1 Joey Chestnut 79 in 8 minutes
2 Carmen Cincotti 68
3 Michelle Lesco 56
4 Adrian Mogan 53
5 Steve Hendry 37
6 Sergio Reyes 24
7 Cameron Birdwell 23
8 Henry Navarro 13
9 Jon Davis 12
10 The Man Called H 10
11 Tito Best 8
Chestnut or Stonie get the money always and who the fuck cares ? Only the pitiful dopes that finish in the middle of the pack grateful that they got a free meal and competed with the legends. Legends ? LMFAO Legends? LMFAO Legends of what?
anonymous said
August 21, 2016 @ 11:46 am
Chestnut or Stonie get the money always and who the fuck cares ? Only the pitiful dopes that finish in the middle of the pack grateful that they got a free meal and competed with the legends. Legends ? LMFAO Legends? LMFAO Legends of what?
Anonymous said
August 21, 2016 @ 5:40 pm
1146 you bozo you can’t use a term and then question your use of the term
Sup said
August 21, 2016 @ 6:09 pm
Carmen is so cute, by far the best looking competitive eater.
Locust said
August 22, 2016 @ 10:14 am
Tim left and Carmen came along and took his place without missing a single beat.