“Eat This Book” website
(From beautifulbrian.com) Ryan Nerz has set up a web site promoting his recently released book at eatthisbook.com The website has a gallery, a calendar of Nerz’s appearances, an interview with the grilled cheese sandwich slandered by Tim “Eater X” Janus and a blog where you can expound on your hypotheses about the entities producing this website. The release party for “Eat This Book” will be on April 20 at a currently undetermined time and place.
According to his calendar, Nerz will appear on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central on April 18 at 11 pm eastern.
beautifulbrian said
April 7, 2006 @ 2:18 am
There will be another shoe fly pie contest in June. I will not return this year after my 3rd place finish . It was one of the toughest contests i have had to deal with since i have been with the IFOCE. There are two kinds of shoe fly pie . The tastier pie with less molasses and more crumbs or the cheaper heavy gooey molasses i had to endure last summer which was horrible. The pies weighed close to 3lbs each. Temp was over 100 degrees and the pies sat out there for a few hours baking in the sun . Ask Janus and Subich the hell we went through . Both those guys did one hell of a job and i believe both will be returning this year. For my third place efforts i recieved an AAA PA road map which i deposited in the nearby trashcan and a CD of some unknown female country singer which i could not even give away. It was still fun but i would never do it again.
April 8, 2006 @ 8:14 pm
Take a poll as to how many IFOCE members would rather wait until Ryan sends them a free copy as opposed to going to the bookstore and paying out of their own pocket. I can think of two without blinking an eye
beautifulbrian said
April 11, 2006 @ 12:41 pm
i got a chance to read Ryan’s book.I feel that trencherwomen.com with the remarkable job its accomplished in the past months deserves to get first hand info on my thoughts . A good portion of the book is a retrospect on Nathans, IFOCE contests and the players involved. Some of it is interesting some is boring. For someone like myself who has been involved with competitive eating since its inception its like “tell me something i dont already know”. I know about the Sonya contests and Krachie and the redundant Nakajima Krachie showdowns which is becoming almost as boring as Mister Rogers.i know about the Dale Boone act . Its getting old! However on the other hand this book is an excellent source for the newcomers that want to learn more about the history of some of the old IFOCE events. The only chapters which actually caught my eye were chapters 14 & 21. Chap 21 focuses in on Charles Hardy and it was very interesting because there was alot of events in his life he never mentioned to me or for that matter anyone else and it made for excellent reading. I spent over an hour with Ryan and much of chapter 14 is info that i provided him with about aice and the near riot that almost ensued in bens deli in 2004. Instead of devoting a chapter to me which in honesty i really dont deserve , he used bits and pieces of our conversation to put together chapter 14 in which i got little if any credit for. One note that disturbed me was a small article on page 236 which makes mention of myself don lerman and an aice member who i wouldnt give the time of day in mentioning his name as far as i’m concerned. It implies that i sent an IM to this aice member claiming he is anti semetic. That is totally false. It goes on to say this aice member threatened to kick my ass which is totally true. It goes on to say that i said “i own a gun” . Yes i do own a gun. I own several guns and i have a license to use them for my protection only.I am not stupid enough to put my butt behind bars on account of this demented lowlife. I never threatened this man with terroristic violence and the ass that twisted these words around ( i know its not Ryan) should email me one of these days and ill set them straight. on what was actually said. If there is a documented email (not contrived or forged) that i actually did indeed say these words then please send it to me i would love to see it. According to the book Charles Hardy stepped into this as the peacemaker. News to me because he never called or mentioned a word of this to me. To sum it up , i like Ryan he is a great guy and fun to be around but i truly believe that he did not have the final say in the editing which i don’t think he was very happy about. A few weeks before he closed the book he emailed me asking for pics of the 2004 watermelon contest which i did not have. I think he was trying to write a story on the event in which i was an intregal part of because a good portion of my original interview with him ended up in the cutting room. What i am getting at is that instead of devoting a chapter to my escapades in competitive eating the parts or bits and pieces of my interview was used to get the dirt for chapter 14. I think some of the aice members got more exposure in this book then the eaters of the IFOCE.