The New York Daily News has a report on Crazy Legs taking advantage of IHOP's all you can eat offer to set the house record of 14 at a Manhattan location. update Jan 31 Molly Schuyler says she ate 95 pancakes
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anonymous said
January 30, 2015 @ 10:28 pm
Seiken ate more than that
anonymous said
January 30, 2015 @ 10:37 pm
Sheas gave him green light . They probably promoting it
conti's conscience said
January 30, 2015 @ 11:28 pm
He doesn’t have me. I do not exist. My name is pure fiction. I am no more real than his 2010 San Diego HDB #
anonymous said
January 30, 2015 @ 11:45 pm
Conti didn’t stiff the waitress like the slob who ate 15 hollowed out pancakes.
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 2:10 am
A name from the past, Big Ben Monsoon ate 59 full sized pancakes. So whats so great about 14???????
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 2:20 am
Was this just for a story in the newspaper? 8 year olds can eat 14. CLC should be ashamed to even post this.
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 4:04 am
Your entire life is hollowed out you smelly wrinkled face midget
Siken has the IHOP record oink oink said
January 31, 2015 @ 4:19 am
wow, a whole 14 said
January 31, 2015 @ 8:38 am
Wow, 14 pancakes. What next, 6 strips of bacon and 4 egg omelette? Someday, maybe, he can move up to the adult menu. He’s like Tom Hanks in BIG, a man child
Anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 9:28 am
14 is still better than seiken
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 10:02 am
Jamie McDonald ate 67 IHOP pancakes. It’s on youtube.
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 10:23 am
MLE makes up their own record breaker disregarding any other records that were set or broken by anyone not affiliated with the organization A couple of news photos never holds a candle to a YT video which is self evident in Jamie 67 pancake record
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 10:25 am
What about El Toro who claims to set Vegas records in wings burgers and other shit based upon one stupid photo and no video to prove it Same with Torres
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 10:41 am
Doesn’t matter if he 4, 14, or 40. CLC is the face of competitive eating, he is well spoken and was promoted by a major media outlet. Nice piece. Take that, self promoting Smellkin with his shaky hand held low budget camera, begging for any attention as he eats 15 small pancakes.
Anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 10:44 am
Seikens pancakes were silver dollar kids size
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 11:14 am
And the syrup curdled like sour milk because of his breath.
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
January 31, 2015 @ 11:20 am
The location is specified (E 14th St), so if someone wants to try to break the house record, that opportunity is available.
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 11:28 am
Shitstein attempted the IHOP challenge with his $5000 wig and shit breath but only managed 6
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 11:31 am
I hear Seiken immediately contacted Daily News sent them a photo of his 5lb annihilation of the Lebron Ssndwich which Daily News covered and his record breaking 17 pancakes. Shitstein is too scared to try any challenges out of fear Smelkin will make fun of his wig flabby arms wrinkled face and horse teeth Ha ha ha ha ha
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 11:32 am
Ha ha ha Seiken ate 17 what did shitstein eat ? Shit cause he cant eat shit and never could eat shit Ib bologna mumbling midget
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 12:45 pm
I love Smellkin food challenges. He makes such a fool of himself while he expands his large triple chin. When will he realize that he is not a competitive eater.
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 1:37 pm
This is the Jamie McDonald video link of him doing 67 IHOP pancakes:
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 2:25 pm
Must be torture for real fans of this site to read this shit day in and day out
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 3:08 pm
Hair = cheap steel wool wig. Hygiene = bad. Eating ability = none. Just saying…..
Anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 5:41 pm
95?! Sounds like she’s cramming 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 7:29 pm
Molly is the world’s grestest eater. She could have eaten over 100 if she wanted.
Anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 8:51 pm
Molly can eat any amount and beat any body at any food, at will !!!!!!!!!!! She is the greatest eater of all time !!!!!!!!!!!
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 8:51 pm
who the fuck cares
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 8:53 pm
308 had Goldstein written all over it Good analogy You forgot crazy glue thrown in as a bonus
anonymous said
January 31, 2015 @ 9:58 pm
Anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 3:28 pm
He was only asked to break the house record, which was 13. Why should he eat more than that? If he just one-ups it, he gives amateurs a chance to break the record and enjoy a moment in the local spotlight.
