International Week on eatfeats
There is so little going on in United States competitive eating, I have decided to declare this “International Week” (which actually started last Friday afternoon). Unless major news breaks, all posts will be about non-US contests or eaters until this weekend.
Heinz Krautmeister said
December 17, 2007 @ 10:54 am
Yah, is good the attention we be getting this week. Wish our girls be in Japan, we make them strong like horse, they would sow oats beating up those girly-men eaters Blitzkrig sytle. Only problem with our Hinterland honeys, they also look like horses.
anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 1:55 pm
Way to go OJ. The shea’s think they are the david chase of competitive eating . They can push the button on contests anytime they please and take a nice long hiatus anytime they feel like it. If you never heard of david chase he is the producer of the sopranos that kept us hanging for two years waiting for new shows.
Waiting for Goodoats said
December 18, 2007 @ 1:07 am
Let’s hope that when MLE comes back in January,or whenever, it is as good as the Sopranos.