"Furious" Pete Czerwinski's facebook reports that his videos have received over one million views combined.
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anonymous said
February 21, 2010 @ 10:14 pm
You have to hand it to Furious Pete he works out to the point where his body is chiseled . Ther is hardly any body fat whatsoever. I doubt he has any . When he takes off his shirt all you can see are ripped abs when other eaters have a sorry ass gutt that hangs out which prevents them from viewing the penis . Some of you should take more pride in your appearance and physique .Pete is a role model for those that have bodies that look like shit with flab stretch marks and celluloid. Same as letting your house rot away after a number of years. Pete, words cannot express how amazing you are. Your passion for eating is second to none. I know you enjoy your food no matter what the people might say. Negative remarks are voiced by the jealous and only the jealous. Where can you find a human being on this planet that eats a big delcious meal every few hours without a care in the world. Watch carbs, watch the sugar, watch this watch that. Screw it all you only live once . EAT EAT EAT UNTIL YOU DROP is my motto
Mega Munch said
February 22, 2010 @ 9:34 am
Looks like a big Furious Pete fan at 1014. He really likes Pete’s ripped abs, which don’t obstruct the view of Pete’s penis.