Joe for the victory. I know we both had a crazy traveling schedule to get to Laredo so I’m glad we finished 1-2. I doubt it has ever been that cold for a jalapeno eating contest, 105 was a good number. Congrats Joe.
bubba yarbrough said
February 20, 2006 @ 12:42 pm
My earlier congratulation of Erik for 2nd plave was by no means a put down for Gentleman Joe Menchetti. I met Erik before and was happy he did so well and forgot to congratulate Joe M on his 1st place performance. I have one question for the participants in this contest though, did it burn more going in or coming out?
Congratulation Joe on the Victory and Erik the Red on the 2nd place performance.!!!
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
February 20, 2006 @ 3:21 pm
I relieved myself shortly after I was declared the winner. It burned a little coming back up.
Also, coming out the way nature intended, started an hour-hour & a half after the contest was over. Diarhea would have been an improvement.
Thankfully, I didn’t suffer the 72 hours of hell. For me it was more like 24hrs. I pretty sure i’m ok now. It did burn a bit, unsure if it was the jalapenos or the frequency of going, or a combo of the two.
Weather WAS a factor. It was 35 degrees with a stiff wind & it was misting. We were on the stage for atleast half an hour before the contest started. I was shaking, not shivering, shaking uncontrollably, from the cold while being presented w/ the trophy, $$$, & being interviewed. Later on I35 around San Antonio was shut down because of the many accidents from the ice from the mist.
Erik did have a lead on me after 25 & 50 eaten.
All considered (weather, how the reported record holder did, etc.) I am happy w/my number.
For the record: these were easy compared with the ‘fresh off the vine’ jalapenos I ate in El Paso. While I felt the heat of the jalapeno’s 5-10 minutes in, I didn’t quit like I did in El Paso. When I realized my head was still on fire, I jumped back in to tie in El Paso, & won in OT.
Erik- While I certainly understand your disappointment in not winning. You had a very good performance. If you can handle jalapeno’s, you are likely to improve in other disciplines. I hope you attain your goal of making it to Coney.
Hollow Man Hunt said
February 20, 2006 @ 3:25 pm
Nice job Erik! I knew you would do well. Good job to you too Joe. I don’t believe I have had the privilige of meeting you yet, but your eating reputation and prowess preceds you.
Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)
February 20, 2006 @ 4:16 pm
Okay, so I am by no means trying to brag at all but really the jalapenos never affected me as I feared maybe they would. The biggest factor for my stomach in the practice runs I did was the vinegar, which by taking some pepto after the competition was pretty well neutralized for me. I prefer extremely hot and spicy foods so usually my body cooperates.
The following is a link to some pictures (posted at from the event…
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
February 20, 2006 @ 5:58 pm
You guys look like you were freezeing to death. I can’t believe how big the trophies are the second place trophy was enormous. Joe were you also drinking water during the event? I attended a jalapeno eating contest as a spectator and everybody was using beer or koolaid I just figured that was the prefrence for hot food.
Mr. Negativity said
February 20, 2006 @ 6:04 pm
Out of all Menchetti bullcrap titles this one has gotten him the most fame. He can win Nathan’s at Coney and the Shea’s still wouldnt take him back. As much as i hate to praise him he walked the walk and talked the talk
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
February 20, 2006 @ 6:46 pm
Note to the New York City resident who posted as the “Laredo Daily Times:” If you wish to criticize Menchetti, do so without making up a fake quote if you want your comment to be posted.
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
February 20, 2006 @ 7:51 pm
Sorry I missed whatever it was “Laredo Daily Times” put up. I’m a big boy, I can take it. I don’t mind, whatever it was, post it. At least email it to me.
Mr Haney said
February 20, 2006 @ 7:57 pm
Oh boy there musta be somea real Menchetti haters out there. Ill bet yu a genuine jalapeno
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
February 21, 2006 @ 12:03 am
Here is the comment containing the fake quote posted under the name of the “Laredo Daily Times:”
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
February 21, 2006 @ 12:31 am
I didn’t say it. That said, at face value (besides quoting me that is) the comment is fair.
If you go beyond face value though, I need to point out that the guy they consider to hold the record (right or wrong) who ate 141 when setting the record only ate 74. My educated guess would be there were other factors such as weather or maybe in the past they only used small jalapeno’s. Assuming Jose A. Mar is still similar to the man he was when he set the record, my 105 would translate to about 200. Admittedly, this is alot of assumptions, & math that “Laredo Daily” is unlikely to comprehend. There has to be a reason why Mr. Mar is down 67 jalapeno’s from his high & down 39 from last year, no?…
If Jed & Lerman commit to going next year, or are allowed to go, I will go too. (unless the “fed” sanctions & won’t allow me to compete…again) Even if it costs me $700 to fly out.
While I respect their abilitiies, I fear no one, in this condiment like food.
Laredo Daily Times said
February 21, 2006 @ 12:50 am
The fake quote IS A JOKE. I’m not trying to slip something by you. The obvious pseudonym under which I posted the comment should have tipped you off to the inauthenticity of the quote. If I had hoped to pass off a fake quote as a real one, I’d have logged in under a HUMAN name and written something like, “Hey, here’s a quote from the Laredo Daily Times.” But I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t try to hoodwink you because I’m a joker not a liar. It’s satire, baby. And as Joe said, the comment itself “is fair.” Thus it’s good satire.
