Dale Boone removed from IFOCE rankings

(From beautifulbrian.com & Kevin Ross) Dale Boone has been removed from the IFOCE rankings, moving everyone up below Boone’s previous #16 spot up a notch.

Comments (24)


  1. Anonymous said

    August 6, 2007 @ 1:32 pm


  2. Philly Guy said

    August 6, 2007 @ 1:46 pm

    37 AGAIN!!!! and here comes the Clerk’s references.

  3. I love Kevin Ross said

    August 6, 2007 @ 2:02 pm

    i hope there are some boone pests who will bug the ifoce

  4. Mr Wright said

    August 6, 2007 @ 2:28 pm

    Boone’s removal without a story attached to it on ifoce means that they are quite upset. When a story is included with a removal or suspension it is usually played off as satirical in nature which means you cant really take the suspension or removal serious. This time i think they really mean business

  5. Mega Munch said

    August 6, 2007 @ 2:53 pm

    Interesting. Let’s hope they address it. A fan favorite and top-ranked eater like Boone shouldn’t be disciplined so harshly without a public explanation.

  6. Anonymous said

    August 6, 2007 @ 2:59 pm

    Bert Chi didn’t get his ranking back.

  7. I love Kevin Ross said

    August 6, 2007 @ 3:05 pm

    he was framed

  8. Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)

    August 6, 2007 @ 3:24 pm

    Dale was only having dinner at his favorite chinese place and suddenly he has been kicked out.

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    August 6, 2007 @ 3:44 pm

    (This is long and only the first paragraph addresses Boone, so you may want to skip the rest. )

    Dale can earn more money away from the IFOCE. I certainly don’t blame him for leaving them. He has to watch out for his own interests, just as anyone has a right to. But perhaps he should not have signed the contract to begin with.

    Mark my words, in the coming year-and-a-half we’ll see more defections (perhaps a half dozen or so), but probably not from any of the top dozen eaters, since they can often make more money in IFOCE events as a seventh place finisher than winners do in many ontests outside the IFOCE.

    It gets very, very old to see the same couple of (U.S.) winners over and over. If Joey or Pat is at an event these days, the fight is for second and third. If Joey and Pat don’t show, but Sonya does, then she would usually win. But Sonya doesn’t pick her contests very well and it seems like she craves to be in ones where only the top two U.S. eaters go. That’s admirable, but perhaps unwise. Sonya runs from no one!

    There may be an event here and there that Sonya will beat one of those top two, but it is getting very rare. But hell, she’s a female! Sonya is to other females what Koby has been to other male eaters. That says quite a bit and takes nothing from Juliet, who is the second best female eater in the world today.

    Janus RARELY sneaks in to WIN anything. He has NEVER won an event where a current top eight-ranked eater was present, to the best of my knowledge. That’s not necessarily true for Rich LeFevre. He has a killer instinct. The records tell the story; he has more records than Janus, Bob, and Chip combined — eight for him versus six for them.

  10. SuperPaul said

    August 6, 2007 @ 3:46 pm

    this week 39, next week…38!!

  11. Pat From Moonachie said (Registered December 10, 2005)

    August 6, 2007 @ 5:31 pm

    Should I start wearing a “Moonskin” cap and ring a cowbell??
    ..these contests need more cowbell! 😉


  12. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    August 6, 2007 @ 6:38 pm

    Sorry Pat. When The Hangman enters a contest the cowbell is there and ringing already.

    But yea, you might be right. Cowbells make a good rally cry.

  13. The_Hangman said (Registered August 30, 2006)

    August 6, 2007 @ 7:07 pm

    Perry will not have the Southern Hospitality that it had last year with Dale Boone and The Hangman not being there.

    To see what I mean, visit MLE and look at the photos of the Southern Welcome with Dale Boone, The Hangman and Super Paul as they “WELCOMED” Justin Mi Sooooooo Hungry”

    Or use this link http://community.majorleagueeating.com/kickapps/service/displayMediaPlayPage.kickAction?mediaId=44334&mediaType=PHOTO&as=3015&b=

  14. ANNONOMUS said

    August 7, 2007 @ 1:12 am

    as juliettw said what is the purpose of competing if the same five will allways win,or do they?the majoriity of contests are in the northeast or south east.eliminating most of us..What would happen if we got some sponsors a nd did it ourselves..or compete in the other federations..there are some16 or higher that get away with this….Good for you Dale,graduation is always good

  15. The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)

    August 7, 2007 @ 3:15 am


    Don’t say NEVER for Eater X

    Eater X, has won 2 contests with a top 8 eater, both were against “The Locust” the tamale contest last year 51 to 50, then the Kyrstal Square off qaulifier in Memphis, TN —Eater X 53 the Locust 51. Eater X knows what is doing, he is not intimated just like Sonya, when they compete, they compete to win, they eventually hope to cash in on a crown or title of their own, and the only real way to do so and to get regonized is against the top dogs, they know exactly what they are doing, more props to them.

  16. Rhonda Evans said

    August 7, 2007 @ 8:08 am

    Sicilian, I do think that sometime in the next couple of years X may possibly win a title in a contest where someone competes that is currently ranked in the top half dozen. I’ll be pulling for him to do so.

  17. Superpaul said

    August 7, 2007 @ 10:08 am

    a Moonskin Cap…..hmmmm…I may steal that idea!!

  18. Still wondering said

    August 7, 2007 @ 10:47 am

    Why is it AICE eaters can compete in IFOCE events but IFOCE eaters get kicked out when they compete in AICE events?

    Double standardsa or what? Can anyone explain?

  19. Rhonda Evans said

    August 7, 2007 @ 10:50 am

    Pat that’s funny. You’ve got him down yo a “T.”

  20. Mega Munch said

    August 7, 2007 @ 2:52 pm

    Can AICE eaters compete in IFOCE events? I don’t think so. I can name two who had their invitations to IFOCE events revoked this year after it was discovered they were “affiliated” with AICE.

  21. the boy king said

    August 7, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

    Still Wondering….. that’s b/c eaters who eat in AICE events are not AICE eaters. AICE is an organization that allows all eaters to eat. Any eater who competes is simple an Independent, free to do as he/she wishes. But AICE is a vehicle for those people to compete. If any member of the IFOCE showed up at an AICE organized event he/she would be welcome to compete.
    Except for a few who would have to probably duke it out first…. but that list is smaller than some would have you believe.
    But, after old grudges were settled — as men often do (have you ever fought a friend?) — those people would likely be welcomed to the event as well.

  22. the boy king said

    August 7, 2007 @ 3:09 pm

    Oh, and by the way…..

    Boone – you’re awfully quiet after having your ass handed to you by “Gentleman” Joe Menchetti.

    Answer us one question — “Who’s Your Daddy?”

  23. Anonymous said

    August 7, 2007 @ 11:10 pm

    What did Dale Boone do and why is he not 16th in the rankings anymore? Was the contest sunday a AICE event?

  24. Boone for Commissioner said

    August 8, 2007 @ 11:11 am

    Dale Boone is not gone all together from IFOCE. Here is is Bib Sheet still on their website


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