Crazy Legs & Eater X taste test dog food

A video of Crazy Legs Conti and Tim “Eater X” Janus sampling different kinds of dog food has been posted to youtube at also taste wines to determine which type of wine goes best with dog food.

Comments (56)


  1. Elliot C. said

    February 4, 2007 @ 5:43 pm

    Oh god both of them are completely nuts. Its nice to see that this is what they spend their afternoon’s doing. I wonder what other interesting things the two of them do together with their spare time. Any minute now Don moses lerman should appear on this thread complaining that they stole his idea.

  2. donmoseslerman said

    February 4, 2007 @ 8:21 pm

    they did steal my idea , theres no getting around it, crazy legs like s to take other people ideas and make like its his own like eating the butter in his movie and pictured on his site let it be known that i ate dog food as a stunt to get into the wing bowl in 2002…don lerman

  3. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    February 4, 2007 @ 8:37 pm

    That was cool!

  4. Philly Phan said

    February 4, 2007 @ 9:52 pm

    I remember Don Moses eating dog food for a spot in the wing bowl a few years ago. Why is this site egging him on all the time?

  5. Elliot C said

    February 4, 2007 @ 10:17 pm

    What did i tell you ? Don Lerman at your service . It took him more than a minute but i called it right

  6. anonymous said

    February 4, 2007 @ 10:17 pm

    Hey Lerman you got some nerve bitchin about how you are always treated unfairly . Look how much shit you got out of the shea’s all thse years. 10grand for the glutton bowl. gutbusters tv special with your face in most of the show . All over the news with matzah balls. Daily show , sally jesse raphael . You got two more tv shows devoted to you. airline on A&E and a full half hour abotu don lerman and his bologna title on high def. You earned tons of prize money over the years in burgers jalapenos and other shit . You should thank your lucky stars you got what you got. All you do is complain complain and complain . If anyone is a selfish ingrate its you you you .

  7. Anonymous said

    February 4, 2007 @ 10:30 pm

    Don, you amaze me!

  8. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    February 4, 2007 @ 10:43 pm

    You guys are idiots! Don Lerman is a legend. What have you guys done?

  9. Sol Leibowitz said

    February 4, 2007 @ 10:57 pm

    Leave the man alone. He has had alot of hardships in his life.A flute version of yankee doodle dandy will play in the background while i recite this testimonial “This Jewish man served in the US marines. The navy and army enlist whimps. Lets see you tough guys enlist into the marines Hah? . He takes pride in his trophies over money. Ven Lerman was 30 yrs old he could out eat any man or animal. He worked day and night in a day old bread shop. The hands that molded that bread made him the great eater he is today. Look how many beans he ate in less than 2 min and held in all his farts until he got home. Few can do that! When George Shea announced at a Belmont race track qualiifier three years ago “The butter champ is in the house” Lerman stood there proudly wearing his black leather jacket Fastest hands of competitive eating .He did right by the jewish people by becoming the matza ball champ. And now you sheet on him? As they say in Yiddish shanda on all of you. Gayshin cockin!

  10. Eatfeats fan said

    February 4, 2007 @ 11:01 pm

    This thread has the makings of 20plus comments .I believe BB will have his work cut out for him in the next few days

  11. SuperPaul said

    February 4, 2007 @ 11:02 pm

    I’m proud of my boys!! I used to eat a spoonful of dogfood as a trade to get my kids to take a mouthful of vegetables…..My kids still hate vegetables, but I’ve grown quite fond of Alpo’s new filet mignon cuts….goes good with all bottled waters!

  12. donmoseslerman said

    February 4, 2007 @ 11:07 pm

    listen what i’m saying is theres a trend under way to delermanize the stuff i made famous and is known for,for youthrow up in my face thepast is outragious and unexceptable dont try to turn it around

  13. anonymous said

    February 4, 2007 @ 11:17 pm

    Thats the new word of 2007. Delermanize-adj, To rid the world of everything done by an individual. Originated by, by, some guy.

  14. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    February 4, 2007 @ 11:58 pm

    back to the film guys.

    These two Manahattan top-dog-chiens and their canned caballus meats are just too much for me. I could never afford canned dog food let alone NAMEBRAND canned dog food growing up in Jersey. The dry crunch of a $5.99 20lbs bag of Econo-Mets Dry Chunk was all I had to accompony my 6-pack of warm Peals beer.

    I appreciate their efforts but I lope to the bowl with too much of my own bagage……

  15. Sol Leibowitz said

    February 5, 2007 @ 12:06 am

    Back to the film my ass dont change the subject . This is don lermans night to let it all hang out. An injustice was served to him. COPYCAT CONTI SHOULD REMOVE THAT VIDEO RIGHT AVAY

  16. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 5:31 am

    I like it. Good on you Crazy Legs and Tim. Somehow regardless of the subject matter DON MOSES LERMAN seems to have a need to rain on every person’s parade and make himself the center of attention. I always liked him but either he has changed or I just never knew this side of him.

  17. ? said

    February 5, 2007 @ 8:06 am

    “Operation Delermanize” – all shall attempt to break every record held by Don Lerman, so as his name is no longer attached to any current statistics associated with competitive eating.

