Gal Sone gets an ultrasound examination

In a youtube video, Natsuko “Gal” Sone eats a mountain of curry and 75 pudding cups (after aiming for 100), then gets an ultrasound examination with a full stomach.

Comments (11)



    November 12, 2006 @ 8:57 am

    Give some of these eaters a few years because the way they are going their entire abdominal wall will be torn and they will feel like someone inserted a 100 lb barbell in their stomach. Its not a good feeling and can lead to serious problems

  2. Rhonda Evans said

    November 13, 2006 @ 10:42 am

    I think you’re right NBTT. I’m a BIG fan of “Competitive” Eating, but there seems to be no purpose, no rhyme or reason” to what Gal Sone is doing. Is she that starved (no pun intended) for attention? This is like a form of self mutilation or self destruction. The risk clearly outweighs the reward. I want to say that if she really wants to eat competitively, let her eat with the best there is, who’s a fellow countryman. But she doesn’t want to be embarrassed, nor would Koby waste his time. Why would Tiger Woods want to “compete” against an amateur version of Michelle Wei?

  3. Liz said

    November 13, 2006 @ 1:58 pm

    In for a penny, in for a pound, Rhonda. No use drawing distinctions at this point in the game.

  4. Rhonda Evans said

    November 13, 2006 @ 3:37 pm

    Liz, what’s this penny and pound gibberish? You’ve lost me. Or should we say yen and kilo?

  5. Mega Munch said

    November 13, 2006 @ 5:31 pm

    I watched the video (kinda sorta). Did they even show the image from the ultra sound or was it just her lying there giggling as always?

  6. Dr. Roberts said

    November 14, 2006 @ 2:42 am

    Rhonda she is 20 yrs old and can get away with what she does . The lining of her abdomen is like the interior of a brand new car same can be said for Chestnut and a few others. As time goes by the lining starts to tear which leads to ruptured or distended appendix or abdomen. It can lead to sure death as time goes on

  7. Rhonda Evans said

    November 14, 2006 @ 11:01 am

    Thanks Doc. Live for today. Tomorrow’s only a figment of one’s imagination. Deep down I don’t blame her. I hope she doubles her current capacity.

  8. Mega Munch said

    November 14, 2006 @ 5:22 pm

    Capacity, capschmacity (?). The quesion is does she have the technique and speed to hang in 10 minute contest against some of our top eaters?

  9. Anonymous said

    November 18, 2006 @ 10:05 pm

    “Liz, what’s this penny and pound gibberish? You’ve lost me. Or should we say yen and kilo?”

    Pound here is the British currency. In for a penny, in for a pound is an old expression that means that if you are going to do something, then you might as well go all the way.,+in+for+a+pound.html

  10. Brass said

    December 5, 2006 @ 2:50 pm

    When she gets the examination, her tummy looks ordninarily slim. I wonder where did she put all that meal? Unless she’s absolutely empty inside herself, there should have appeared quite a bulge to accomodate it all 🙂
    It’s not that I don’t believe the video, but even much smaller amounts of food result in distended bellies, so what about this huge amount?

  11. Clive said

    November 5, 2010 @ 7:35 pm

    Does anyone happen to have the above mentioned video in question. Whoever uploaded this video has deleted their account at some point between when it was uploaded and now.



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