Halloween freaky food contests w/ $500 prizes
Dick’s Last Resort will be holding a Freaky Food Eating Contest on Halloween. Wearing costumes is required to compete. The contest appears on the event calendars for the Boston, San Antonio, Dallas, Chicago, San Diego and Myrtle Beach, SC locations. (It is not listed on the Las Vegas calendar.) The winner will receive $500 cash, while 2nd and 3rd place will win $200 and $100 gift cards.
The food items to be consumed at the San Antonio contest will be 4 dog biscuits, a hunk of bleu cheese, a pickled pig’s foot, a pickled egg, 10 sardines and a large glass of buttermilk.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
October 30, 2008 @ 2:13 pm
I used to eat pickled pigs feet when I was a wee lass. It still makes me salivate when I think about eating one.
Carey said
October 30, 2008 @ 3:41 pm
Rhonda, I didn’t know Seiken’s nickname was “pickled pig” but I guess it fits.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
October 30, 2008 @ 3:55 pm
Please don’t start Carey. 🙁
anonymous said
October 31, 2008 @ 9:17 am
I got a better one how bout “creepy carey” that really fits him!
anonymous said
October 31, 2008 @ 9:28 am
Nah it would be funnier spelling creepy with a K instead of C
November 1, 2008 @ 10:19 pm
Dale Boone wins Myrtle Beach ——- what a freakin man