Eaters’ off-table training
Juris Shibayama has a page on in which he describes his exercise regimen.
Hall Hunt announces that he is going to start training for a marathon and has a report on the 10k he ran last weekend.
- competitive eating
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Juris Shibayama has a page on in which he describes his exercise regimen.
Hall Hunt announces that he is going to start training for a marathon and has a report on the 10k he ran last weekend.
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Ethan Duclos said
April 9, 2008 @ 1:18 pm
So that is how Mr. Hunt uses up all those calories.
Anonymous said
April 9, 2008 @ 4:08 pm
Mike Landrich, how many Juris Shibayamas could you beat up?
Ethan Duclos said
April 9, 2008 @ 4:46 pm
Mike could beat up 1.5 Juris Shibs. Bodybuilders are cut, but not strong. They are like the Miss Americas of weight training.
Ethan Duclos said
April 9, 2008 @ 4:48 pm
On the same note he could not beat up any Hall Hunts because he could never catch him. You’ll never catch him! See you next year!
mike landrich said
April 9, 2008 @ 8:34 pm
Some bodybuilders are a lot stronger than you realize. If you think they’re not, do some research on Dorian Yates, Mike Mentzer and Ronnie Coleman.
Anonymous As for me vs Juris, that’s long settled.
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 9, 2008 @ 10:45 pm
yeah i remember Arnold doing 1000lb calf raises barefoot ,and Ronnie doing 1500lb leg press,what a bunch of girlymen and Dorian was just a beast in the gym…if you really want to see a workout that will kill you go get “Arnold Schwarzenegger – Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding” – turn to page 350,thats Franco Columbu (one of Arnolds best friends and training partner) 620 in weights plus a 45lb bar = 665lb Deadlifts and thats just his workout weight not his max or go to page 459 an look at Arnold doing 500lb Squats for reps, probaly 10-20 reps knowing Arnold…,and as far as Dr.Bigtime,that guyis totally a nice guy and good for the sport,he doesnt fit your normal eater build and thats a good thing,could bring in national sponsers one day(Nike,Addias,Gatorade) that guy has set his life up how any of us who do work out would love to have,i doubt he misses a workout,God i wish i had the time to go 3 times a week lately,plus he is dedicated to his diet,which in this day and each is sometimes very hard to do, i applaud him and all the other CE that can eat and also workout and keep there bodys in great shape. its a hella of alot easier to talk your self out of going to the gym,it takes alot more to make yourself go every 3-4 days …All publicity is good for either IFOCE or AICE it helps are sport grow,just like when bad things happen it effects both groups too,there should be less haters and more people being supportive if this sport as it grows,Have A Nice Day 🙂
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 9, 2008 @ 10:52 pm
Hey Hall, nice job on the 10k, i get tired just driving 10k,running is not my friend these days.They have the MS150 (more like 170) from Houston to Austin this weekend,its a bicycle marathon,but some people walk/jog it, i took this Navy Seal Bootcamp for about 9 months a couple of years ago and our instructor runs it every year, he is a robot im sure. Good Luck with the training, 🙂
Dr. Bigtime said
April 10, 2008 @ 8:41 am
Yeah. Big, but not strong. 500 lb bench. I totaly understand.
Ethan Duclos said
April 10, 2008 @ 10:13 am
I am glad you understand that body builders are Mrs. Americas compared to real weight lifters.
Here is an example of a real weight lifter: The world record for assisted bench press is held by Ryan Kennelly with a total weight of 1050 lbs.
500…1050 lbs. I get it.
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 10, 2008 @ 10:18 am
sorry about all the typo’s on my 10:45 post sick 🙁 and i didnt proof check it
Ethan Duclos said
April 10, 2008 @ 10:38 am
just joshing juris. 500 is better than most. those power lifting guys are on so much juice tropicana is gealous. the are usually lardasses to.
Rhonda Evans said
April 10, 2008 @ 12:08 pm
I too remember Franco Columbu. He was a favorite of mine, as was Mr. Nassar El Sonbaty. Those were of yesteryear, however. Nowadays, some of the women (I still remember Bev Francis.) are as big (muscle-wise) as the men. And no one can tell me those women are not strong.
They are probably strong enough to rip Tim Janus’ black book in half!
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 10, 2008 @ 1:32 pm
HAHAHA,that was a good one Rhonda
Rhonda Evans said
April 10, 2008 @ 1:52 pm
Thanks SyKo. In my younger days my I was probably in one or two black books, but the ones I was in were probably so thin the guys could shave with it. And the owners probably had very strong right hands.
Hall "Hoover" Hunt said (Registered July 13, 2006)
April 10, 2008 @ 2:00 pm
“Franco is pretty smart, but Franco’s a child, and when it comes to the day of the contest, I am his father. He comes to me for advices. So it’s not that hard for me to give him the wrong advices.” Arnold Swarzenegger-pumping iron
BTW SyKoBOZO my most treasure weight training literature in my house is the Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. I keep it right next to my copy of Pumping Iron and MLE trophies for inspiration.
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
April 10, 2008 @ 2:47 pm
yeah man i love that book,those guys back then were just monsters,there two-a-days were like my whole week put together, and Pumping Iron is a great movie too,Arnolds still the man even today