Crazy Legs’ workplace

Krista of Urban Honking takes you on a tour of Crazy Legs Conti’s workplace at the Penthouse Executive Club. Conti works as a buyer at the club and his shift ends before the topless dancers arrive.

Comments (16)


  1. Mike R. Geller said

    April 3, 2006 @ 2:09 pm

    I think mosesnews is a joke. Most of those comments are from family members or next door neighbors. The comment that don is a bum and cant eat a bag of potato chips was one of his friends posting it. If Lerman thought any of those comments were offensive to him he would have taken them down right away.

  2. donmoseslerman said

    April 3, 2006 @ 3:36 pm

    mike r. geller this is don lermanI have 2 words for you and it ain’t happy birthday

  3. Bruiser said

    April 4, 2006 @ 5:40 pm

    Come on now!
    This is a forum about Crazy Legs Conti.

    Conti is probably the best entertainer in the IFOCE.I have always enjoyed watching his Movie Zen and the Art of Competitive Eating.

    What ever happened to Conti’s friend The Bison.My Girlfriend Loves him

  4. Mike R. Geller said

    April 5, 2006 @ 11:23 am

    The truth hurts that is why Lerman is upset. And we dont care about your teeth. Take some of those make believe names off your blog site and maybe more people will go on it.

  5. donmoseslerman said

    April 5, 2006 @ 1:44 pm

    mike r, geller all the names on my blog can be documented as authentic e-mails to me ,not from freinds or relatives and unsolisated, what are you a stooge for trencherwomen sometimes friends do relpy and wish me well, that can be expected , at least I have friends don lerman

  6. Mike R. Geller said

    April 5, 2006 @ 2:53 pm

    Are you saying i have no friends? This is war!

  7. donmoseslerman said

    April 5, 2006 @ 4:30 pm

    In n the future i will not respond to negative coment s on this blog ,but my on blog…don lerman

  8. Don's Advocate said

    April 5, 2006 @ 10:35 pm

    Don, with your permission I would like to take up the cause of defending you against negative comments posted on THIS blog. You, of course, can continue to respond to negative comments on YOUR blog. With the one flank manned by you and the other flank manned by me, you will only be vulnerable to negative comments posted in the “TRASH TALK!!!” section of The Buffet and to negative comments approaching you from the North.

    Of course, I’m uncomfortable leaving two of your fronts unprotected, but I can’t see any way around it. We’re only two men.

    Are you amenable to this, or should I rethink my proposal and come back to you with another?

  9. Dave said

    April 6, 2006 @ 10:43 am

    Don’s advocate, It would be nice if you took up the same cause for other eaters that get trashed on here from time to time. Don is not the only one.

  10. donmoseslerman said

    April 6, 2006 @ 11:58 am


  11. Don's Advocate said

    April 6, 2006 @ 2:12 pm

    Dave, that’s an interesting point. I’ll make an effort to get everyone’s back. But if I’m to view Don’s reputation as one battlefield, I’ll be spreading myself very thin defending other eaters as well. As I wrote in my previous post, Don is vulnerable from four directions (the North, the South,, and The Buffet’s “TRASH TALK!!!” section), only two of which Don and I can defend full-time. I guess if all’s quiet on three of those fronts, I could leave Don in charge of one of them (his blog, as he prefers) and still have time to defend other eaters.

    We’ll see what happens, Dave. Time will tell. Only time will tell.

    (musing) I suppose I could conscript some help.

  12. Johhny B said

    April 6, 2006 @ 4:11 pm

    Wouldn’t it be fine just to let eaters fend for themselves? We are all big boys here.

  13. Toro said

    April 6, 2006 @ 5:11 pm

    Hey Don’s Advocate arn’t you the co-star in Brokeback Mountain?

    That’s why you want to cover everyone’s back.


  14. Don's Advocate said

    April 6, 2006 @ 5:34 pm

    I once was an actor, a fine one in fact. I played Old McDonald in “Old McDonald’s Farmyard Follies” and Bandit #3 in “Grammar Gulch.” I enjoyed acting, the escape it provided, but I never let it go to my head. I never developed an attitude. I always kept about me an appreciation for the things I’d been given in life. I didn’t, for example, get ranked 35th in the world by the IFOCE and then log onto websites and stupidly insult people I didn’t know. Instead I became an advocate, first for a single-payer healthcare system, and now for Don “Moses” Lerman. Good deeds: I focus on doing them.

  15. Don's Advocate said

    April 6, 2006 @ 7:05 pm

    Johnny B., no. That’s absolutely the wrong approach. Strength in numbers, my friend. Strength in numbers.

  16. Mike R. Geller said

    April 8, 2006 @ 11:41 am

    Don’s advocate appears to sound like someone that posesses some intelligence. Could be his three amigo compadre Krazy Kevin or a close family member maybe Dr. Urban perhaps? Mr. Lerman should be thrilled that he is getting all this attention even if it is not always positive. If he wasn’t a celebrity or at one time a good eater noone would even mention his name .For some reason people still see him as an enigma I have followed his career and what has he done since Glutton Bowl & claiming the cloudburger title ? Did IFOCE ever play up the fact that he won Jalapenos in Laredo a few years ago? They had to find out from Don himself! If this man is supposed to be such a great legend then why does he lower himself to ramble on like a child . THIS IS DON MOSES LERMAN THIS IS DON MOSES LERMAN. I WILL BE BACK TO SHOW EVERYONE MY PARTIAL AND CLAIM TITLES WITH A FERVER WITH THE LIEKS THAT YOU NEVER SEEN! AND THATS FOOOR THE RECORD. Oh and one thing, he says he will not reply anymore to any negative posts on trencherwomen. WANNA BET !

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