Bakasurain has a video of Dale Boone eating the Chicken Whammy sandwich from Peppa Zzing in Bangalore, India in 2:10, less than 10% of the previous record of 22 minutes.


  1. anonymous said

    January 21, 2011 @ 9:20 am

    One of the most selfish arrogant individuals ever to set foot on the face of the earth. He wears a shirt from a contest in which he got blown out in the 2nd rd

  2. **** said

    January 21, 2011 @ 9:24 am

    Dale ur awesome …ur way is so unique!!! Bravo..tat was real sweepstake !:)

  3. Not sure said

    January 22, 2011 @ 1:52 am

    I am still not sure which “organization” is more corrupt. IFOCE, who just use the wet thumb method to rank people, of WLOCE, which ALWAYS makes Dale Boone the world champion, regardless of how often he loses.

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