Gal Sone video – 0.2 view per calorie

The youtube video of Natsuko “Gal” Sone eating 40K calories has been viewed over 200,000 times. A lot of cable television programs do not have 200,000 viewers. (The Gluttonous Queens video, which has been available for three months, has only been viewed about 10,000 times) I am curious whether the majority of the viewers are coming from Japan or the US. Hopefully “Gal” Sone’s popularity will result in her competing with American eaters in the not too distant future.

Comments (12)


  1. Kobayashi #1 said

    July 20, 2006 @ 12:35 am

    That is truly amazing. 40,000 calories?!

  2. Looking Cockeyed said

    July 20, 2006 @ 11:09 am

    If Joey’s not in the video it won’t be worth watching.

  3. Yo Mama said

    July 20, 2006 @ 11:16 am

    It’s not worth watching. 40K my ass.

  4. Gal #1 said

    July 20, 2006 @ 12:15 pm

    You go Gal

  5. John Doe said

    July 20, 2006 @ 12:26 pm

    Looking Cockeyed

    This is a response to your post. That is very rude of you to say. Everyone deserves a fair share of attention. I bet you couldn’t contain 40,000 calories in one day without dying which I hope happens to you. Go die now.

  6. Kobayashi #1 said

    July 20, 2006 @ 1:55 pm

    It’s really good.

  7. liz said

    July 20, 2006 @ 2:04 pm

    I pretty much love this video. But if others watched it like I did–several times–then 200,000 probably doesn’t represent the number of actual viewers. But it’s a big number anyway.

    Also, a friend translated some of it for me: that first thing is a sweet rice and bean dessert and she does come back to finish the ice cream on a different day.

  8. Britney Spears said

    July 20, 2006 @ 9:20 pm

    She’s cute. I mean her personality.

  9. Britney Spears said

    July 20, 2006 @ 9:23 pm

    By the way everyone. I am Britney Spears. Yes. I am real. I am feeding Sean some Pediacare milk right now and I am officially quitting Kabbalah. Yes. I am sticking to my Catholic tradition. I am considering to turn to competitive eating as my new career since I started to crave food more than usual.

  10. The Giant #1 said

    July 20, 2006 @ 10:18 pm

    That is truly amazing. 200,000 views….wow. I hope that she can come to the United States sometime and compete in our contests. She would be a very dangerous contender.

  11. 2FAT4U said

    July 21, 2006 @ 12:40 pm

    She’s pretty, but at some points she looks like a demon. No offense to her or demons. Anyway, that is very impressive. Albeit, it is not speed eating. If she were to come here and join our CE contests she would be crushed. Yes, she has capacity, but the speed is not good enough. If there were to be a battle between Sonya and Gal Sone, Sonya would so totally win. Sonya has speed and capacity. Her speed may not be the best, but it is good enough to be in our CE contests. Also, Gal Sone finished the ice cream on another day. She could’ve puked or pooed the other food before finishing the ice cream. I would also like to see an unedited tape of her eating. I know it would be dreadfully long to watch but it is worth the wait and I am a patient person.

  12. Ben Dover said

    July 21, 2006 @ 1:00 pm

    I showed the video to my new blushing bride and iterated that I wish she could adopt “The Gal’s method of swallowing in every room in the house, starting with the bedroom. I awakened on the floor the next morning with a bloody toaster by my aching head and haven’t seen her since. It’s now been a week.

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