Eatcast #3 available
(From Kevin Carr) The third eatcast podcast can be downloaded at
The contents of the episode are described:
In this installment of EatCast, Kevin comes back from fun in the sun during a Caribbean cruise. He goes on about 72 oz. steaks, round-the-clock cruise eating and (mostly) hot chicks in bikinis. Co-host Neil defends his creepy behavior at Comic-Con, and Beautiful Brian Seiken brings the boys up to speed on what’s happening in the world of Major League Eating.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
August 20, 2007 @ 3:13 pm
I cant wait to go home to listen to this. I was really impressed with the first two. The Production is top notch and the comfortable/funny banter between Kevin and Neil is great to listen to. The addition of BB is great as it guarantees a hard edge and old-school credibility.
Is this available as an ITunes podcast subscription? It would be cool to listen to on the train.
Kevin Carr said
August 20, 2007 @ 5:32 pm
I’m not sure if it’s registered on iTunes yet. I’ll double check with Neil (the techie behind all this). If it isn’t, we’ll get it set up to be. Thanks for the suggestion, Steakbellie!
beautifulbrian said
August 21, 2007 @ 2:24 am
Kevin and Neil always puts out a great show and i enjoy adding commentary as well. This was not one of my greatest podcast updates. I was half asleep and wasnt really prepared for the questions. I might have come off somewhat repetitive, and at times i was at a loss for words. I was just out of it that night. Sorry. All in all it was a good show