Kate Yup passes 1 million youtube subscribers

The Kate Yup youtube channel (started in March 2018) just passed one million subscribers despite releasing no new videos in over 14 months. If you consider her a European food challenger (she originally gave her location as France or Belgium), she is the first female in that category to reach that milestone.

The channel stars a woman wearing a mask and the top half of her head is never shown. She is recorded behind a table loaded with food (usually seafood) which she eats with her bare hands. There are no other people in Kate Yup’s videos and information is conveyed with on-screen graphics instead of talking. All videos are recorded indoors at an undisclosed location.

In 2019, speculation about Kate Yup’s channel took a negative turn, with theories circulating that she was being forced by kidnappers to make her videos. Kate addressed those allegations in an August 2019 video titled “I Am Alive”, which failed to dispel the rumors.

The most recent video Kate uploaded was on November 10, 2019, in which she continued with a seafood feast despite losing two teeth during her meal. Since that date there have been no videos or other social media posts from her.

I do not currently have any hard evidence about the Kate Yup situation, but I plan to do a series of posts curating the information I do possess to facilitate other people’s investigations.


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