OJ why dont you cut the bullshit and give Seiken credit . There is no way you can up with one of your’e sorry ass cop outs claiming you found that link through another source when you know damn well it was posted on bits and pieces several days ago
Great articles, looking forward to Part 3. It is really unfortunate that the Tamale Lady and her supporters and others who worked so hard to make this event happen are not able to continue receiving the credit they deserve and the participation they deserve.
give credit where its due said
August 24, 2011 @ 12:15 am
Oj let’s be real ok? You know you got this from seiiken bits and pieces
Stealing once again said
August 24, 2011 @ 1:57 am
OJ why dont you cut the bullshit and give Seiken credit . There is no way you can up with one of your’e sorry ass cop outs claiming you found that link through another source when you know damn well it was posted on bits and pieces several days ago
Anonymous said
August 24, 2011 @ 9:42 am
Great articles, looking forward to Part 3. It is really unfortunate that the Tamale Lady and her supporters and others who worked so hard to make this event happen are not able to continue receiving the credit they deserve and the participation they deserve.