    “Defeat Delermanization” – the efforts of one man, Don Lerman, to remind everyone of how good he used to be, but is no longer.

  18. Bison said

    February 5, 2007 @ 9:09 am

    It’s Dogone great stuff!

  19. Rhonda Evans said

    February 5, 2007 @ 9:33 am

    I’ve noticed one thing. Regardless of the topic of the thread, after about a half-dozen comments, many successive comments that follow are all about a totally different subject. So, if you don’t like the topic, just wait, it will change.

  20. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 9:55 am

    Hey, idiot! Conti and Janus did not post that video. Someone else did.

  21. Rhonda Evans said

    February 5, 2007 @ 9:58 am

    I agree Bison, that food is something you can really sink your canines into.

  22. Last word said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:08 am

    anonymous, Lerman is not the type that will give up his seat in a car or plane for someone else. Before they had the 3 limit Nathans qualfier rule years back he would show up at every single local contest to ensure he would get a spot . George Shea would call it loyalty i call it obnoxious and selfish

  23. donmoseslerman said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:14 am

    I went on tour not for myself but to further the bergining sport of ce i had already qualified ar belmont park prior to my tour.I resent the visciosness of these posts i have always been ateam player

  24. anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:16 am He didn’t waste any time

  25. I remember said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:31 am

    Lerman i used to compete years ago but gave it up and i remember you and your buddy krazy kevin would show up at meadowlands, and all the other jersey or ny contests just so you could get to the finals. There might have been others that would have liked a spot at coney . I think if there were twenty local nathans contests you would show at every single one until you finally won. .

  26. Rhonda Evans said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:35 am

    Any news about the AICE egg contest anyone?

  27. are you out of your mind? said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:35 am

    Waaaaa Waaaaaa Waaaaa!!!! “. .”

  28. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:40 am

    Tranquilo, Don. Transquilo.

  29. donmoseslerman said

    February 5, 2007 @ 10:41 am

    this is don lermna again i;am not sefish i once ofered to give my spot up to a friend at the 2002 nathans finals , when i went on tour like i said a was already qualified , i went on to win 7 out of 10 qualifiers though only 1 win was offical plus the coneyisland promo eating 5 dogs and buns in 59 sec

  30. Rhonda Evans said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:01 am

    I guess these posts still relate to dog food in that the folks posting are either barking mad or howling at the moon.

  31. Gentleman Joe said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:03 am

    What tour?!? Is that what you call going on the road? Were there any 80 yr old groupies trailing your tour bus?

    Can you please give us a break. “on tour not for myself but to further the bergining (is that beginning or burgeoning?) sport of ce”
    Your so full of it, I smell your day old arse from a hundred miles away.

  32. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:05 am

    Why was only one win official?

  33. beautifulbrian said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:06 am

    That friend was me and i thank you for that gesture Don. George Shea’s response to Don was that noone is allowed to give away a spot at the table but it was ok for Mike Devito to give his spot to Ed Krachie in 2000 .I am no Ed Krachie but favortism held court in that particular day . I will assume that i was denied that spot due to the fact that i won a non sanctioned pickle title that year

  34. IFOCE fan said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:09 am

    Rhonda who cares?

  35. Gentleman Joe said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:20 am

    Rhonda, et al,

    Tom “Goose” Gilbert won eggs w/ 46

    “Eatmiser” Menchetti was 2nd w/41

    Some controversy. Mark Lyle claims there were more than 30 eggs on his 1st tray that was supposed to have 25 on it. The only untouched tray I counted, after the contest, was Chris “The American” Schlessingers which had 25 on it. I had a 2-3 egg lead going into the 2nd tray.

    It wasn’t my 1st loss of the day. I also attempted oysters, (which is all technique) & failed miserably. A college age woman won for the 2nd year in a row w/ 82 in 2 minutes. If it wasn’t for the egg contest I may have tried a 2nd time (it was in heats, & I wasn’t full) even after seeing the way she did it, I do not know if I could have beaten her. The contest was fun though, & I hope to make it back next year.

    This should make this thread the longest ever, with the upcoming celebration of my losing, not once but twice, & to a female to boot.

  36. Bison said

    February 5, 2007 @ 11:58 am

    I give this Two Thunbs up.

    Two great Eaters with a strong friendship .

    Thats what makes this Sport what it is today.

  37. donmoseslerman said

    February 5, 2007 @ 12:23 pm

    only one win was offical at each other contest I attended i was merly there to pace on other eaters such as kevin and others who at that point didnt yet qualify i was told that i can win only i trophy and i time officaly

  38. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 1:05 pm

    How generous of you to unnecessarily upstage the efforts of others!

  39. anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 1:12 pm

    Lerman your grammar is absolute horror. I cannot understand what you wrote. As far as you offering your spot at Nathans to Seiken, did you actually tell him that you would like to give him your spot or did you approach or call George Shea about it first? If i remember correct you participated in that 2002 contest and if you really were sincere you would have sat it out no matter what.