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 7:55 pm
House record ? Seiken has the house record of 17 and the Daily News has been notified just to set record straight Matter fact Seiken is on good terms with Daily News after front page annihilation of the Lebron sandwich 4 yrs ago LOOK
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 8:24 pm
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 9:08 pm
That Lebron James sandwich was hollowed out, specially made for Seiken’s pathetic capacity of 1- 1.5 lb
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 10:06 pm
Yeah but lets see you try it 1lb bologna champ You were and still are the worst eater on this planet You couldnt cop a title if your life depended on it
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 10:08 pm
Seiken pickle title was a legit title beating all the top eaters of that time period Hardy Booker Jarvis There were no others in their league during that time. Goldstein beat some homeless joke they plucked off the lower east side for a 1lb bologna title and a $2 trophy which he proudly displays in his vacated trophy room
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 10:18 pm
Pickle contest was a set up. They let Seiken win because he has a pickle sized nose. How many times was Seiken in the Nathan’s finals? 0, none, nada, never will be… HAHAHAHA…..
anonymous said
February 1, 2015 @ 11:10 pm
You are a disgrace 1018 I do not know how you can live with yourself being such a phoney
Anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 2:28 am
Pickle nosed hollowken can’t believe he can post so much on here with a hollowed out brain lmfao
Anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 6:57 am
How can you call 1018 a phoney when he speaks the truth??? The pickle contest was indeed rigged just like wing bowl, and seiken never has and never will compete at the Nathan’s finals. Time to retire and disappear
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 8:09 am
If anything was a setup it was horse teeth wrinkled face Goldstein 1lb bologna title My late grandmother could have plowed down more bolonga that day
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 8:12 am
Making it to Nathans beating less than average competition like Leon Feingold sister is something to be proud of? Your a loser with no legacy not even a legit title to your name .
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 9:11 am
Leon Feingold’s sister, Gus Shaffer, Damon Sergnet and one of the Hungry sisters are all fierce competitors who can beat Seiken’s stinky ass any day of the week. The 1 lb hollowed out pickle title with Krazy Kevin was a set up too.
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 9:20 am
hollowed out hot dogs with hollowed out buns and we are supposed to believe you ate 27 The amount you ate at duck stadium 9 in 2003 is more accurate
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 9:50 am
You forgot the hollowed out tea used for dunking. I believe the record books say 28 back in 2010.
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 9:53 am
Goldshit Seiken has had gorgeous chicks in his lifetime including his ex Ok so the one he goes with now is a little overweight but he has proven through photos on one of his internet shows that the women he dated were prime meat . Even the not so hot ones were probably still better than anything you ever dated Where are pics of your ex girlfriends if you ever had any to begin with ?
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 9:57 am
who gives a shit if shuler ate 95 pancakes it is the IFOCE record that counts and 14 is the record
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 10:02 am
Prime meat…. LOLOLOLOL. The one he’s with now looks like a fat reject from the Addam’s family.
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 11:40 am
Now i can understand why Conti hasnt visited this site since 2010
anonymous said
February 2, 2015 @ 6:23 pm
Seiken has a condition called “Zack-a-lee” meaning his mouth smells zack-a-lee like his ass.
anonymous said
February 7, 2015 @ 1:28 pm
Escondito will always hang over his head…With MLE approval
anonymous said
February 7, 2015 @ 4:50 pm
You forgot about Sunrise qualifier in Fla few yrs earlier where Joe Larue got screwed out of spot
anonymous said
February 7, 2015 @ 9:57 pm
I remember Seiken’s headline for that. “Jammin Joe gets jammed in the rear at tax day qualifier.”
anonymous said
February 8, 2015 @ 12:18 am
Left a mudpile of debris July 2 2005 at Shea with Hardy barking orders like he was his pet dog . Still gave him the win with 20
anonymous said
February 8, 2015 @ 9:49 am
I am sure everyone remembers lazy legs monty
anonymous said
January 8, 2016 @ 4:41 pm
In the Brian Seiken video:
He states he ate 18 pancakes, and he started out with 5, then refills of 2. But there are only finished 5 plates at the end. So that would make 13. I guess for two refill plates in the middle he got 4 each, so that would make 17, before he got cut down to 2 again by the manager But the number still doesn’t make sense. With 5 to start, the refills of 2 or 4, it would have to be an odd number of pancakes at the end, assuming all plates were eaten in full, which they appeared to be. Did Brian count wrong?
BTW, plates were never shown when they were served, only midway though and at the end, so I don’t know for a fact how many each plate had to start with.
Anonymous said
January 8, 2016 @ 5:21 pm
He ate only 11 pancakes. That seems to be his magic number.
anonymous said
January 8, 2016 @ 5:44 pm
Seiken ate 15 ok?
Anonymous said
January 9, 2016 @ 1:20 am
No wonder he looks fatter than ever.
anonymous said
January 9, 2016 @ 9:48 am
How come the fat stubby midget never posts a video or pics of himself? Plain and simple he doesnt want negative comments about his wrinkled face and flabby non defined chest and arms Yuuuuuk
anonymous said
January 9, 2016 @ 9:50 am
Goldstein is not only full of bologna but he smells like it too