You didnt even bother listening to the shows you little midget ass, You just want to be a hater Go back to installing hearing aids. First off they ripped off Seiken and they used the same category sports and recreation. second they sound gay and third its boring By the 4th show they will get bored with it and that will be the end Nuff said
Seiken basically begged to be on their show, hopefully these guys realize he is not the type of person they want on their podcast. With how well this podcast is produced they should only go after the big names like Joey, badlands, eater x, and Sonya. Why waste time with someone who is gonn bitch about Dave and Allen for an hour and fabricate his past eating results.
Anonymous said
June 23, 2014 @ 12:06 pm
better than seiken
anonymous said
June 23, 2014 @ 12:31 pm
You didnt even bother listening to the shows you little midget ass, You just want to be a hater Go back to installing hearing aids. First off they ripped off Seiken and they used the same category sports and recreation. second they sound gay and third its boring By the 4th show they will get bored with it and that will be the end Nuff said
Anonymous said
June 23, 2014 @ 10:29 pm
Nice try Brian
beautifulbrian said
June 24, 2014 @ 9:41 am
I enjoy their podcasts. They are more like fans of the sport than anything else. I look forward to more of their work
Anonymous said
June 28, 2014 @ 1:29 pm
Seiken basically begged to be on their show, hopefully these guys realize he is not the type of person they want on their podcast. With how well this podcast is produced they should only go after the big names like Joey, badlands, eater x, and Sonya. Why waste time with someone who is gonn bitch about Dave and Allen for an hour and fabricate his past eating results.