Don Lerman on NPR’s This American Life

(from Joey B comment) An audio clip of Don Lerman recalling the first eating contest he won was played on the most recent episode of This American Life on NPR. The program was a rerun that originally aired in 2005. Lerman’s segment also appeared in a 2005 episode of Morning Edition. The clip can be listened to on the StoryCorps website.

Comments (5)


  1. anonymous said

    April 5, 2009 @ 8:15 pm

    Its a non profit thing.Lerman did this a long time ago The people that run it look for anyone willing to tell a story . Sometimes they look for homeless people in NYC subways to take part in it. There is no money , no fame no nothing .

  2. Crazy Legs Mom said (Registered February 16, 2006)

    April 5, 2009 @ 9:10 pm

    To Anonymous whomever you may be…………Why the negativity? Being on NPR is “something.” Is 2005 that long ago? I just cannot understand why so many posters ding or trash “somethings.” Being on NPR gives that person at least a moment or moments of fame. Don had a repeat of that. Good for you, Don.

  3. Don lerman said

    April 5, 2009 @ 9:22 pm

    The Npr people were at the 2005 Canoli contest and asked all the eaters if they who would like to be interviewed at Grand central Station . I guess i was the only taker among the eaters that day I assure you that I was not homeless in the subway thou I often were a sign saying i will work for food. They told me it was their best interview ever!

  4. joey b said

    April 5, 2009 @ 10:15 pm

    Great point CLM. Why the hatters.?

  5. Rabbi Milworm said

    April 6, 2009 @ 12:11 am

    This boy is a shining mazel to the jewish religion. Vonderful job moses . A shining light for the pesach holidays . Ooy vay Ooy vay

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