Will Millender reports that a team consisting of "Furious" Pete Czerwinski, Jon Squibb and Dave Brunelli won $2,500 at a wing eating contest for three person teams at the New Jersey State Barbecue Championship in Wildwood, NJ today.


  1. papagorgio said (Registered December 30, 2008)

    July 9, 2011 @ 6:08 pm

    He would be correct

  2. Holy Dream Team said

    July 9, 2011 @ 8:25 pm

    That’s nuts! Wish I could have seen it. Vids?

  3. Mr Nice perks said

    July 9, 2011 @ 8:46 pm

    What a hell of a team!! All these dudes can eat like animals! Best independent team ever assembled..

  4. Papagorgio said

    July 9, 2011 @ 8:57 pm

    would like to add it was a very close today came down to the last eaters from their team and mine.

  5. Papagorgio said

    July 9, 2011 @ 10:42 pm

    The 2x repeating champs never even made it to there to third eater

  6. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    July 10, 2011 @ 12:03 am

    This was def one of the most frustrating contests I’ve been in.
    Joel selected a dude that’s not really on the circuit and he had an epic fail.
    When I finally sat down, I had one of my quickest wing eats ever. We would have 3peated with someone else.
    I, for one, will have revenge next year 😛

  7. anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 12:20 am

    I don’t believe in teams. You have to hope that you’re team mate doesn’t screw up ans obviously he did

  8. Unfair said

    July 10, 2011 @ 12:44 am

    The three guys that won could beat any other threesome on the planet!!!

  9. anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 8:54 am

    Did anybody even come close?

  10. Anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 10:17 am

    Dream team.

  11. Anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 11:03 am

    Was there any other competition and did anybody challenge this great team?

  12. papagorgio said (Registered December 30, 2008)

    July 10, 2011 @ 11:47 am

    I agree with unfair. Going into the event that was the team we were most of concern with. Our third team member was on there level but just didnt deliver.

  13. Anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 12:35 pm

    What are you talking about Papagorgio? What is this team you are referring to and which supposedly great eater didn’t deliver?

  14. Anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 3:51 pm

    Team Blank!!!!!

  15. papagorgio said (Registered December 30, 2008)

    July 10, 2011 @ 3:57 pm

    There was 7 teams who competed. Since there was only a prize for 1st place the competition is over when the once a team finishes. The team that won consisted of Squibb, Tiger Wings and Furious Pete. My team consisted of me Papagorgio, US Male and El Wingador. Yes thee El Wingador 5 time Wing Bowl Champ. Since this was a 3 person relay race were each eater has to eat 25 wings and have a clear mouth (cant have have any wings meat or chewing in the mouth) before the next team member goes. I ate against Squibb and I ate all of my wings before Squibb but i had some trouble clearing my mouth. Squibb cleared his mouth about 2 seconds before me. The next two eater were Tiger Wings and US Male. US Male was able to get those few second i was behind of squibb and get a small lead on Tiger Wings. So it came down to Furious Pete and El Wingador. Furious Pete absolutely demolished his wings. El Wingador just did not do well. I was the one who organized my team. I knew that my team or Squibbs team were going to win. I wish i could of said that it was my fault for my teams lost being that i am the least experienced out of all of the eaters above. Ask any of the eater participating I was a machine. You would think that El Wingador would crush 25 wings but was not the case. I dont know and may never know why El Wingador was so bad. When Pete finished El Wingador still had around 8 wings left. So going into the last leg it was on the shoulders of Pete and Wingador.

    Now there where alot of good eaters participating. The 2x repeating champion team was Joel “The Cannon” Podelsky, Will “The Champ” Millender and Unknown eater. Last Year there 3rd eater was Gentleman Joe Menchetti. The only other team worth mentioning consisted of 3 Local Wing Bowl Eaters. John “Freak of Nature” Harker, Kenso Kevin, and Quasi. Out of those 2 teams there 3rd eater never even had a chance to eat. It was only my team and Squibbs team who got to there 3rd eater.

  16. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    July 10, 2011 @ 6:22 pm

    The unknown eater is Mark Reigelsberger. He was outstanding when i’ve gone against him in the past.

    As I understand it, he’s had some health issues, that apparently sapped his eating prowess.

    W/out me, Joel wanted to go for the Hr instead of a known, steady quantity.

    That bit hit in the arse, but I certainly understand the gamble.

    I stayed very close to home & won tickets w/a retail value over half of the total win of this contest for eating 10 hotdogs, in the rare contest that Oj didn’t find. (He/she isn’t perfect)

  17. anonymous said

    July 10, 2011 @ 6:35 pm

    Joel Podelsky is a good eater?

  18. Oh My God! said

    July 11, 2011 @ 11:54 am

    That’s the trifecta!! People actually thought they could beat this team? What the hell were they thinking? I wouldn’t come near a table where these three were working as one. I’d say good job guys, but I expect nothing other than a win for u team blank.

  19. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    July 11, 2011 @ 12:27 pm

    Joel is a great eater…in a short wing eating contest.

  20. What the ? said

    July 12, 2011 @ 10:19 am

    Team Blank? Whats that about? Ppl thought they could beat them guys? No freakin way!

  21. anonu said

    February 21, 2012 @ 9:05 pm

    How would lord of the wings. Broken wing and scuillo from Pittsburgh do

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