Eating challenges added to database

Some of the more famous “Walls of Fames” have been entered into the database. Denny’s Beer Barrel records start around 2002. Hopefully all the plaques can be photographed during the UEPa meeting Saturday and the full database can go online.

Comments (11)


  1. Rhonda Evans said

    February 21, 2007 @ 1:12 pm

    OJ I don’t know how you are able to devote the time to keep up with so much CE-related news. It is an understatement and a travesty to merely state that you are doing an excellent job. That’s too mundane of a statement.

    Also, Liz is doing such a beautiful thing with the fantasy competitive eating teams. That has surely brought a new angle of interest for me, as well as many others — eaters and fans, alike. My favorite team, as everyone might have guessed, is captained by Justin, who has two of my favorite eaters in Sonya Thomas and Juliet Lee. That team is going places! (If they could get Helen Haggerty that would be wild!)

    To the best of my knowledge, most all of the eaters, regardless of their devotion, organization-wise, are straight up, good guys and gals, who are worthy of emulation. It’s a shame when one or two sour pusses seem to make it a point to simply make trouble for and between others who visit this site with good intentions. But fortunately, (I believe) they are few and far between.

    This site was certainly founded on good (the best!) intentions — to build up the sport — not berate it or instill intereater or interorganizational hostility and resentment. Before posting any belittling or accusatory comments, we should all remember that.

    And by the way, I am neither Sonya, OJ, GJoe, Brian Seiken, Rich/George Shea, Rona Conti, or any other prospect I may have been erroneously linked to in other postings. I’m simply Rhonda Evans. (I may be a Helen Hggerty-ish Rhonda Evans, but I’m not saying.) I post using no other fake name. It is simply not fair to others for them to get slapped with a dual or false identity when they are totally innocent here. So if you still suspect that you are dead wrong and would do well to stay out of Vegas.

    And why do I know so much about CE? As I have tried to explain, I am an avid follower of CE, but I’m simply nothing more than a well-versed, devoted armchair quarterback. But I don’t lack confidence in what (I think) I know. When you’ve been in this world as many years as I have you tend to become fairly wise.

    Okay, I’m done rambling.

  2. Mega Munch said

    February 21, 2007 @ 4:31 pm

    Verrrry interesting. You’ve got my brain working a mile a minute right now, Rhonda. There are so many clues in there that it’ll take me days to uncover them all. Thanks for giving us something to chat about during our Denny’s lunch this weekend! (Yes, I talk when I eat competitively…another reason I don’t win often.)

  3. Anonymous said

    February 21, 2007 @ 6:14 pm

    I do not know what to say. Though knowing who she is is not important to me, I guess I was problaby wrong too.

  4. the boy king said

    February 21, 2007 @ 9:58 pm

    Um… I think she’s just Rhonda Evans.

  5. Positive approach said

    February 21, 2007 @ 10:51 pm

    Very convincing job Rhonda . A jury would have a very hard time finding you guilty of any of the above. BB nah, The Shea’s nah, Sonya’s translator isn’t that good. GJ no way. Rona Conti would be the only legit comparison but after describing a younger Crazy Legs as “boy candy” in a past post, Rona Conti you are not. After readiing Rhonda’s testimonial i think the Rhonda Evans situation should be given a rest

  6. Ida said

    February 21, 2007 @ 11:59 pm

    It makes me sick when i think of the wonderful job OJ puts into this site and you have these mentally deranged idiots attempting to destroy it with nasty hurtful remarks Luther , the endless anonymous’s and other losers seem to get a cheap thrill out of hurting people’s feelings. How do you look at yourself in the mirror. Contrary to one’s belief Sonya and Juliet do not just brush this off as sheer nonsense. A person can only take so much before they break down internally and externally. Shame Shame Shame on you. May you have endless nightmares of pain and torture for the rest of your life .

  7. Anonymous said

    February 22, 2007 @ 1:59 am

    Rhonda always seems to keep things in perspective. She appears unbiased for the most part and doesn’t dance around an issue while getting her point accross in a professional manner.

    Rhonda I always enjoy reading your posts.


  8. Rhonda Evans said

    February 22, 2007 @ 10:37 am

    Thank you Vac. You could recite those very words to your own reflection in the mirror and it would be most appropriate. I have much, much respect for you, based on your actions and the way you come across in your posts.

    Mark I’m a pretty good judge of character, if I may say so myself, even if when it does only involve the written word. As such, I consider you to be a no nonsensical, straight-shooting guy, who is respectful of others, You simply want reciprocal treatment in return–no more, no less.

    You are very secure about yourself; you have no identity problems. You try to treat all others as adults until they prove they are otherwise. You don’t take a bunch of s*** either, and I respect that. Folks always know where they stand with you Mark.

    That’s the way you seem in my eyes anyway. Good on you and keep up the top notch eating performances! You are one of the best eaters in the world, period, and I enjoy reading about you.

  9. Rhonda Evans said

    February 22, 2007 @ 10:47 am

    Ida your comments are indicative of my own feelings. (By the way, you seem like a very nice, sweet, kind-hearted human being.) Sometimes words DO hurt more than sticks and stones, regardless of the old cliche’.

    But my philosophy is that once the Luthers, Anonymouses, etc open up that door, they deserve what gets verbally fired back at them. I should turn the other cheek, I know, but like the line from the old Tareyton cigarette commercials, “I’d rather fight than switch.”

  10. anonymous said

    February 22, 2007 @ 1:04 pm

    Mark Lyle is the man. Challengers should come to him now, not the other way around

  11. Anonymous said

    February 22, 2007 @ 6:00 pm

    Vac is perhaps the greatest eater in the world today. He should be on the cover of sports illustrated.

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