Now somebody give me props! Props for the good satire!
February 21, 2006 @ 1:11 am
this is donmoseslerman so far I’m going next year,it will be the mother of all contests, i can’t wait , i’m going on a diet as of now and will be it shape for laredo in 2007 Don LERMAN
Follower said
February 21, 2006 @ 7:15 am
The two names Menchetti mentioned are shades of what they used to be. I don’t think they can beat him so he need not worry . Feds might not run a similar contest due to the nature of the food . Jalapenos are nothing to play with injested and excreted.If someone eats 20 in 1 minute as an example that does not mean they can sustain that pace throughout the 15 minute contest. In wingoff videos of the past i have heard the judges make comments to the effect. “He just ate 25 wings in 5 min that puts him on pace to eat 150 wings ” Keep dreaming. Speed demons run out of gas during the midway point or sooner. . Case in point . Dale Boone .
February 21, 2006 @ 10:13 am
this is don moses lerman this is a reply to follower, i ‘m not a shade of what i i used to be . i can stillkeatpeppes.rand next year i will be there to silence all my critics I WILL SET A KOBIACCHI STYLE RECORD NEXT YEARAND BELEIVE ME I CAN GO THE DISTACE..DON LERMAN
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
February 21, 2006 @ 12:53 pm
I do not agree with ‘followers’ comments that the names I mentioned are shades of what they used to be.
I submit that Jed Donahue is better now, than when he set that jalapeno record from continued competion experiences & weight loss. He just came in a close 4th in cheese fries!
Don Lerman has been a top eater for years! His biggest problems are consistency, & capital letters.
What names should I have thrown out in regards to Jalapeno eating?!
February 21, 2006 @ 1:19 pm
THISNIS DON LERMAN Joe, i have a lot of respect for your jalapeno eating ability as well as eric the red and i don’t and will never under estimate you in a pepper contest, but as sure as i will be there bext year in the contest I WILL BREAK YOU , JED NAVARRO AND MAR IN THAT ARENA …AND THATS FOR THE RECORD! ….don lerman
February 21, 2006 @ 1:47 pm
this is don lerman once again, with all the trash talking aside this year due to ilness i was unable to go to laredoi went on ahiatus from eating to lose wheght and gained so much that i’m now known as lerman the hut, this year I promise more concistency and i will try not to use capital letters, win loses or draw the laredo contest will be my last ..don lerman
Ray The Bison Meduna said
February 21, 2006 @ 10:49 pm
Congradulations to Gentleman Joe menchetti on his Victory.Joe is one of the Best Speed Eaters in the World and it’s too bad Bad Blood has to prevent all World Class Eaters from the IFOCE and AICE to contend in the same ring.
Since I don’t know the circumstances of why it’s this way then it’s not really my business to comment either.
Congradulation also to Erik The Red on his 2nd place finish.You battled with a giant in the World of Competitive Eating .Keeping pace with Joe is no easy task.You will only learn to be better with each contest and next Year at lorado the contest will be HUGE!!!!!
Imagine with the names The Red ,Moses Lerman,Jed Donohue,and Menchetti.It will bring goosbumps to the Competitive Eating World.
I think I will reserve my front row seat now .
February 22, 2006 @ 11:02 am
this is Don MosesLermanfor thoses who are not famoilar with the jalapeno contest in Laredo it coinsides with the celebaration of washinhtons birthady ,people camp out all night to get a good spot for the parade then there is the festival itself there are 2 fair grounds one is for entertainment and the contest it is befor nearly 3-5 thousand people with a fan base on both sides of the border , like the bison said better reserve your seat now for next year ..Don Lerman
Rich LeFevre said
February 22, 2006 @ 1:29 pm
So Follower thinks that Jed Donahue is a shell of his former self, huh? All I can say is that he has taken money out of my pocket in three different contests now and only Sonya, Joey and Bob Shoudt can make that claim besides Jed.
Arnie Chapman said
February 22, 2006 @ 8:07 pm
Please e-mail me at
Chowhound Chapman
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
February 22, 2006 @ 11:42 pm
Erik He wants you to come to the dark side. Don’t do it!!!!!
Nothing but the truth said
February 23, 2006 @ 2:06 am
Erik dont bother with him . Its like making a pact with the devil , The guy is no f–in good PERIOD! I thought he was banned from this site?
Erik the Red said (Registered January 9, 2006)
February 23, 2006 @ 3:19 am
Sorry Chowhound, I will only eat for the IFOCE
Rich LeFevre said
February 23, 2006 @ 12:58 pm
Glad to hear that, Erik! You are a true class act and it’s only proper that you eat in the major leagues where you can only improve going up against young guns like Joey, Pat and Chip as well as the veterans who are trying to keep up with them.
Rich said
February 18, 2007 @ 2:07 pm
Just wanted to let you all know that the pictures of the 2007 Jalapeño eating contest have been posted.
Gentleman Joe said
February 18, 2007 @ 6:28 pm
Thanks, Rich
Congrats JJ Rodriguez. Use the softest toilet paper there is
My bowels are thanking me for not making the trek this year.
Maybe i’ll see you in future years.