SmartShanghai has an interview with Chinese food challenger 大胃mini, who claims to have eaten a 17.5kg (38.5 pound) lamb. Her channel on Bilibili has over a million fans. She also has a youtube channel.
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Anonymous said
May 8, 2020 @ 9:20 am
The girl to eat the most meat in one sitting in the US is Molly. This girl claims to have eaten 14lbs over that? Yea will multiple bathroom breaks. Not possible
Mutton Chops said
May 8, 2020 @ 4:08 pm
Yeah, that’s incredible. She may have eaten that much lamb cumulatively over time.
Anonymous said
May 9, 2020 @ 10:01 pm
Readers Digest article about Molly Schuyler said her 500 wings at Wing Bowl weighed 47 pounds. Even if the wings only had an ounce of meat on them that’s 500 ounces/about 31 pounds.