  40. KevinRoss said

    February 5, 2007 @ 1:33 pm

    I’m sure this has already been mentioned, but how can this be a copycat thing when the spirit of it is so totally different. I have never seen the winbowl stunt, but I’d assume it involves eating several pounds of it as fast as possible (i.e. speed eating). Crazy Legs and Eater X weren’t doing anything like that. They were deadpanning it as though the dog food was fine, gourmet cusine – pairing it with wine, the same as if they were tasting caviar or cheese. Besides, the act of eating dog food is not original. We’ve all tried it. Whether it’s by ourselves out of curiousity or in front of someone to get a laugh. Or at least something similarly ridiculous. . .that’s what happens when you get groups of guys together. We do silly crap! Eating dog food is not copycating anyone, since everyone has done it. It’s all in the execution.

  41. Kranmars mystery appetizer said

    February 5, 2007 @ 1:36 pm

    I dont think Lerman was ripped off by Conti & Janus. If anything the both of them copied that off of a honeymooners episode where Ralph concocts this mystery appetizer and feeds it to his boss only to find out it was dog food.

  42. anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 1:49 pm

    What other little things have you tried by yourself Kevin? Are we coming out of the closet now?

  43. donmoseslerman said

    February 5, 2007 @ 2:02 pm

    this is to annomomous i was going to give up ce and asked gerorge sheaif he can give my spot to brian seiken he said he couldnt do that so i competed, as far as my gramer goes I type without my eye glasss and misss some letters

  44. donmoseslerman said

    February 5, 2007 @ 2:18 pm

    this is don lerman again, I know it was shown on the jackie gleason show and good times and seinfeild , but i did it as a competitive eater first not as an apetizer but dumping 3-5 cans in a bowl and eating that slop. i ate alpo beaf 3 cans and 2 chicken it was heavy in gelitonand ground up bone meal i [plowed threw it like grant went thre richmond it wa bad , but no worse then my mothers cooking

  45. beautifulbrian said

    February 5, 2007 @ 3:22 pm

    Don did not approach me first and ask if i wanted to take his spot in Nathans in 2002 . The only think i remember him telling me was that he asked George if he could offer his spot to me which i knew nothing about and according to Don, George refused. I really don’t see the difference or where you are going with this but if its true it was a nice gesture.

  46. Baby Huey said

    February 5, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

    Quit the crying already. I’m sick and freaking tired of Lerman Boasts about how great he is.

    No other eater can say or do anything without Lerman bragging that he did it first or best or whatever.

    WERE ALL SICK OF YOUR S$&T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Todd Yeates said (Registered December 5, 2006)

    February 5, 2007 @ 3:39 pm

    I like all the anonymous comments on what should have been done, what should be done, why certain people are wrong for doing certain things. What was done was; Lerman, Conti, and Janus built the sport of competitive eating. They brought and bring attention, fans, and growth to the sport by the amazing feats accomplished. The naysayers are the ones that should be eating the dog food. Woof Woof!

  48. anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 4:03 pm

    awesome yeates

  49. Mad Stork said

    February 5, 2007 @ 4:36 pm

    This video has been removed by the user. ???

  50. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 4:48 pm

    I believ Kobayashi, Thomas, Kratchie, De Vito, Cookie, Badlands, Coondog, Boone, and Menchetti also added to the popularity. The difference was that they spoke with action. Koby, Thomas, Coondog, Boone, Crazy Legs, and Menchetti still do. Janus is great but he hasn’t been around long enough to be in the same class as those others. Seiken makes it lots of fun and is irreplaceble.

  51. Anonymous said

    February 5, 2007 @ 5:07 pm

    Menchetti if that woman ate that many oysters I do not think too many people would have beaten her.

  52. KevinRoss said

    February 5, 2007 @ 5:51 pm

    BTW, one of the best lines from The Simpsons. . .When Bart’s dog, Santa’s Little Helper, runs away it causes Homer to reply:
    Crying won’t bring your dog back. Unless your tears smell like dog food. . .so you can sit there eating can after can of dog food until your tears smell enough like dog food to make your dog come back. . .or you can go out there and find your dog!
    (Bart exits)
    Homer: Rats. . .I almost had him eating dog food.

  53. Rhonda Evans said

    February 6, 2007 @ 8:03 am

    GJoe thanks for the info on the eggs. I’d say you did admirable with two contests in one day. Those egg totals seem extremely good and I would have never believed an amateur eater could have eaten so many oysters in 2 minutes. I doubt there are too many pros who could have beaten her, perhaps just a handful.

    God job and thanks Joe! I do miss speedeat, whether I agree or disagree with your postings.

  54. MEGA MUNCH said

    February 6, 2007 @ 3:54 pm

    WHERE’D THE VIDEO GO? The site says it was removed by the user. Anyone know what’s up with that?

  55. Elliot C said

    February 7, 2007 @ 9:57 am

    The video was removed on account of Lerman’s bitching. Lerman i hope you are happy now. Crazy legs showed he was the bigger man by avoiding your childish tantrums by removing the video.

  56. donmoseslerman said

    February 7, 2007 @ 11:03 am

    he could have kept the video up it just showed that hes not orignal it was his idea to remove it not mine

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