IFOCE Cincinnati chili spaghetti contest Sept 1

(from Crawfish comment) A chili spaghetti eating contest will take place at Kings Island amusement park in Cincinnati on Labor Day, September 1. Registration will open on Friday August 15 at 1 pm eastern. Joey Chestnut is an expected entrant.

Comments (4)


  1. nic "TheIncredibleBulk" fry said

    August 15, 2008 @ 12:04 am

    now that is a lst minute announcement

  2. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    August 15, 2008 @ 7:06 am

    Suddenly there are ALOT of IFOCE contests! Thanks guys!

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    August 15, 2008 @ 8:19 am

    You know, I’m really glad to see that too Steak. Whatever impetus the Sheas used to elicit MLE interest, it’s working.

    I appreciate both entities, independent eaters and MLE and its eaters. But overall, my heart has always resided at 151 W. 25th St., NYC, and I love to see that organization and its eaters succeed in tandem. And that’s what seeems to be happening now.

    It makes me proud.

  4. Castellano said

    August 15, 2008 @ 10:50 am

    Chili Speghetti….as if Chili wasn’t tough enough… we are going to add the cumbersome carbohydrate that has made a messy scene out of many a youngster.

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